Chapter 555

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
So Li Xintong held the mood to try, dialed the red company in M country.

"Hello, I'd like to talk to Alice."

"Alice? Oh, she was transferred to a branch office as a manager two years ago Answer the phone.

Li Xintong was a little excited. Fortunately, Alice was still there. We should be able to get some information from her.

"Can you give me her cell phone number?" Asked Li Xintong.

"This..." The staff hesitated for a moment, "sorry, this lady, it's like this We can't give you the personal contact information of the company leaders. Well, I'll give you her office number

Li Xintong did not embarrass her: "OK. thank you. By the way, do you have a Li Yang here? "

"Li Yang? Never heard of it The name seems strange to the staff.

"When the company was founded five years ago, he was your chairman's assistant." Li Xintong explained.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I've only been here for one year. I don't know what happened before. Just a moment. I'll ask my old colleagues here. "

Li Xintong heard the voice of the staff putting down the phone and running away.

A few minutes later, the clattering of footsteps came back.

"Hello, this lady Check I got it! " The staff was out of breath. "The company used to have a man named Li Yang! But he He... "

Li Xintong couldn't stand the gasp of the staff, interrupted her, "what's the matter with Li Yang?"

"He He's dead. "

"What? Death? " Li Xintong thought about a hundred things about Li Yang, but he didn't expect that he should No more!!

"Well, yes." "He died in a car accident on a business trip to France five years ago," the staff said

Li Xintong:! "

Five years ago?! My God? That's not "Was it the time I went to Paris fashion week five years ago?"

"Probably. I didn't ask that in detail. " The staff member said, "I heard from my colleagues that our chairman was also in the car at the time of the accident. He was seriously injured and almost died..."

The next words of the staff, Li Xintong did not listen to a word, her brain buzzing.

No wonder Bo Yanchen lost contact. It turned out that there was an accident and he almost Dead!?

Since he had such a serious car accident, how could he cheat on Susan or even get married?

This is totally illogical!

Is it Qin Shaoqian who lied?

"Hello Are you listening, ma'am? "

"Thank you. Goodbye

After Li Xintong quickly hung up, she immediately called Alice's office.

"Hello. Hello Alice's familiar and strange voice came from the receiver.

Li Xintong squeezed the phone's hand and said, "Alice I I'm Tong Tong. "

"Tong Tong? Which one

"I'm min Tongtong."

There was silence on the other end of the line, and Alice said, "you liar! Goodbye

"Hello, Alice..." Li Xintong did not finish, the receiver came to the sound of doodle.

What's going on? Li Xintong looks confused.

Originally, I thought Alice would scream excitedly after receiving her call.

But this guy's reaction is too chilling.

They used to be very good friends, even if they were not girlfriends.

Five years no contact, even if forget her, also need not say she is a liar?

Li Xintong's anger came up, picked up the phone and dialed again.

As soon as the phone was picked up, before Alice could speak, Li Xintong said angrily, "Hello! Why do you call me a liar? "

"Why are you again?" Alice sneered, "Oh! I said, now the cheats are really more and more thick skinned! If it's exposed, you dare to call and ask for a crime. You're not a coward! Believe it or not? "

"Good! You call the police Li Xintong also raised his voice, "but before calling the police, you'd better make it clear to me, what did I cheat you?"

"What are you kidding me about?" Alice seemed to have heard some funny joke. "You said you were min Tongtong, didn't you?"

"Well. I am

"It's you ghost!" Alice swore, "I said, miss, you're too unprofessional. Before cheating, should we investigate the situation first? It's a big mistake, and you don't care. "

"What do you mean?" The more Li Xintong listened, the more confused she became.

"I mean Would you please find someone alive next time you impersonate? The real min Tongtong died five years ago. Do you want to cheat the corpse by using her name? In broad daylight, who are you scaring? I'm sick After that, Alice hung up the phone.Li Xintong held the disconnected telephone and recovered for a long time.

Min Tongtong died five years ago?

Who is so vicious to make such a rumor?

She was really in a hurry to return home, but it was also to escape the people in black who chased her!

Why? By the way, man in black!

Is it for those people in black to go back to work that they spread such rumors?

That's impossible!

As the saying goes, live to see people, die to see the body.

Mr. Bo is so smart that he can't believe his subordinates' words without solid evidence.

Li Xintong doesn't want to waste her brain guessing. She dials Alice again.

"Hello, Alice..."

"Lying trough!" Alice couldn't bear to say a dirty word. "You're a liar. I'll tell you if you're sick! If you dare call again, I'll call the police right away! "

"Alice, listen to me. I'm not a liar. I'm really min Tongtong. I can prove it Li Xintong said.

"Proof?" Alice was almost laughed. It was the first time she saw such a persistent liar. She was not only stubborn, but also had no brain. "Well, tell me about it. How can you prove it?"

"I can video with you."

"Video?" Alice said with a smile, "you can say that, either it's plastic surgery, or it looks very similar to min Tongtong."

"You can ask questions about some secrets between you and min Tongtong. If I knew, wouldn't that prove it? " Li Xintong said.

Alice thought it was feasible, so she thought about it and asked, "do you know how min Tongtong and I met?"

"That was five years ago, I went to m country for a tour and came to the clothing store where you worked. I want to apply for a job, but the boss is not here, so I will stay to help you. Later, you strongly recommended me to the boss. Then we became colleagues. " Li Xintong tells us that her mind is like a movie, recalling those beautiful scenes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!