Chapter 579

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Qin Shaoqian was silent for a moment and suddenly sneered, "why did he send me for such a thing? Isn't it more professional to send a killer

"You're one of your own, he can rest assured." Qinhuai had no choice but to explain this.

"Oh! Let his own son do such a risky thing, and his old man's heart is big enough! " The corner of Qin Shaoqian's mouth stirred up an ironic smile, but the bottom of his eyes was cold.

"Come on, don't complain!" This matter, Qinhuai also very helpless, "you don't know dad's temper, he decided things, when changed? He said, "you are a descendant of the Qin family, for..."

Who knows, before Qin Huai finished, Qin Shaoqian said, "for the family's mission of honor and disgrace, we have to stand up at the critical moment, even go through fire and water. Is that right? "

Qin Huai was still there for a long time before he said, "you I wish you knew. "

"I see." Qin Shaoqian said, "I will do it according to my father's instructions. It's better to hit the sun than to pick up the sun. Let's do it tomorrow."

"Good!" Qin Huai said, "when you're done, you'll go abroad for a while. Dad said he'll make it up to you when it's done. You can make a wish to him. "

"I have no other wish but to get Tong Tong." Qin Shaoqian thought about the cableway.

Qin Huai: "I'm not sure."


early the next morning, Qin Huai was still asleep when he was woken up by the ring of his mobile phone.

The phone call is from his assistant Xiaorui. He said that Bo xiurui had a heart attack when he was running in the morning. Now he is in the hospital and his life may be in danger.

Qinhuai was happy at first, but then found the problem. It's less than half past six. Why did Bo xiurui go for a morning run so early today?

I have a sudden heart attack. I don't know if it's Qin Shaoqian's masterpiece.

He dialed Qin Shaoqian in a hurry, but no one answered.

Qinhuai couldn't sleep, so he got up immediately and took an early flight back to Xicheng.

When he came to Huachuan hospital, Bo xiurui had finished the operation and was sent to the ICU ward.

An Huiying, Bo Jingxuan, Bo Jingning, Wu Meizi and several senior directors of the Bo family are all here.

An Huiying's eyes are red and swollen, obviously she has just cried. Bo Jingxuan and Wu Meizi look dignified, sitting on the bench outside the ward without saying a word.

Qin Huai quietly inquired about one of the directors, and then he knew the whole story.

It turned out that Bo xiurui had a meeting at 7:30 this morning. In order not to be late, he specially advanced the morning running time to 5:30. As a result, I didn't know how, I had a sudden heart attack and fell unconscious.

Thanks to the timely rescue, he finally got out of the hospital and saved his life. But doctors said the condition may be repeated, not out of life-threatening. Family members should be psychologically prepared.

Qinhuai was happy and didn't know it, but he was very heavy on the surface.

After comforting the Bo family hypocritically, he went back to the company nonstop.

Because Bo Jingxuan is still in the stage of suspension, Bo xiurui has a sudden accident, and the power of the company falls back to Qinhuai.

Thinking that this time he had achieved his goal easily without a single soldier, Qin Huai felt that he would wake up in a dream. This is probably called God help me!

Even heaven is helping the Qin family. It seems that the Bo family has run out of steam, and the time for the Bo family to change their Dynasty is coming.

Everything went well, but Qinhuai couldn't get in touch with Qin Shaoqian.

However, he was too busy with Bo's affairs from morning till night to attend to other things.

A few days later, Bo xiurui's physical condition not only did not get better, but also showed signs of deterioration.

In just a few days, Bo's share price plummeted. The media have predicted that Bo's family will be depressed, and the dominance of Bo's family in Xicheng will come to an end.

In order to stabilize the morale of the army, the proposal of reelection of the chairman quickly received the response of most of the company's senior management.

Three days later, the chairman of the board was officially re elected.

There is no doubt that the candidates are Bo Jingxuan and Qin Huai.

However, regardless of prestige, ability or qualification, Qinhuai is better than Bo Jingxuan.

The result of the vote is clear at a glance.

Qinhuai owns 5% of Bo's shares, but it is supported by the other 25%.

Bo Jingxuan owns 10% of Bo's equity, but only gets the other 10% equity support.

30% vs 20%, Qinhuai wins over Bo Jingxuan.

Just as the host was about to announce the voting result, Bo Jingxuan immediately stood up and raised an objection, "my grandfather hasn't exercised his voting right yet! He is the founder and the biggest shareholder of the company

"But the chairman is in a coma and can't come to the board of directors, and he didn't entrust other directors to attend on his behalf." One of the directors who supported Qinhuai said.

"Director Wu, director Cui and director Zheng have not voted yet!" Bo Jingxuan had already scolded the ancestors of these three unreliable old guys for 18 generations.Just now, the director said: "three directors are absent from the meeting without asking for leave. What right do they have to vote?"

"That is, the total equity of these three directors is only 10%, even if they all support you. You can only draw with President Qin. " It was a director who once stood on Bo Jingxuan's side.

The director was promoted by Bo xiurui in those years!

Bo Jingxuan's face had gone to the extreme. It's a real world. When the old man fell ill, the tree fell down and everyone pushed him.

"Xiaorui, go and contact the three directors again to see if they are coming to the meeting or not." Qin Huai, who had been silent, suddenly opened his mouth.

"Mr. Qin, this..." Assistant Xiaorui looks embarrassed.

Looking at Xiaorui standing still, Qinhuai immediately pulled his face, "let you go, you go!"

"Yes Xiao Rui went out to make a phone call.

All of you look at each other, and you still have the demeanor of a great general at this time. How about that?

However, the vast majority of people still admire Qinhuai's actions.

The host stood there, not knowing what to say next, with an awkward expression.

"Host, let's vote later." Qin Huai said to the host.

"Good All right The host is also respectful to Qinhuai.

Bo Jingxuan also frowned, did not understand what medicine Qinhuai gourd sold.

Qin Huai's expression is quite calm, can't see happiness and anger, everything is in his control. He just wanted to make a good reputation.

At this time, Xiaorui came in.

"Mr. Qin, the phones of the three directors have been turned off and can't be reached."

"So..." Qin Huai pretended to be surprised, but he was very happy.

"Since we can't get in touch with people, we can only abstain!" A director on Qinhuai's side said, "host, you can announce the final result." , the fastest update of the webnovel!