Chapter 540

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"How do you know?" After Jing Haoran asked, he immediately understood, "Oh, I almost forgot. You are a doctor

"Jin Qian, does it really matter?" LAN Peilin still has some doubts, people all vomit like this, still say nothing. Really?

Looking at the nervous expression of the little wife, Mu Jinqian said with a light smile, "whether it's tight or not, ah Chen knows best."

Min Tongtong Is mu Jinqian's medical skill so superb that you only need to have a look to know that she is pregnant?

"What do you mean? Do you play riddles? " Jing Haoran looked at Bo Yanchen curiously, "ah Chen, do you know?"

Bo Yanchen glanced at him coldly and kept silent.

This attitude completely hooked up Jing Haoran's curiosity, "Yo ho! What do you two mean? What can't be said in front of me? Don't you think I'm a brother? "

Mu Jinqian looked at Bo Yanchen with a whole flaw, "ah Chen, I'll say that."

Bo Yanchen smiles but says nothing.

"Look, ah Chen didn't object. Jinqian, speak quickly! Speak quickly Jing Haoran starts to coax a way.

Mu Jinqian hooked his lips and said slowly, "ah Chen, you should share the good news with your brothers."

"Good news?" Jing Hao Ran Leng for a while, immediately smile, "Oh, you say is a Chen want to marry of affair son?"? Don't you know that yet? "

Mu Jinqian pick eyebrow: "Oh, that is double happiness."

"What double happiness?" Jing Haoran looks confused.

"The so-called double happiness naturally means getting married and having children." Bo Yanchen's explanation is simple and straightforward.

Jing Haoran was stunned for a long time. He gradually widened his eyes and looked at Bo Yanchen incredulously. Then he fixed his eyes on Min Tongtong, "sister-in-law, you Don't you have it? Is it true or not? "

LAN Peilin also looks at Min Tongtong in shock.

Oh, my God! 18 years pregnant?! It's something she can't accept as a high school teacher.

However, in front of this pair of beautiful men and women are so matched, so love, it seems that not together is the desecration of love.

"Jin Qian, are you sure?" LAN Peilin asked her husband in a low voice, hoping subconsciously that he was wrong.

"I'm a doctor!" Mu Jinqian simply answered four words.

LAN Peilin

"I'll go, ah Chen. Are you hiding too deep?" Jing Haoran clapped on Bo Yanchen's back excitedly, "I'm going to be a father. I don't even tell my brother about such a big happy event! Yes? Are you going to have fun on your own? Sister in law, isn't a Chen to let you say? "

Min Tong lowered her head in embarrassment, biting her lips.

When Bo Yanchen knew that she was pregnant, he wanted to tell the world. How could she not say it?

In fact, it was she who didn't let Bo Yanchen say it.

After all, I'm only 18 years old. I'm still a student. It seems that it's a bit too late to get pregnant before I get married

What's more, she just fell in love with Bo Yanchen for a few months

Originally, she wanted to hide from other people and make the pregnancy public after she got married.

I didn't expect to show myself today. Ah, this is a big embarrassment.

Just when she didn't know how to answer, Bo Yanchen opened her mouth calmly, "I didn't mean to hide it. Originally, I wanted to wait until three months to tell you."

"Che, do you still believe that?" Jing Haoran disdains to curl his lips. With that, he suddenly began to laugh, "I said, my sister-in-law is so healthy, how can she suddenly get sick? It turned out to be evil! Hey, ah Chen, you are very quick. They all went in front of Jinqian. "

In the face of Jing Haoran's teasing, Mu Jinqian was not angry. She turned to LAN Peilin and said, "Linlin, it seems that we need to refuel!"

LAN Peilin glared at him with shame and embarrassment. Then she said, "Miss min's pregnancy and vomiting should be the cause of this bowl of seafood porridge. Jin Qian, let's get out of here. "

"Good!" Mu Jinqian immediately beckoned for the waiter.

Without the taste of seafood porridge, min Tongtong feels that the whole person is much better and her breathing is much smoother.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. mu." For her sake, min Tongtong feels very guilty that he can't eat his favorite food.

"Miss min is serious." LAN Peilin said, "you are pregnant now, and you are the focus of protection. What does it matter if I eat less seafood porridge. If we had known about you, we would have ordered some light food today. "

"It's OK. I'm much better now." Min Tongtong said.

"But you can't eat all the time. The baby in the belly needs nutrition. " LAN Peilin looked at her husband, "Jin Qian, what medicine can relieve the symptoms of pregnancy and vomiting?"

"Yes. But the medicine is three times poisonous and is not recommended. " Mu Jinqian said, and took out a business card from the business card folder and handed it to Bo Yanchen, "this is one of the best obstetrics and Gynecology experts I know in n city."

Bo Yanchen looked, pick eyebrow, "isn't this the hospital that your elder sister opens?"

"Well." Mu Jinqian nodded, "if you don't think I'm selling business, you can take my sister-in-law to have a look."Bo Yanchen took the card, "thanks, brother."

Between meals, the three men were addicted to smoking. Because there were two women in the private room and one pregnant woman, they consciously went to the corridor to smoke.

Taking advantage of Jing Haoran to answer the phone, Bo Yanchen and Mu Jinqian chat about a small day.

Bo Yanchen: "how have you been with your sister-in-law recently? I feel something's going on. Did she remember you? "

"No Mu Jinqian hooked his lips, "it's just I don't have to be Liu Xiahui anymore. "

Bo Yanchen laughs, "did she follow you?"

"Well. Let it be. " There was a smile in Mu Jinqian's eyes.

"Congratulations. Finally, I don't have to live as an ascetic. " Bo Yanchen joked.

"Thank you. I'm out of trouble. But you have to be an ascetic for at least three months Mu Jinqian is not willing to show weakness in return.

"Three months passed quickly." Bo Yanchen said with a smile, "I wish you and your sister-in-law an early birth."

"Thank you. Oh, yes. When is the wedding going to take place? " Mu Jinqian asked, "Linlin and I can only stay here for three days at most. We have to go back on Friday anyway."

"We don't plan to hold the wedding for the time being. We will only hold a simple ceremony on the day of registration. The time is next Monday. " Bo Yanchen said, "maybe you can't participate. But it doesn't matter. In another two years, we will have a formal wedding in China. At that time, you and your sister-in-law will be invited

"Well, in two years, I'll be waiting for your wedding wine!" Mu Jinqian said with a smile.

"I know why ah Chen delayed her wedding so long two years later!" Jing Haoran finished the call and joined the chat team.

"What do you say?" Mu Jinqian asked with great interest.

"Because his family Tongtong was only 20 years old two years later, and just arrived at the legal marriage age in China. Boil... " Before Jing Haoran's voice fell, he was severely Attack!

However, no one thought that the original two-year agreement had been delayed for five years due to an accident. , the fastest update of the webnovel!