Chapter 608

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Qin Shaoqian looks at Li Xintong with his inquiring expression.

This is something he can't understand. Is not to say that she only loves Bo Yanchen, this life does not change? Oh! These are all talks.

Since she can empathize with Bo Jingxuan, she can also empathize with him.

Bo Jingxuan is good at nothing except having more money and status than him. How to get Li Xintong's love?

If it wasn't for him to be in prison, it would be impossible for Bo Jingxuan to have such an opportunity!

"I don't understand. What's good about Bo Jingxuan?" Qin Shaoqian didn't agree.

"Yes, he's nothing good. But when I saw him for the first time, I felt that he had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, which gradually turned into favor in the process of contact. " Li Xintong said, "I have reflected more than once that Bo Jingxuan is not my favorite type, but why do I agree to his pursuit for no reason? Is it just because of the familiarity of the first meeting? At first I didn't understand, but after I recovered my memory, it was all over. "

Li Xintong paused and then said, "because at that time, although my memory was lost by you and I forgot ah Chen, my subconscious didn't want to forget him, so I still had some feelings about him. Bo Jingxuan and Bo Yanchen are uncles and nephews. They are very similar. That's why when I first met Bo Jingxuan, I felt familiar and liked him. I will accept his pursuit, but I don't love him deeply. Because my love was given to ah Chen five years ago. Even if I forget him, I can't love other men as much as I love him. That's the answer. Do you understand? "

Qin Shaoqian was stunned. After a long time, Li Xintong accepted Bo Jingxuan's pursuit because he looked like Bo Yanchen.

Even after she lost her memory, she still had a memory for Bo Yanchen Feeling.

If we say that he lost to Bo Yanchen, we can say that.

But he is a living person, even lost to those illusory feeling!!

Qin Shaoqian is going crazy!

He was on the verge of collapse because of a huge sense of frustration.

Looking at Qin Shaoqian's loveless appearance, Li Xintong sighed, "Qin Shaoqian, wake up. People have to face the reality, self hypnosis is their own destruction. The reason why I come here today is not to listen to your explanation, let alone your confession. I want to tell you that I have never loved you. Even without the appearance of a Chen, I will not fall in love with you. Because I'm a person who believes in eye contact. I don't feel that way about you. Do you understand? "

Li Xintong said clearly, the wording is also after careful consideration, gentle words, try to say some can let the other party can accept the words.

Qin Shaoqian stared at her for a long time. There were too many emotions in his eyes. However, Li Xintong is not interested in pondering.

"Well, it's almost time. I've finished what I have to say. It's time to go! "

Looking at her posture to stand up, Qin Shaoqian was reluctant: "Tongtong, I'll be on my way in a few days. Before I die, can you grant me a small request? "


"Tong Tong, I want to say sorry to you. I I hope you can forgive me. Forgive me for what I did to you. I I really never wanted to hurt you. Forgive me, will you? I don't want to leave the world with your hatred for me. In this way, even if I go to another world, my soul will not be peaceful! "

Qin Shaoqian was very sincere and moved.

However, Li Xintong is not moved. After all, she is not a virgin whore.

"Sorry, I can't forgive you. Otherwise, those who are burned by you will not be peaceful in another world Li Xintong stood up and said, "goodbye, Qin Shaoqian. I hope you can be a good man in the next life

With these words, she put down the phone. Without looking at Qin Shaoqian, she turned and walked out.

"Tong Tong Tongtong Come back! I beg you to look at me again... " Although Qin Shaoqian was hoarse and hoarse behind him, Li Xintong still didn't look back.

It's not that she is cruel, but that she really can't forgive what he did.

A fresh life, fell in the raging fire, they did not even know what they had done wrong, they were engulfed by the fire.

And all this is because of a person's selfish desire!

Walking out of the gate of the detention center, one sees Bo Yanchen leaning on the door, playing with his mobile phone in a bored way.

"Ah Chen!" Seeing him, Li Xintong's heart warmed for no reason and quickened her pace.

"Slow down!" Bo Yanchen immediately came up, took off his coat and put it on her.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Li Xintong knew that she was overtime.

Bo Yanchen looked at his watch: "more than three minutes. Tell me, how can I punish you? "

"Ah? What's the penalty? " Li Xintong has a small face.

"Of course!" Bo Yanchen does not think about cableway.

"Can you spare me this time for the sake of the baby?" Li Xintong gently rubs her huge stomach against Bo Yanchen's arm."Don't always use the baby as a shield!" Bo Yanchen's face is expressionless way, "this time don't care to use!"

Li Xintong

This man is too Cold blooded, right?

"Get in first!" Bo Yanchen coldly dropped a sentence, turned and walked towards the direction of the car.

Li Xintong walked behind.

Abin has opened the door of the back seat, Bo Yanchen sat in.

With the help of abin, Li Xintong also got on the bus.

The car started.

Li Xintong is still thinking about the punishment in her heart. Is it right to say that Bo Yanchen will take care of the driver in the car and treat her lightly?

"That Ah Chen, since you want to punish me, then punish me now. "

Bo Yanchen picks eyebrows: "are you sure you want to accept punishment here?"

Li Xintong nodded heavily: "well. In any case, sooner or later we will be punished, sooner or later we will die, sooner or later we will live

In the heart dark rubs rubs to think, hum! Abin in, I don't think you will be punished too far!

Bo Yanchen said: "this is what you said. Then I'm not welcome! "

You're welcome? Li Xintong is still pondering over the deep meaning of these three words. Bo Yanchen suddenly drags her into her arms and lowers her head to kiss her lips.

"Oh..." Li Xintong struggled a few times and immediately melted into his kiss.

The voice of lips and teeth reverberated in the car, and abin in front of him still did not squint when he heard the voice. Calm and calm, face does not change, heart does not jump.

As a matter of fact, he has long been used to his boss and his wife spreading dog food together.

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