Chapter 548

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
As soon as Qin Shaoqian left, min Tongtong was pushed forward by the crowd coming up behind him.

She clung to the handrail of the stairs and wanted to wait for Qin Shaoqian to come back, but the impact of the crowd was too strong. Soon, she was forced from the first floor to the second floor.

Even though she was wearing a mask, she could smell more and more strong smoke, which made her cough violently. There were several weak mothers who had just given birth. They had fainted and lay askew on the ground.

It seems that the fire is out of control. The fear of death envelops all people.

There was a loud bang. I don't know who broke the window.

This is the second floor. If you jump down, you will not be in danger. If you are trapped in the building, you will die.

Desperate people seem to see the hope of life, began to stir up, everyone crowded to the window, the scene was very chaotic.

A tall man took the lead to climb up the windowsill and jump.

After landing, he was unhurt. He raised his head and yelled at the second floor window, "hello I'm all right. You should jump down, too! "

So, people began to push me, scrambling to climb up the window and jump down.

Min Tongtong recovered from a serious illness and was very weak. She was pushed to the end of the crowd.

In fact, she didn't want to escape alone. She had to wait for her baby to find her and then leave together.

Just then, she saw Qin Shaoqian running back.

Min Tongtong excitedly welcome up, but see him empty handed.

For a moment, her pupil suddenly a se, "baby?"

"Tong Tong, sorry, cough..." Qin Shaoqian said while coughing violently. Obviously, he choked a lot of smoke this time. "The smoke in the corridor is too big for me to pass! Cough... "

Min Tongtong's heart suddenly sank to the bottom, "no My child... " She screamed bitterly and suddenly fell to the ground.


min Tongtong had a terrible dream.

I dream that I am in the same room with my baby. The mother and son are surrounded by a raging fire, and there is no place to escape.

In the light of the fire, she suddenly saw Bo Yanchen standing outside the door.

She called his name hard and called for help, but he looked at her as if he didn't hear her.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and the crying of the child in his arms is getting weaker and weaker.

Misty smoke, she vaguely saw a woman standing beside Bo Yanchen, affectionately holding his arm, as if to pull him away.

Min Tongtong wiped her eyes and saw that the woman was Susan.

She wanted to stop them, only to find that there was no sound in her throat.

Finally, the fire burned to her, devouring her and her baby.

"Ah!" Min Tongtong screams, suddenly wakes up and finds herself lying in a ward.

The furnishings in the ward are very strange, obviously not the previous VIP ward.

She wanted to sit up, only to find that she was too sore to move, especially when she had a sore throat and was about to smoke.

Knowing the pain means you're not dead.

She's still alive. But what about her children? Where is it?

Min Tong Tong also didn't want to guess, directly pressed the call button at the head of the bed.

The nurse soon pushed the door in.

"What can I do for you, madam?"

"How long have I fainted?" As soon as min Tongtong opened her mouth, she found that her voice was completely hoarse.

"Oh, almost a day."

One day!! Min Tongtong heart clapped Deng for a while, "who sent me?"

"It's a gentleman."

"What about the others?"

"Oh, he seems to be out shopping. It should be back soon. "

As soon as the nurse's voice fell, the door of the ward was pushed open.

Qin Shaoqian came in.

"Oh, this gentleman sent you here." Said the nurse.

Min Tongtong frowned, "it's you!"

"Tongtong, you wake up at last!"

"Since you all know each other. Then I won't disturb you. " With that, the nurse went out.

"Tong Tong, you have been in a coma for a day and a night. In the meantime, I had a fever and nightmares, which scared me Qin Shaoqian said, "how do you feel now? Are you better? "

Min Tongtong has no time to answer his question: "Qin Shaoqian, where is my child?"

Qin Shaoqian's expression froze, "that Tong Tong, why are you hoarse? I'll get you a glass of water! "

"I'm not thirsty! You answer my question quickly. What about the children? " Min Tongtong stares at Qin Shaoqian's eyes tightly, waiting for his answer.

Knowing that he could not escape, Qin Shaoqian sighed for a long time, "Tongtong, child The child may be gone... "

"You What did you say? " Min Tongtong asked in a trembling voice, "what does it mean that you may not be here?""Tongtong, listen to me!" Qin Shaoqian squatted beside her bed, held her hand and said, "the fire happened in the middle of the night. The hospital was full of pregnant women, mothers and newborns with mobility difficulties, so the casualties were heavy. Police are now confirming the identity of the dead. Just now, I went to inquire about it. In the published list of the dead There's your paramedic. She was burned beyond recognition, but because the badge she was wearing was made of special material, it was not burned. But the baby in her arms is... "

Min Tongtong suddenly felt the sky whirling. The child is really dead!

Why is God so cruel? Let's just be a mother and son for a week.

Bo Yanchen has no news, and her child is gone. Her only hope in the world is gone. What's the meaning of living?

Min Tongtong suddenly got up and got out of bed, picked up the fruit knife on the table and stabbed her heart.

Qin Shaoqian quickly grabbed her hand, "Tong Tong, are you crazy?"

"Yes, I'm crazy!" Min Tongtong struggled, "the baby is dead, I don't want to live! I'm going down with him

"Tong Tong, calm down!" Bo Yanchen drags min Tongtong's hand to death, "you should be glad that you are still alive, the child is gone, you can regenerate in the future. Are you still so young and worried about having no children in the future? "

"What do you know? The child is a piece of meat falling from me. Do you think it hurts? " Min Tongtong's Scarlet eyes glared at him, and his eyes seemed to ask him to be late. "The child is not yours, of course you don't care!"

"Who says I don't care?" Qin Shaoqian's eyes were red. "Although the child is not my flesh and blood, when he was carried out of the delivery room, the first person he saw was me. The child died, I also very heartache! But you can't come back from death. You have to be rational! "

"Reason!? How do you make me rational? " Min Tongtong's hoarse voice roared at him, "Qin Shaoqian, why do you want to save me? Let me die with my child, it's over! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!