Chapter 613

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"What? Break up? " Qi Wanzhi almost choked in surprise: "who put it forward?"

"Of course..." Coco looked at Qi Wanzhi, but he couldn't say what he said. He didn't want to admit that he was dumped, which was too humiliating, "I broke up!"

As soon as the words were heard, coco got a heavy shudder on his forehead, which made his eyes full of stars.

"Son of a bitch! Are you crazy? Where can I find a girl like Shuangshuang these days? " Qi Wanzhi said, "you You said to break up! You Have you asked my opinion? "

Coco rubbed his forehead and said: "falling in love is a matter for two people. If you can't get along with each other, you can't get along with each other. What's so strange? I'm not a child. Why should I ask for other people's opinions? "

"You are always a child in my eyes! After dinner, immediately call to apologize, please compound! Do you hear me Qi Wanzhi ordered to open the airway.

"Grandma, are you kidding?" Coco looked at Qi Wanzhi like caring for the mentally retarded, "I apologize? I didn't do anything wrong. Why apologize? "

"Did they do anything wrong?" Asked Qi Wanzhi.

Coco thought about it and shook his head.

"Then it's over. Since they have not done anything wrong, why break up? " Qi Wanzhi narrowed her eyes and looked at him, "I see you, you don't think life is wonderful enough, you want to seek stimulation, so you can always go on and off and play? Is that right? "

Coco:“……” Only when he is sick can he make fun of breaking up!

"Grandma, your imagination is too rich, isn't it?" Make complaints about coco, "I'm not that boring!"

"You two had a good talk before. Why did you break up all of a sudden? If you can't tell the reason, don't think about me! " Qi Wanzhi's serious expression.

Coco complained in his heart. Who knows why?

Who knows what medicine this woman took wrong, suddenly break up!

Hum! Break up, break up! Who cares!!

Can't I live without you? Joke!!

"Say it Qi Wanzhi urged.

"I don't have the same personality, so I'm divided." Coco found the most impressive reason.

"Oh? Is that right? " Qi Wanzhi didn't believe it.

"Of course, why are you lying to me?" Coco didn't dare to look at Qi Wanzhi. He looked at his watch with an affectation. "Yo, it's almost eight o'clock. Today, I have a customer who has an appointment to do modeling! Don't be late

Then he stood up and walked out.

"Hello Ah Yan Qi Wanzhi yelled at him behind his back, but coco didn't look back.

Qi Wanzhi picked up Coco's mobile phone and sighed: "this child! Do you run so fast? "

A look at the mobile phone screen, suddenly stunned.

Nima, it's broken like this. Can it still be used?

Didn't you lose your temper last night?

Aunt Qin, the servant, came out of the kitchen? What about the young master? "

"Gone!" Qi Wanzhi said, "ah Qin, let the driver prepare the car."

"Old lady, are you going out?"

"Well. Go out and send a cell phone to Ayan by the way. "

Aunt Qin looks at the broken mobile phone in Qi Wanzhi's hand and smokes from the corner of her mouth.

Isn't the old lady confused?

This cell phone is broken like this. Why do you send it?


coco drives his red Sao bag sports car around the streets of the West City aimlessly.

He did have an appointment this morning. Who was it? Last night, assistant Emily texted him on wechat. But he was having dinner and forgot to watch it.

Later, when I went home, my mobile phone was broken and I couldn't see it.

He felt his pocket, but there was no sign of his mobile phone. He thought it was left at home.

No matter what, no one bothers him. This dedicated model worker has reason to skip work for a day!

Anyway, with Emily's support, with her skills, there should be no problem.

Coco drove around and found that all the roads he drove were the ones he used to drive when he was in love with Mo Shuangshuang.

Although they have only been in love for half a year, they often quarrel. But when it's good, it's good.

There has never been such a fierce quarrel as this time, and the word "break up" has never been said from any population.

Both of them are enthusiastic and unrestrained. When they are in love, it is common to park the car on the side of the road and kiss on the street.

I remember once, when they were shopping in the supermarket, they quarreled over a trivial matter. In a rage, coco even forced Mo Shuangshuang to kiss on the shelf.

The result: it knocked over the shelf.

At the moment of falling to the ground, coco, afraid of falling to Mo Shuangshuang, turned around and put himself under her.Mo Shuangshuang was so scared that he looked at his twisted expression and asked him whether it hurt or not.

Looking at her worried face, coco sealed her lips without saying anything

Memories are sweet and sour.

Drop by drop

A whistling sound of the car planned Coco's thoughts. The red light in front has been jumping to the green light for a long time. The cars in the back were impatient and honked their horns in protest.

Coco starts the car and continues to drive forward.

Another intersection, or red light. Today, he seems to have encountered a lot of red lights. Does it indicate that there will be many problems in the future?

Coco laughs at himself and turns his head to the side of the road.

A taxi stopped and a woman got out.

"Double double!" Coco blurted out.

Isn't this woman back home? Why did you come back so soon?

After getting off, Mo Shuangshuang went directly into a hotel called xiangshuli.

Why? In broad daylight, what does she do in the hotel? It's not dinner time.

Coco felt very strange. He took the steering wheel and pulled the car to the side of the road.

Just wanted to get off, a traffic police came over, indicating that the roadside can not stop.

Coco had to park in the underground parking lot of the hotel.

After entering the hotel, Mo Shuangshuang has long disappeared.

How can I find someone in such a big hotel?

When coco was at a loss, he heard his name called on the front desk.

"Wow! You see, isn't this coco? How handsome

"Why is he here? Could it be looking for someone? "

"Who is so lucky? How envious

"What do you admire? He's here now. Go and say hello

"I dare not! What if he ignores me? "

Several waiters on the front desk whispered, all of which reached Coco's ears.

He was used to situations like this. In normal times, he doesn't care at all.

But today

“high! Hello ladies Coco walked to the front desk and waved gracefully. At the same time, he showed a charming smile like a signboard. He almost couldn't find a few of them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!