Chapter 573

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen came out after the meeting, and Dalin was waiting for him outside the meeting room

Bo Yanchen looked at him: "come to my office."

As soon as he arrived at the office, Dalin took out a stack of photos: "Bo Shao, these are the photos of tracking Qin Shaoqian and Qin Huai for several days."

Bo Yanchen looked through it and found that it was a picture of two people going to the graveyard to worship each other.

"What does that mean?" Bo Yanchen didn't understand.

"Since Qin Huai went to the place where Qin Shaoqian lived that day, they never met again. But it's strange that they went to the same cemetery on the same day. Only one went in the morning and the other in the afternoon. " Dalin said.

Bo Yanchen picks eyebrow: "they go to worship who, check?"

"Yes. She is a woman named huakou, the late mother of Qinhuai. It was the day of her death. " Dalin said.

"If they are related, it's no surprise that they go to worship." Bo Yanchen said.

"It's not strange to worship," he said. But when Qin Shaoqian was worshiping, it was strange to call her mother. "

"Oh?" Bo Yanchen pick eyebrow, this is a new discovery! He remembers that Qin Shaoqian should not have been born when Qin Zhenfei died. Is He Hua Kou who remarried and had children with others? It can't be Qin, can it? "Did you check the flower bandit?"

"Well, yes. After Qin Zhenfei's death, Hua Kou was a widow, and did not remarry until his death. But strangely, for more than a year, she disappeared and then came back. " Dalin said, "I checked it. It happened to be the year Qin Shaoqian was born."

"Well, Qin Shaoqian is probably the son of Hua Kou. Just put it beside Qin Zhenfei's driver? " Bo Yanchen said.

"Well, I think so." When he finished, Dalin suddenly began to laugh, "ha ha! However, Qin Zhenfei's driver also has a big heart. The woman of the master and other men are willing to raise their children. "

But Bo Yanchen didn't smile. He always felt that something was wrong and couldn't think of it for a moment.

"There's another strange thing." Dalin said, "after their worship, I specially went to see Qin Zhenfei's graveyard next to huakou's graveyard, but these two guys didn't go to worship. If Qin Shaoqian is not Qin Zhenfei's son, it's fair to say that he doesn't go to worship, but Qin Huai is Qin Zhenfei's own son. He doesn't even go to worship. It's really unfilial! "

"Continue to follow both of them and report immediately." Bo Yanchen said.


After Dalin left, Bo Yanchen fell into meditation.

It's really hard to understand.

As far as he knows, Qin Huai and his father have deep feelings. After Qin Zhenfei's death, Qin Huai was in low mood for a long time. It's impossible not to worship one's own father while worshiping one's mother. It doesn't make any sense!

Just when I couldn't figure it out, my mobile phone rang. It was a landline from Shanghai.

Bo Yanchen's tense nerves immediately relaxed, and even his eyes became soft. He pressed the answer button, "Hello, dear!"

"Well! Don't call me for such a long time! What do you mean The little wife's complaint came from the other end of the phone.

"Baby, I'm really busy. I wanted to call you later. " Bo Yanchen explained.

"Well! Who believes you Li Xintong said, "if we leave our mother and son, oh, no, we leave them alone in Shanghai, won't our conscience hurt?"

Bo Yanchen holds his forehead. He finds that since his little wife recovers her memory, she often plays coquetry with him. It seems that they are back to the state when they just fell in love five years ago.

This kind of feeling makes him very sweet and sour.

"Pain! Because I miss you. I can't sleep at night. My heart aches Bo Yanchen boasted.

"Well! Don't try to coax me with good words Li Xintong said, "since you miss me, why do you leave me in Hucheng? And forbidden my feet. I ask you, "when are you going to let me go?"

"In a few days. When everything is done on my side. "

"How about these two days? Did you find anything? " Asked Li Xintong.

"Well It's a bit complicated, but it's not very clear. " Bo Yanchen said.

"Tell me more about it." Li Xintong said.

Bo Yanchen didn't tell his little wife about Li Jianguo in the morning. He just told her what Dalin had just reported.

Li Xintong after hearing, disdain to curl his mouth, "that Qinhuai is quite strange. Didn't you say he had a good relationship with his father? Why don't you go to worship. My mother and I have a good relationship. Apart from Qingming, winter solstice and her death day, I will go to worship her as long as I miss her. In my opinion, the relationship between Qinhuai and his father may not be as good as the rumor

"It's impossible. Qin Huai has great respect for his father. He has been dead for nearly 30 years, and there are still photos of Qin Zhenfei and his wife and children on his desk Bo Yanchen said.

"Is it?" Li Xintong said with a smile, "it's a bit like you. I know I'm gone, and I put my picture in the safe. ""You How do you know? " Bo Yanchen is surprised a way, "have you ever opened safe?"

"Of course not. I don't know your safe code at all Li Xintong said, "it was your baby son who overheard it."

"This little thing, I'm telling you again. See if I don't hit his ass! " Bo Yanchen said fiercely.

"Don't be so violent!" Li Xintong said with a smile, "you hide a picture of your wife, which shows that you are special. This is a good thing."

Bo Yanchen said, "I thought you were dead, so I locked the photo in the safe. Now that you are still there, I have to take out the photos and put them on my desk and look at them every day! "

"Oh! You're so numb! " Li Xintong said so, but she was very sweet. Suddenly, she felt that something was wrong, "eh? Ah Chen, I found a problem

"What's the problem?" Bo Yanchen felt puzzled.

"Where is Qinhuai from?" Asked Li Xintong.

"Well They should be from the West. " Bo Yanchen said, "his father Qin Zhenfei and the old man are fellow villagers. They lived in the same village at that time."

"According to the custom of Xicheng, photos of deceased relatives are usually locked and hidden, but why did Qinhuai put out photos of his late father?" Asked Li Xintong.

Bo Yanchen picks eyebrows, the woman's mind is really meticulous, such small details are discovered by her.

Just as he wanted to praise his wife, Li Xintong said, "ah Chen, I have a bold hypothesis. You said Is Qin Huai's father still alive? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!