Chapter 556

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Alice thought a little, but she still didn't believe it. She continued to ask, "do you know who bought the bill when min Tongtong and I went out for dinner for the first time?"

"I bought it, of course." Li Xintong said, "every time a friend goes out with me, as long as I have money in my pocket, when do I let someone else buy the bill? I have a nickname Pay the bill, sister. It seems that you took it. "

Alice: --

"I also know that you like to eat my dumplings filled with leeks most, and I also say that this is not comparable to any delicious food in M country. Is that right? " Li Xintong said, "if you don't believe it, I can give it to you by hand. You can tell the truth as soon as you taste it. "

"You Are you really min Tongtong In Alice's trembling voice, with deep fear, "this How is that possible? Are you Not dead? "

"When did I die? I'm living well. " Li Xintong is a little sad. She is cruel in her heart. If you let her know which bastard makes this kind of rumor behind her back, he must be good-looking! "I'd like to ask you, why do you insist that I'm dead?"

"Five years ago, a huge fire broke out in LAN hospital. Your name is on the list of victims released by the police." Said Alice.

Li Xintong was shocked. No wonder Alice said she was a liar. It turned out that she thought she was buried in the fire.

Ha ha! How ridiculous!

After a while, Li Xintong suddenly laughed, "do the police in M country eat dry food? As the saying goes, live to see a person, die to see a corpse, they didn't even find my corpse, why say I'm dead? "

"It's because your body was found that the police announced it!" Alice said, feeling uncomfortable everywhere. Tell a living person about her body. I'll go. It's scary in broad daylight.

"They found my body? Oh! Isn't that the devil? " Li Xintong was almost angry.

But Alice couldn't laugh. "In that fire, some of the bodies of the victims were burned so badly that they couldn't recognize their faces. As a result, the police had to contact the family of the missing person to claim it. Bo Shao immediately recognized that one of the female corpses was wearing your wedding ring on her left ring finger. "

Li Xintong was completely stunned. Originally Bo Yanchen thought she was dead, so he didn't come to her. But later, how did he know she was still alive?

And the ring.

She remembers that when she escaped from the fire, she found her wedding ring missing. For this reason, she was distressed for a long time.

Later I thought it was Providence. God took away the ring to make her forget Bo Yanchen.

But she couldn't figure out how the ring, which she had never taken off, could run to other people's hands?

Isn't that too evil?

Was it accidentally dropped and picked up? But after the fire, everyone is too busy to escape. Who will pick up the ring on the ground? That's unreasonable!

"Even if that person is wearing my ring, it doesn't necessarily prove to be me!" Li Xintong said.

"At first Bo Shao didn't believe it was you! But after identification, the female corpse is about the same age as you, and has just given birth, so... " Alice was so excited that she couldn't go on.

Li Xintong

Is there such a coincidence in the world? Or is it artificial?

"Tongtong, what was the situation then? Since you are still alive, why don't you contact us? Do you know that at the moment when the corpse is determined to be you, Bo Shao seems to be crazy. If the police next to him didn't hold him, he would probably choose to go with you. "

Li Xintong can imagine the tragic scene at that time. If it had been for her, she would have collapsed when she knew the news of the death of her loved one. Just like the moment when she knew her child was burned to death.

By the way, kid!

As soon as Li Xintong wanted to ask, she heard Alice say, "my wife died, and the child's whereabouts are unknown. For a long time after that, Bo Shao was completely decadent. He drank all day and didn't even eat. The car accident in Paris nearly killed him. The body has not fully recovered, where can bear such a toss. In a week, I went to the hospital several times.

The situation of the company is even worse. Li Yang died, Bo Shao did not come to work, the company's performance fell very quickly. Just when we thought that the company was going to close down, Bo Shao suddenly came back like a man who had nothing to do. He returned to the state of workaholic and even worked harder than in the past. We all thought that he was stimulated, but later we found out that it was because... "

"Because of what?" Li Xintong looks forward to Alice's next turning point.

"Because Bo Shao has found his own son." Alice said, "that's the child you gave birth to."

Li Xintong:! "

Wave after wave of news, let her feel her brain is not enough.

It's more bloody than the plot of a series. Is there any wood?Is Yitong really her child? Is it unnecessary for her to do the personal identification just now?

"How did he find the child?" This is what Li Xintong is most concerned about.

"I don't know exactly what happened. All I know is that the child was found in an orphanage. For fear of making a mistake, Bo Shaote took the child to have a paternity test. " Alice said, "maybe it's because the child has brought him hope. It's got him back on his feet. These years, Bo Shao is a big man, with children, and when the father and mother, it is not easy! Fortunately, you are back now. Bo Shao will faint happily if he knows you are still alive! "

Alice said, not hearing any response from the other side, "Hello, Tong Tong, are you still there? Tong Tong... "

At the other end of the phone, Li Xintong covered her lips and cried.

There are too many emotions in those tears. There's joy, there's sadness, there's shock, there's remorse

I didn't expect the truth to be like this!

She thought he had betrayed himself. It's not

He thought she was in the fire. In fact, it's not

She and he misunderstood each other and missed it.

If we can wait for Bo Yanchen to come back in M country, all the tragedies after that will not happen. She will not be separated from her husband and children for so many years.

Thinking of these, Li Xintong regretfully even has the heart of death.

She felt like a sinner. It is because of their own stupidity and indecision that tragedy occurs.

Oh! God made her suffer so much in order to punish her.

Li Xintong suddenly laughed at himself.

Hearing the laughter, Alice said, "Tongtong, what's the matter with you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!