Chapter 549

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Min Tongtong, taking advantage of Qin Shaoqian's stupefaction, breaks free from his hand, closes her eyes with a knife, and stabs straight at her heart.

Just a pop.

It's the stabbing sound of the blade.

However, it's strange that she didn't feel any pain.

Is the moment of death, even the pain will disappear?

She slowly opened her eyes. The scene in front of her made her scream and fall on the bed.

There is a sharp knife on the back of Qin Shaoqian's hand. The knife is so deep that it almost pierces his palm. The wound is bleeding and dripping on the light colored floor. It's shocking.

She couldn't believe that Qin Shaoqian would block the knife with his own hand.

However, what's more incredible is that Qin Shaoqian was so hurt that he didn't even say a word.

Does this person have no pain cells? Other people would have been crying for a long time.

If it wasn't for his pale face and twisted expression of pain, she didn't believe that he was the one who got the knife.

"Qin Shaoqian, are you sick? Why do you block my knife? " Min Tong Tong asked for a while.

"I can't watch you die!" Qin Shaoqian endured the severe pain and said, "I managed to save you from the gate of hell. If you die, won't my blood be offered in vain?"

Min Tongtong speechless ground white he one eye: "I call a doctor!"

"Don't hurry, I can't die!" Qin Shaoqian's voice with full forbearance, "you promise me not to commit suicide, I went to see a doctor."

"Madman!" Mintongtong low curse a, can think of his injury is she prick, and some feel sorry, "well, I promise you! Not for the time being. "

"For the time being? No, you must promise me that you will not commit suicide again Qin Shaoqian said.

"Qin Shaoqian, are you sick?" Min Tongtong gas straight stamp feet, she most hate to be threatened, "you see a doctor or not, whatever. It's worth the blood! I don't care about you

Qin Shaoqian heard min Tongtong say so, not only not angry, but showed a happy smile.

He understood that if min Tongtong could say such words, he would not commit suicide for a while, "Tongtong, you have to live well. Didn't you say that Bo Yanchen still owes you an explanation? If you die, who will he explain to when he comes back? "

Min Tongtong was stunned. Qin Shaoqian's words reminded her.

She can't die, she wants to wait for Bo Yanchen to come back to explain!

"Good! I promise you not to commit suicide! " Min Tongtong said, "can we call a doctor now?"

"Well." Qin Shaoqian nodded.

Although min Tongtong was rescued from the fire by Qin Shaoqian, she needed to be hospitalized for a week due to a large amount of smoke in her lungs.

In the days after that, min Tongtong did not commit suicide again. But he became silent and did nothing but look at the ceiling every day. I don't even eat much. It's no use persuading anyone.

The child is not around, the milk is strong, min Tongtong got mastitis, a high fever, the whole person is weak like leaves in the wind, a tottering look.

The doctor told Qin Shaoqian that she might have postpartum depression.

Fearing that her illness would recur, Qin Shaoqian had no choice but to send someone to take Xia Shufen, who was far away from Xicheng, to the state of M.

The sudden appearance of relatives surprised min Tongtong.

The grandparents and grandchildren wept bitterly.

Min Tongtong will be more than days of grievances, pain, grief and indignation all to grandma out.

Originally, Qin Shaoqian had already said something on the phone. Now min Tongtong confirmed that Xia Shufen immediately decided to take her baby granddaughter home.

Min Tong Tong does not agree, must wait for Bo Yanchen to come back.

Xia Shufen persuades not to move, has to stay in M country to accompany her temporarily.

With the company of relatives, min Tongtong's heart has been greatly comforted, and her mood has temporarily stabilized.

But the next day, Qin Shaoqian brought a surprising news.

Bo Yanchen is getting married.

When the gilded wedding invitation is handed to min Tongtong, her heart is extremely broken.

Looking at the sweet wedding photos of Bo Yanchen and Susan on the invitation, she felt that her whole world had collapsed.

"This It's not true Min Tongtong shaking hands holding the invitation, like carrying a thousand gold brand iron, "Chen and I have married, we have a marriage certificate!"

"This does not affect the legal effect of his and Susan's marriage abroad." Qin Shaoqian said.

"But How could he not even say hello? " Min Tong asked.

"Maybe I don't have the face to tell you." Qin Shaoqian said, "I heard their wedding decision was very sudden. It seems that Susan's godfather is one of the leaders of the organizers of Paris fashion week. Maybe they have reached some agreement in private. "

"You mean Is ah Chen marrying Susan for profit? " Min Tong asked."Well It's hard to say. Maybe only the person concerned knows. " Qin Shaoqian said, "however, according to the photos taken last time, it does not rule out that they got married because of that kind of relationship."

Min Tongtong

"No matter what, Bo Yanchen is a beast!" Xia Shufen can't help but say, "look at our Tongtong young, we cheat her, cheat marriage and cheat color! Now I'm tired of playing. If I find a woman with a hard background, I'll kick my wife. Don't be such a scum

"I can't figure out why he wants to marry me? If it's just to cheat me, just to cheat me, why do you want to cheat me? " Min Tong does not understand the way.

"Tong Tong, are you still fantasizing about this scum man?" Qin Shaoqian said, "why does he want to marry you? You can't see such an obvious purpose? "

"What's the purpose?" Min Tong asked.

"You are a design genius. He needs to open the international market by your design. Only by tying you to your side with marriage can he always use you and design for him. Otherwise, once you switch to another company, the blow to red will be devastating. " Qin Shaoqian said firmly, "he's a businessman. It's too common for him to exchange benefits with his marriage."

Min Tongtong

"Shaoqian has a point." Xia Shufen agreed, "Tong Tong, wake up. Don't miss this villain any more. You didn't suffer enough for him? I almost lost my life

"Grandma!! Wuwuwu... " Min Tongtong can't help it any more. She falls into Xia Shufen's arms and cries bitterly.

"Don't cry, don't cry! With grandma, no one dares to bully you! " Xia Shufen patted min Tongtong's back and comforted him, "let's not stay in such a ghost place. Come back to the West with me tomorrow

"Mm-hmm..." Min Tongtong forced his head. She also wants to leave this sad place quickly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!