Chapter 541

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
A week later, Bo Yanchen and min Tongtong registered for marriage.

The wedding ceremony was very simple and low-key. Except for Jing Haoran, the witness, no relatives and friends were invited.

Min Tongtong felt very satisfied and happy.

It's probably what every girl looks forward to when she is in love with her first love and the man she loves most.

However, she turned her dream into reality.

After marriage, min Tongtong felt that her life had not changed much.

Bo Yanchen's company is gradually on the track. He becomes more and more busy. It's a common thing to work overtime at night. No matter how busy he is, he will go home to accompany his wife before 11 pm.

After the character of the run in period, two people's feelings are getting better and better, feel every day in a state of love.

Had it not been for a beautiful diamond ring on the ring finger of her left hand, she would not even have realized that she was married.

Unconsciously, a few months later, min Tongtong's stomach is getting bigger and bigger, and her body is getting heavier and heavier. Although the symptoms of pregnancy and vomiting are much slower than those in the early pregnancy, her appetite is much better, but when she smells seafood and other fishy things, she still can't help nausea and vomiting.

Thinking of the baby in her stomach, she didn't feel that all this hard work was suffering.

Women's and obstetrics hospitals in M country are allowed to test the child's gender, but she and Bo Yanchen are not sexist, and they don't deliberately ask about it. They only know when they are doing large-scale B-ultrasound, when they overhear the doctor talking about it She is pregnant with a boy.

With the baby growing up, she felt that she loved him more and more. Every movement of the baby made her ecstatic. She counted the days day by day, looking forward to the moment when she met her child.

Bo Yanchen is also looking forward to the birth of the child, but he and min Tongtong have different ideas. He loves his wife and wants her to end her long pregnancy.

Min Tongtong is a restless person. Even though she has a big stomach, she still insists on drawing the design drawings for an hour every day, and even the days of production inspection are never interrupted.

Every little makes a mickle, every little makes a mickle. During her whole pregnancy, she alone took up more than 30% of Red's design tasks, and all of them were excellent works.

The underwear designed by her was sold out almost as soon as it came into the market.

In order to buy the underwear designed by Min Tongtong in red brand, some customers do not hesitate to wait for days or even weeks.

It is worth mentioning that the outside world knows that there is a mysterious talented designer named min in red, but no one knows her identity, or even has never seen her face.

Although this is out of Bo Yanchen's selfish, do not want to expose his wife. On this point, min Tongtong's idea coincides with her husband's. At this stage, her whole heart is on the baby.

She was content to see how successful her design was.

As for the dream of becoming a great fashion designer, it's not too late to realize it in a few years.

In a short period of more than half a year, red has risen rapidly, from an unknown little rookie company to a rising star of hope in the clothing industry of n city.

Of course, in addition to Bo Yanchen's scientific and effective management, min Tongtong is also indispensable.

There are half of you and half of me in the so-called military medal.

Just one thing, let min Tongtong feel very uneasy.

That's grandma in the west city.

Every time I call my grandmother, she always says that everything is fine in M country.

Although it's true, she doesn't know about her marriage, pregnancy and suspension of school, even about Bo Yanchen.

It's not min Tongtong's malicious deception, but All this happened so suddenly that she didn't know how to explain it to her grandmother one by one.

Grandma is old. When she knows the truth, she doesn't know how she will react.

She was afraid to scare her grandmother, and even more afraid that she would resolutely oppose it.

After all, she was only eighteen.

At this age, there's no problem in falling in love, but it's too early to get married and have children.

But she really loves Bo Yanchen too much, reluctant to part with him.

So I kept it from Grandma.

She discussed with Bo Yanchen, and then went back to see her grandmother after she had a baby.

Grandma likes children. When she sees her grandson, she may accept Bo Yanchen as her grandson's son-in-law.

On this point, Bo Yanchen did not raise any objection and expressed full respect for min Tongtong's decision.

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, it's half a month before the due date.

Min Tongtong's body has sunk, even the stairs can't walk alone, Bo Yanchen don't worry, let her in advance, just in case.

But the little girl is stubborn, she doesn't agree. Said that the hospital's disinfectant taste too choking, will aggravate her symptoms of pregnancy and vomiting.

This seems to be a good reason. Bo Yanchen had no choice but to take care of her at home during the day.That morning, she was lying on the sofa reading fashion magazines for inspiration. The mobile phone suddenly rings. It's a caller ID, a strange mobile phone number in the city.

She picked up the phone.

"Hello..." There was a man's voice on the phone.

"Hello. Who is calling, please

After a pause, the person on the phone said, "Hello, madam. I'm Li Yang. "

Li Yang was Bo Yanchen's assistant when the company was founded. Min Tongtong met him several times. The young man just graduated from university. He didn't speak much. He was very capable.

It's hard for him not to be as bookish as he was when he was just out of school, but to be more stable than he was.

This is also the main reason why Bo Yanchen chose him among dozens of candidates.

Facts have proved that Bo Yanchen's eyes are very vicious.

In a short period of one year, liyangjin company has become a capable assistant.

Sometimes, in addition to completing the tasks assigned by Bo Yanchen, he also puts forward some feasible suggestions.

Min Tongtong in the meal, once heard Bo Yanchen mentioned several times. He seldom praises people. Therefore, min Tongtong was very impressed.

Bo Yanchen has a clear distinction between public and private. She doesn't like to let her assistant help with housework. Therefore, min Tongtong and Li Yang are not familiar with each other, and they even failed to make a phone call.

He calls suddenly to come over, Min Tong Tong feels a bit strange, is Bo Yanchen order?

"Oh, it's assistant Li. Is there anything the chairman wants you to tell me?"

"No It's not the chairman who asked me to call. " Li Yang hesitated, "yes I have something to ask for my wife

"Oh?" Min Tongtong is a little surprised, "what can I do for you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!