Chapter 574

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen suddenly froze, "Tong Tong, how can you suddenly have such an idea? Is it because of that picture? "

"Not all of them." "I also thought about my own experience," Li said. Didn't you think I was dead at that time? Later I learned that someone had replaced me with another body. Can Qin Zhenfei be in the same situation? "

Bo Yanchen's eyes suddenly become deep.

When Rui Wentao found out that Qin Shaoqian's father was Qin Zhenfei's driver, his first thought was that there might be doubts about the car accident and explosion that year.

However, he just put the target of doubt on the driver, thinking that the driver escaped from the sky, but he didn't doubt Qin Zhenfei at all.

Was the bombing a conspiracy?

But Qin Zhenfei has a wife, children and career. Why feign death? If he were alive, where would he be hiding for so many years?

"Ah Chen, do you think what I said is reasonable?" Li Xintong saw that he did not speak and asked again.

"Wife, you are almost a criminal investigation expert. Ah, you said that if I married such a smart wife as you, I would not be able to do bad things in the future? " Bo Yanchen half joked half seriously.

"Oh! You mean, if I'm not smart enough. You're going to do something bad? " Li Xintong said angrily.

"Wife, calm down. I'm joking with you." Bo Yanchen said, "you have been with me for so long. When did I do something bad? If it does, it's only bad for you in bed. " Bo Yanchen said and laughed.

Li Xintong's small face flushed, across the phone as if to see his evil smile at the moment, "Bo Yanchen! You are the father of two children. Can you be serious? "

"Only when I'm with you can I be like this." Bo Yanchen rightfully said, "besides, if I were so serious all the time, how could I have children?"

"Bo Yanchen! You... " Leng Buding was teased again. Li Xintong said angrily: "I hate it. I won't talk to you! I hung up! "

"Don't hang up, don't hang up. Well, let's be serious. " Bo Yanchen compromises a way, "is the person that lives in Mu family still used to?"

"Well, it's good. It's just that Mu Shao and Mrs. Mu are too polite. I'm a little embarrassed. "

"My brother. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. " Bo Yanchen said, "by the way, what about Yitong? Are you good? Are you clamoring to go home

"How could it be?" Li Xintong said with a smile, "he is not thinking of Shu now."

"Oh? What's the situation? " Bo Yanchen felt a little surprised. The son's character is with him, strangers are not near.

"At first, I was also worried that Yitong would not want to live in other people's homes. But since he knew Mu Shao's daughter, Xiaomi Li, the two kids stuck together every day to play. No, today I let the bodyguard take me to the amusement park

"I met a little beauty." Bo Yanchen laughed, "it seems that my son is more precocious than us!"

"Who said no!" Li Xintong also laughed.

They were chatting, and there was a knock on the door.

"Thin little!"

Li Xintong recognized Rui Wentao's voice, "ah Chen, you're busy. We'll talk when we have time!"

Bo Yanchen also told his little wife a few words, then hung up the phone.

"Come in!"

Rui Wentao came in with a piece of information, "Bo Shao, I found some information."

"Say it

"You asked me to check Qin Shaoqian's call records last time. As expected, we found something Rui Wentao spread out the information and put it in front of Bo Yanchen, "he just got out of prison last month. You see, in nearly a month, in addition to talking to Qinhuai, he also frequently made a fixed line call. I went to check the address. It's an old villa in the suburb of Shanghai. The owner is a man surnamed Ma, but he died ten years ago, but the house is still in his name, and there is no transfer procedure. Therefore, it is not clear who actually owns the villa now. "

"I'll have someone look into that." With Mu Jinqian's contacts in Shanghai, it's not difficult to find out.

"By the way, today Qinhuai went to Shanghai on business. I don't know what to do Rui Wentao said.

"Shanghai again?" Bo Yanchen's eyes narrowed, "send someone to follow him and see who he's going to see!"

"The people sent by Mu Shao have gone to follow him." Rui Wentao said.

"Well. Well done Bo Yanchen nodded with satisfaction. Mu Jinqian's routine is really accurate. His people are more familiar and difficult to find.

"Bo Shao, what shall we do next?"

Bo Yanchen closed the information, "pack up, accompany me to Shanghai city."

"Now?" Rui Wentao asked.

"Well, catch the nearest regular plane." Bo Yanchen stood up, "if I guess well, the big boss behind will appear."


at the same time, outside a villa in the suburbs of Shanghai, a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses came down from a black car, which was Qinhuai.Standing at the door, he did not knock, but made a phone call directly, and soon a servant like woman came out to open the door.

"Qin Shao, are you here? The master has been waiting for you for a long time The woman warmly greets Qinhuai.

"Well." Qin Huai answered and looked around warily. Then he went in.

In the sofa of the hall, there is a man in casual Tang costume. A cigarette is burning at his fingertips. He takes a deep breath and slowly spits out the smoke ring, which is deep and elegant.

A man in his sixties or seventies is silver, cold and energetic.

Seeing Qinhuai coming in, his face showed a smile as if he had nothing to do with it. "Why did it take so long to come to see me? Have you been busy lately? "

"Recently Bo xiurui's health is not very good, and Bo Jingxuan has been suspended. I'm in charge of everything inside and outside of Bo's family. I'm really busy. " Qin Huai sneered, "Oh! I think Bo's name might as well be changed to Qin's! "

"Don't complain, be patient." The man's eyes were flat and indifferent, but also showed a certain degree of determination, "some things are too urgent."

"Dad! You've been here for 30 years, waiting for this day? Now Bo's internal and external troubles, Bo xiurui's health is going from bad to worse, and Bo Jingxuan is in trouble for three days. His prestige in the company has been destroyed, and he has been suspended. This is a great opportunity for us to replace it. I just can't figure it out. Why do you hesitate at this time? "

"Who said I hesitated?" The man's face suddenly changed, "I never hesitated in Qin Zhenfei's dictionary! What do you think I'm calling you all of a sudden for? It's just to discuss it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!