Chapter 611

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen reached out his hand and touched his wife's stomach gently. He said, "that's a good word."

"Don't bash me. Nana and I agreed that we would have a football team." Jing Haoran boasted.

"Screw you! You think I'm a sow Diana gave him a petulant twist.

"Have you ever seen such a beautiful sow?" Jing Haoran pinches Diana's chin and teases her.

Coco curls his mouth, but he doesn't feel good in his heart. He has both sons and daughters here, and he is still alone! The road to wife is rough and bumpy.

It's a long way to go!

"Why? I said, ah Yan, where are your Shuangshuang girls? Why didn't I come with you? " Jing Haoran suddenly asked.

"Oh. Recently, her hometown has been demolished and the house has been divided. She is busy moving these days! " Coco said.

"Yo! So Shuang Mei paper has become the second generation? I heard that the demolition policy of Xicheng in recent years is very good. In addition to the house, ordinary people can get at least several million yuan in cash Jing Haoran said, "seconds become small rich woman ha!"

"Millions, many?" Coco said with disdain, "I have more than this price for a bottle of handi Maotai!"

"Please, can I compete with you?" Jing Haoran laughed, "I know you are rich and powerful."

Coco rolled a big white eye and didn't appreciate Jing Haoran's compliment.

"You're not going to help me move? You're a little derelict in your duty as a 24-year-old boy friend Jing Haoran joked.

Dereliction of duty? Heaven and earth conscience!

How could he not help such a considerate man?

The problem is, Mo Shuangshuang won't let him help. Moreover, the reasons given are wonderful. It's said that there are many people in the village, with seven aunts and eight aunts. They usually like to chat with each other.

If you suddenly see a young man in her house, there will be gossip.

This reason certainly couldn't convince coco, so he insisted on going, and Mo Shuangshuang resolutely opposed it. As a result, the two immediately tied the bar and broke up in a bad mood.

Mo Shuangshuang went back to his hometown quietly and didn't contact him all day. I think he was really angry.

However, coco is more angry.

This woman regards his kindness as a donkey's liver and lung, and makes a cold war when she doesn't agree with each other, intending to annoy him to death!

"She's so strong that she doesn't need my help." When coco said this, there was some element of anger in it.

"What's the matter? Did you fight with Shuangshuang? " Li Xintong suddenly heard it.

Coco took a look at her and said no.

"I'll tell you, why do you speak so strangely? It turns out that you are shriveled in front of Shuangshuang girls!" Jing Haoran smiles unkindly.

By his smile, Coco's face was a bit gloomy.

Diana kicked Jing Haoran under the table, indicating that he didn't joke too much.

"It's all right. You're both straight. You'll be fine if you say it. " Li Xintong comforted, "I'll call back to persuade her and say a few good words for you by the way."

However, coco in anger, just ungrateful, "do not say good words! It's not my fault this time. "

Li Xintong awkwardly pulled the corner of the lip, turned to see Bo Yanchen, the other side shrugged, gave her a helpless look. It means: let them solve it by themselves. When lovers quarrel, the more outsiders persuade them, the more rigid their relationship becomes.

"Why? By the way, what about Yitong? " Li Xintong suddenly found that his son, who had been playing in the box, had disappeared.

"My millet is gone, too!" LAN Peilin, who has been coaxing her children, finds out later that her daughter has also seen her.

"Needless to say, the two little guys must have run out to play." Li Xintong said, "ah Chen, go out and look for it."

"It's OK. Don't worry. My son is sensible and won't go far." Bo Yanchen didn't think so.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. Our hotel has just upgraded the security system. There are monitoring everywhere. There will be no problem. " Jing Haoran said.

Li Xintong or some don't worry, she wondered, how the man's heart is so big? After all, Yitong is only five years old and a child!

Just when she decided to go out to have a look, the door of the private room opened, and Mu Jinqian came in with the sleeping baby.

Followed by Yitong and xiaomili.

"Millet! Where have you been? " Asked LAN Peilin.

"Shh! Mom, keep it down. My brother just fell asleep. Don't wake him up Millet toward her than a silent action, just like a little sister's appearance.

LAN Peilin She hasn't taught her children yet, but they have taught her.

"Is Xiao Bao asleep?" Mu Jinqian asked in a low voice.

LAN Peilin took a look at the little guy in her arms and shook her head helplessly.

"Otherwise, let me carry it out to coax you." Mu Jinqian said.Li Xintong thought about it and nodded: "OK."

In coaxing children, Mu Jinqian has a way.

Two people with the fastest speed in exchange for the hands of the child, "hard you!"

"It's OK." Mu Jinqian gave his wife a gentle smile and went out with the baby in his arms.

"Jin Qian is so versatile! It's so hard to coax the children! " Jing Haoran sighed.

"I'm very good at coaxing children!" Xiaoyitong suddenly said, "I cried when I was a child. It was Baba that made me sleep."

"Yes! I know that Baba is also an ox! " Jing Haoran said.

Hearing this, Li Xintong felt sad.

Do not know Bo Yanchen these years, a big man with a small baby, and when the father and mother, is how to survive?

Although whenever she asked about this paragraph, Bo Yanchen always took it lightly.

But she also guessed that Bo Yanchen's hard work was much more than that of a single father.

Especially the loss of her.

Bo Yanchen cold not Ding found the little wife's eyes red, immediately understand what's going on, hold the little wife's hand, said: "wife, this baby has to work hard for you. I'm afraid I'm too busy with the company to help you with your children. "

Li Xintong looks up at Bo Yanchen and instantly understands something from his eyes.

"Well." She nodded, everything in silence.

This time, she will never miss her child's growth again. You can't miss a second. Be a qualified mother.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll help mama with her sister! " Xiaoyi said the same thing.

"Well. Yi Tong is so good Bo Yanchen touched his son's head with a smile.

"Yi Tong, brother. You take your little sister, can't you play with millet? " Millet some sad said.

"Why? Didn't we all make an appointment to go to Disneyland together in the summer vacation? A word from a gentleman is hard to follow Yi Tong patted his chest and said.

Although xiaomili still can't understand the profound words of Sima Nan, looking at Yi Tong's expression, he knows that he can't be a scalper: "mm-hmm! Brother Yitong is the best , the fastest update of the webnovel!