Chapter 578

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
When the three members of Bo Yanchen's family were happily reunited, Bo xiurui was sitting alone in his study in the old house of Bo family in Xicheng, his face covered with clouds.

The mobile phone on the desk plays the recording that Bo Yanchen sent him a few days ago.

Oh! Qinhuai!

Bo Jingxuan let people take the blame for the matter is actually Qinhuai poke out.

Why did he do that?

I trust him so much that I almost treat him as my own son. For him to go to school, to train him into the Bo's three leaders.

But instead of being grateful, he engaged in such a conspiracy behind his back.

He misunderstood his own son. The father son relationship, which they had been making so much trouble with, got out of hand.

It's so hateful! His heart is to blame!

Originally, he intended to bring Qinhuai to face-to-face questioning.

But Bo Yanchen's sentence suddenly appeared in his mind: see clearly the faces of the people around you!

Yes! Qin Huai was loyal to him and had been lurking for 30 years. He could not have done such a bad thing.

He can't scare the snake, but lead the snake out of the hole.

So he immediately sent his confidant, housekeeper uncle Ji, to investigate Qinhuai.

It doesn't matter if you don't check it. It almost made him angry.

Qin Huai took advantage of his hospitalization some time ago and invested several billions of large projects on his own, which he didn't know at all.

In addition, uncle Ji also found out that Qinhuai is secretly contacting some senior executives of the company these days, and plans to launch a proposal to re elect the chairman of the board of directors at the board meeting next week.

He's not dead yet! I started to covet his position!

Even if the chairman is re elected, will it fall to him? Hum! There's no door!

Sure enough, it's an immature white eyed wolf! Think their wings grow hard, want to work alone?

Like father, like son! And then Qin Zhenfei a virtue!

It seems that compassion can't be moved. If not, it will turn into a trick between the farmer and the snake!

Fortunately, he found out as soon as possible, otherwise it would be a big deal!

Bo xiurui reaches out his hand and presses the red button on the desk. Uncle Ji comes to the study soon.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Go to contact director Wu, director Cui and director Zheng immediately, let them come to my study at two o'clock in the afternoon on time, and say that there is something important to discuss." Bo xiurui's voice sank.

"Yes! I'll do it right away Uncle Ji answered and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Bo xiurui called him, "this matter must be kept absolutely secret."

"I understand." Uncle Ji nodded, "that What measures should be taken in Qinhuai? "

"No need." Bo xiurui shook his head, "let him continue to jump. I'll see what he can do

"This Is it too risky? " Uncle Ji has some worries. "I'm afraid he'll jump out of the wall in a hurry, which will be bad for you!"

"Oh! Is that right? " Bo xiurui sneered, "I'm not afraid of him. I'm afraid he won't do anything. I can even help him if I can

Uncle Ji widened his eyes, "master, what do you mean?"

Bo xiurui hooks his fingers to Uncle Ji. Uncle Ji leans over his head.

With Bo xiurui's lips open and close, uncle Ji's eyes show the light of approval and admiration.


in the smoky room, Qin Shaoqian is lying on the bed with a cigarette burning at his fingertips. The cigarette ends in the nearby ashtray have piled up into the shape of a hill, as if they would collapse at a touch.

Qinhuai won't let him go out.

Except on the day of his mother's death, he was allowed to go to the cemetery for a sacrifice, and he was allowed to stay in the rented house for the rest of the time.

Thinking of his date with Li Xintong, he was extremely upset.

By the way, Qinhuai seems to have gone to Shanghai a few days ago. If he leaves for a while, he won't be found out, will he?

With a fluke in mind, he sent a message to Li Xintong, "Tongtong, I'm free tonight, let's meet."

For a long time, Li Xintong just replied, "sorry, I'm a little busy recently. Another day. "

Qinhuai's heart a cool, should not be his time to change again and again, the beauty to offend it?

He immediately dialed a phone in the past, but the phone rang a few times was pressed off. Call again, it has become a call reminder mode.

Wipe! She turned it off!

Qin Shaoqian sat up from the bed and saw that it was still early. He estimated that Bo Yanchen should still be at work. He planned to visit Li Xintong.

As soon as I got to the door, my cell phone suddenly rang. He thought it was Li Xintong who called. He guessed that her cell phone had run out of power just now. She didn't turn it off intentionally. So he picked up the phone without even looking.

"Hello Tong Tong... "

"What Tong Tong? I'm your brother People on the phone don't have a good airway.Hearing Qin Huai's voice, Qin Shaoqian looked like a ball that had let off steam and said, "Oh. brother! Can I help you? "

"What? So disappointed to hear my voice? " Qin Huai said, "do you have some prospects? Is it comfortable to look for a woman whose mind is not on you all day long? "

"Brother, can you stop it?" Qin Shaoqian interrupted him and said, "you don't understand my feelings for Tong Tong!"

"Oh! I didn't get it. What don't I understand? " Qin Huai sneered, "when dad asked you to destroy Bo Yanchen's and min Tongtong's feelings, you're good. You make a real joke and fall into it! I didn't get any cheap money, so I got five years in prison. After five years, people still don't have you in their heart. Hum! I don't know what your picture is? "

Qin Shaoqian was silent.

Yes. Five years ago that night, if he hadn't rushed to help min Tongtong with her luggage, how could he have killed someone because of the high speed?

After sending min Tongtong and Xia Shufen back to Xicheng, he went back to work in M country and was arrested by M country police as soon as he entered the country.

He was sentenced to five years in prison for causing death in a hit and run accident. It wasn't released until a month ago.

"The car accident five years ago was an accident." Qin Shaoqian said, "otherwise, I would have caught Tongtong."

Qin Huai sneered coldly. He didn't like what Qin Shaoqian said, "OK, don't pull it too far. Let's get back to business. I went to Shanghai and met dad. He has a mission for you! "

"What mission?" As soon as Qin Shaoqian heard of the mission, his face became serious and straight, as if soldiers were ready to accept orders.

"Bo xiurui goes to the community for a morning run at 6:30 every morning. I will ask someone to destroy the monitoring of one of the road sections the night before. You start at that road section when no one sees you... "

"What?! Let me kill!? How can we do that! " Before Qin Huai finished, Qin Shaoqian immediately refused.

"Dad's purpose is to make him unable to return to Bo's office. It's not to let you really kill him. If you make him half paralyzed, it's OK." Qin Huai said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!