Chapter 609

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Three minutes later, Bo Yanchen released his little wife.

"You Don't you mean to punish me? " Li Xintong asked with a confused and panting face.

How did the punishment turn into kissing. Besides, how about a kiss?

Just kiss so a while, she just entered the state, was stopped, feel very uncomfortable!

Looking at the little wife's endless expression, Bo Yanchen smiles and kisses on her lips: "this is even punishment. I'll kiss you a few minutes late. If you're three minutes late, I'll kiss you for three minutes. "

Li Xintong fuck! What a wonderful punishment!

Bo Yanchen pinched her small chin: "tell me the truth, do you want me to kiss you, so you are late on purpose?"

"Screw you!" Li Xintong angrily pats off his hand, "who intentionally? I didn't wear a watch again. How can I know that I said it for a few minutes? "

"Do you have so much to say to him?" Bo Yanchen didn't look well.

"I have to make some things clear to him. So that he won't have illusions about me till he dies! " Li Xintong said.

Listen to her say so, Bo Yanchen's mood just good so one lose.

"Well, forget about him. Let's go home for dinner. I think it's time to be in a hurry. "

"Well." Li Xintong nodded, "by the way, how are you meeting Qinhuai?"

"Not so good. I came out after I had said all I had to say. It took less than ten minutes."

"Ah? So fast? What did you say? " Li Xintong is curious.

"Exactly, what did he say?" Bo Yanchen said, "because I didn't speak, it's always him."

Li Xintong All right?

"In that case, it's better for him to record a video and send it to you, which will save you a long trip!" Li Xintong curled her lips.

"I'll mainly see you and see him by the way." Bo Yanchen said.

"What did he say?" The content of a person's statement for ten minutes must be considerable.

"Nothing. It's nothing more than repentance for what you've done, and I'm sorry to you Bo Yanchen light way.

Of course, he didn't tell his wife.

In the end, Qin Huai said something from the bottom of his heart: "ah Chen, if I were not a child of the Qin family, I would be a real brother with you. Because you are the only person I look up to in Qinhuai's life

The implication is that those who he despises and have no ability are not worthy to be his brothers.

Bo Yanchen's answer is very simple: "to be my brother, you must be a good man first!"

Li Xintong Leng Leng, how did the two brothers react the same before they died? It's all about asking people to accept their apologies.

As everyone knows, there is no possibility that they can be forgiven for their heartless deeds!

"Did you accept his apology?"

"What do you think?" Bo Yanchen asked.

"No Li Xintong blurts out.

"How do you know?"

"Because I didn't accept Qin Shaoqian's apology."

"Oh Bo Yanchen laughed, "we are worthy of husband and wife, ha, really like!"

"If it is not a mistake of principle, it can be forgiven. However, their mistakes are not worth being forgiven. " Li Xintong said, "because when they reach out to those innocent people, they are doomed to their end. I will not sympathize with them or even feel sorry for them. It's a matter of course that killing people pays for their lives! I hope they can make a new life, be a new man, and be good people in the next life

"Well." Bo Yanchen nodded with approval. His little wife had already said what he wanted to say, "well, don't talk about such a heavy topic. Let's say something happy! "

"What are you happy about?" Asked Li Xintong.

"Haoran and Diana are getting married next month. We'll invite our family to dinner tonight." Bo Yanchen said.

"So fast?" Li Xintong was surprised and said, "Peter agreed?"

"Of course. Otherwise, how can they hold the wedding so blatantly? "

"But Didn't Peter Li say that we should let them fall in love first, and talk about the performance of seeing less scenery for a year and a half? It's only half a year now! " Li Xintong is puzzled. Peter doesn't look like he'll compromise easily, does he?

"A year and a half?" Bo Yanchen laughed, "at that time, I'm afraid Diana couldn't even wear her wedding dress?"

"Ah?" Li Xintong was stunned and immediately responded, "you mean, Diana, she..."

"Well. It's been almost three months. " Bo Yanchen said, "it's Peter Li's initiative to get married. He didn't want his granddaughter to get married with a big stomach, so he decided to get married next month. "

Li Xintong suddenly laughed: "Hey, I said, is this Jing Shao's idea? "To marry a son?"

"You guessed wrong!" Bo Yanchen said, "it was Diana who stabbed the umbrella with a needle secretly.""Ah? Why does Jing Shao even tell you such a private thing? " Li Xintong's face turned red uncontrollably.

"Private?" Bo Yanchen doesn't think so. Isn't it normal for men to discuss this?

"Private, of course!" Li Xintong suddenly thought of something and grabbed Bo Yanchen's neck, "good! Are you telling me honestly that you and I Have you told your brothers all that? "

Bo Yanchen's face was stiff, and he immediately raised three fingers and swore: "it's wrong! wife! How could I say that? "

Li Xintong narrowed his dangerous eyes and examined him, "I don't believe it! They've told you. If you don't, you'll get through it? "

"I didn't say that! wife! You have to believe me Bo Yanchen almost didn't kneel down to show his loyalty to his wife, "besides, our boudoir anecdotes are much more wonderful than their local buns! It's not one sentence or two. Is that right? "

"Bo Yanchen!! You die! " Li Xintong's face turned red into a pigliver color, pinching Bo Yanchen's neck.

"Wife Spare my life... " Bo Yanchen's voice overflowed from his throat intermittently, "let go Pinched so Heavy Your hand My hands will hurt... "

Li Xintong pinched red eye: "do not put! I'll kill you to death! "

"Help!! Plan for Kill Pro My husband It's too late

Seeing that the car is about to trigger a murder of her husband, the plot is completely reversed at this time.

"Ah!" Li Xintong's scream rang out, "Bo You let go! Where are you going?! I I'm pregnant! You You beast

"It's better to fight than to be strangled by you!" Bo Yanchen grabs his wife's two dancing hands and lowers his head to kiss her.

"Oh..." Li Xintong's voice of protest drowned in each other's lips and teeth.

The car is speeding, and the sunlight passes through the trees on both sides of the road, illuminating the beautiful car , the fastest update of the webnovel!