Chapter 612

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
The little girl's smile, like a star, with a soft and sweet voice, makes Xiaoyi blush for no reason.

He likes the little girl in front of him too much, which is different from his sister who is about to be born. He couldn't tell the difference.

In a word, I feel very satisfied to see her smile.

"Mom, how many days are we staying in Xicheng this time?" Millet suddenly asked LAN Peilin.

"Tomorrow morning's flight."

"Ah? So fast! " The little girl looked depressed. "I haven't had enough! Can't you stay a few more days? "

"Well It doesn't seem to work. You're going to work tomorrow! " LAN Peilin said.

Xiaomi Li's big, smart eyes rolled around: "that Let Baba go back alone. You, me and my brother will stay here for a few more days. "

LAN Peilin This daughter is very strange. In order to stay and play with Yi Tong for a few more days, I have the heart to abandon Baba who loves her the most.

Fortunately, Mu Jinqian didn't hear it. Otherwise, he would have vomited blood.

"Are you sure Mom can take care of two babies by herself?" LAN Peilin said.

Millet opened his mouth, speechless. It seems more difficult.


She couldn't help peeking at Yi Tong.

"Or so." LAN Peilin said, "we'll go back tomorrow. When Baba is free at the weekend, we'll come back to Xicheng."

"Yes. Xicheng is not far from Hucheng. Ah Chen and I can often bring Yi Tong to Hucheng to play. " Li Xintong said.

As soon as Xiao Mi Li heard this, she immediately clapped her hands with a smile, "Wow! Excellent! In this way, I can often meet Yi Tong's brother! "

LAN Peilin

It's said that women don't stay. But her millet is only three years old!

Li Xintong and Bo Yanchen smile at each other.

Their son is charming.

I'm so young that I'm going to tease girls. It's much better than his father!

Yeah! There is a future!

After dinner, it's time to go home.

Xiaomili takes xiaoyitong and proposes to go to Bo's house for a night.

Mu Jinqian didn't agree. Xiaomili was cute, cheating and wallowing.

Seeing Mu Jinqian's face turning black, Li Xintong comes out to make a comeback, which means that he will bring millet to the airport on time.

LAN Peilin immediately agreed, Mu Jinqian is a wife slave, naturally will not oppose.

Two little guys almost jumped to the ceiling of the hotel with excitement.

When we get back to the villa, it's already half past eight in the evening.

After playing together for less than an hour, the two kids were so tired that their eyelids were fighting and yawning for days.

The door of the bedroom opened and Bo Yanchen came in.

"Both little things are asleep?" Li Xintong leaned on the head of the bed and asked.

"Well. I went to sleep Bo Yanchen went to the window and sat down. He put his little wife in his arms. "Why don't you sleep? Pregnant women can't sleep too late! "

Li Xintong will small face in Bo Yanchen's arms rubbed rubbed, coquettish mouth airway, "you're not in, I can't sleep."

Bo Yanchen pinched her small nose: "how to become so sticky?"

"Well! Don't you think I'm bored? " Li Xintong pouts her mouth.

"How can I?" Bo Yanchen bowed his head and gave her a kiss on the lip. "You're thinking again!"

"When the baby is born, I'll be busy, and I won't have time to stick to you."

"No, I just like you sticking to me!" "Bo Yanchen said," we can say that ha, with children, do not ignore me! "

Li Xintong snorted and laughed, "Why are you jealous before the baby is born?"

"I'm not jealous, I love you!" Bo Yanchen finished and bowed his head to kiss him.

"Oh..." Li Xintong's body is clumsy. He can't avoid it, so he has to do whatever he wants.

With the deepening of the kiss, each other's bodies are getting hotter and hotter, breathing more and more quickly.

Li Xintong feels that men's kisses are getting lower and lower, and his big hands are beginning to be unruly.

"Ah Chen No way At the critical moment, Li Xintong clasped Bo Yanchen's big hand, which had slipped into the bottom of her skirt. "The doctor said, not for the last two months..."

Bo Yanchen's body suddenly stiff, let go of his wife, a sad face.

All right! Bear it!

Looking at her husband's blue veins bursting, Li Xintong couldn't bear: "husband, otherwise I'll help you..."

"No, your hands will be sore." With that, Bo Yanchen got up and went to the bathroom.

Li Xintong didn't come back until the sound of water came from inside.

In fact, just now she should have said Mouth of


Weng house.

At eleven o'clock in the night, the light in a bedroom on the second floor was still on.

Coco is lying in bed, idly playing with his mobile phone, looking at the trend analysis of the immediately popular make-up.Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he switched the phone to the call log page.

This woman is really cruel.

One day and one night, I didn't even call.

What's the matter? Do you want to play the rhythm of saygoodby with him?

He found out Mo Shuangshuang's phone and hesitated to dial it. Suddenly, a short message came in.

He points to open a look, unexpectedly is mo Shuangshuang sent over, only five words: let's break up!

Coco jumped out of bed, his blood boiling.

What's going on here? Did he get what he wanted?

No longer think, directly dial in the past, but from the end came the cold shutdown sound.

The trough! Shut down!

No double! You have seed!!

Coco angrily smashed his cell phone against the opposite wall. With a bang, the mobile phone is broken.

Hearing the news, the servant knocked on the door, "young master, what's the matter?"

"Get out of here!" Coco's roar came from the room.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Qi came over.

"I don't know. The young master seems to have broken something and is losing his temper!"

"Did you provoke him?"

"Wrong! How dare I The servant said bitterly, "I guess the young master is lovelorn."

Mrs. Qi immediately raised her face and said, "do you dare to say anything you guess? Do you understand the rules? "

"My lesson is. I shouldn't talk too much! " The servant hastened to admit his mistake.

"All right, go down!"


After the servant left, Mrs. Qi tried to knock on the door.

"Get out of here, don't you understand? Get out of here! " Coco roars.

Mrs. Qi was stunned.

I'll go! What is the stimulation?

After standing at the door for a while, Qi Wanzhi didn't open the door.

The next day. Coco hasn't got up yet.

Qi Wanzhi asked the servant to go upstairs for several times, and coco came down listlessly.

The servant carefully brought the breakfast in front of him.

"What's the matter? You look so bad? Didn't sleep well last night? " Qi Wanzhi asked as if nothing had happened.

"Well. I went to bed late. " Coco picks up a piece of bread and takes a bite. It's like chewing wax.

"What's the matter? Did you quarrel with Shuangshuang? " If Qi Wanzhi was not sure about the servant's conjecture last night, now she knows what her grandson looks like.

Coco stopped chewing for a while and said, "we broke up!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!