Chapter 616

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Du Zhijun is not afraid at all, and holds Mo Shuangshuang in his hand, "Shuangshuang, don't be so excited. If you call the police and frighten me, I'll accidentally shake my hand and delete all the things in the USB flash drive. "

Mo Shuangshuang's pupil suddenly shrinks. If the things in the USB flash drive are gone, the unjust case will never be vindicated.

"You You are shameless Mo Shuangshuang shook off his hand: "if you dare to destroy the evidence, I will destroy you!"

"Don't be so angry!" Du Zhijun is still smiling, "in a word, I still say that. When will you be willing to come back to me and when will I give you the evidence. Fair enough! I won't force you. You go back and think about it. I'll give you three days. If you don't give me an answer in three days, I'll destroy all the evidence. "

Mo Shuangqi's quick hematemesis, back in the hands behind clenched fists, knuckles cackle. If she didn't want to get the evidence, she wanted to tear up the shameless and disgusting man immediately.

Calm down, Mo Shuangshuang feels that things are not as bad as he thought.

Previously, she could not get any information about the evidence from Du Zhijun. Now she's had a hard time, at least she knows what the evidence is.

I believe that through unremitting efforts, we will get the evidence!

"Good! I'll give you an answer in three days! " Mo Shuang said with no expression, "now I have something to do. I'll go first!"

"Leave so soon, don't be gentle with me, cultivate feelings?" Du Zhijun looks at her vaguely.

In front of Mo Shuangshuang's eyes, ten thousand grass mud horses gallop by. Be kind to you!

"I'm going to be late for work!" Leaving this sentence behind, he turned around and went out without looking back.

At the moment of opening the door, Du Zhijun caught up with her and held her, "Shuangshuang, don't you want to have a good by kiss with me?"

"Du Zhijun, don't push too fast!" It's day time, and people pass by from time to time in the corridor, Mo Shuangshuang said in a low voice.

Despite her warning, Du Zhijun suddenly pressed her on the doorframe with a wall thump, bowed his head and kissed her.

Mo Shuangshuang is unprepared, and he kisses him on the cheek.

She felt like vomiting in her stomach.

Nima! It's better to be a pig and a dog than a scum!

Just as Mo Shuangshuang wanted to curse, he heard a burst of clapping beside him.

She subconsciously pushed Du Zhijun away, and saw a man standing in front of her with a blue face.

"Weng Weng Yan Mo Shuangshuang was surprised that the underground bus almost fell down.

God! Why is he here?

At this time, shouldn't he be busy with modeling in the studio?

By chance? Or

"What? Surprised to see me? " Coco's eyes emit two cold lights, which go directly to her soul.

"You You come here... " In this case, Mo Shuangshuang thinks it's unnecessary to ask anything. To be exact, he should not be qualified to ask anything.

Coco slowly moved his eyes to Du Zhijun, who was only wrapped in his lower body. "It seems that I didn't come at the right time."

Mo Shuangliao must have misunderstood when he arrived at coco. Don't say that he will misunderstand, as long as he has normal vision, he will misunderstand.

"It's not the right time for you to come!" Du Zhijun said very untimely, "you missed the most wonderful part!"

"Du Zhijun, shut up!" Mo Shuangshuang roared. She regretted that she didn't suffocate him just now, so that he would have a chance to bark like a mangy dog here. "You talk nonsense again. Believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

"Shuangshuang, why are you so rude to me?" Du Zhijun flat mouth aggrieved, unknowingly came forward to embrace Mo Shuangshuang's slender waist, "just now you are not like this in bed! You just told me Oh... "

Before the words were heard, Du Zhijun's feet were trampled on severely, and the pain made him jump with his feet in his arms.

This jump, successfully wrapped in the waist of the bath towel to jump down.

It's really hot to see the spring burst out!

Just a few waitresses passed by and ran away screaming.

"Oh, my God!" Du Zhijun squatted on the ground to pick up the bath towel. He slipped and fell.

Naked ass lying on the ground straight hum, that embarrassed look, not to mention how funny.

Coco looks at what's happening in front of him without expression.

Mo Shuangshuang withstands the urge to vomit, strides over Du Zhijun's body and walks to coco.

"Weng Yan, it's not what you think. Let me explain!" She knew that she would be pushed back if she said that, but she still wanted to have a try.

"Explain what?" Coco said coldly, "he has explained clearly just now. Mo Shuangshuang, no wonder you suddenly want to break up with me, originally, this is your reason! I see! Goodbye

"Weng Yan! It's not like that Mo Shuangshuang was flustered. She felt that Coco's goodbye was not a simple farewell, but a no longer meeting meaning, "I broke up with you because..."At this point, she suddenly stopped.

No! She can't say! Especially in front of Du Zhijun, we can't say it!

Otherwise, all previous efforts are in vain!

Dr. Ling suffered from severe depression and recently began to commit suicide.

The situation is very critical.

But Heart disease still needs heart medicine.

At present, rehabilitating him is the best and the only good medicine to save his life.

Dr. Ling is her mentor, and she has a new grace!

She must save him!

Sorry, Weng Yan! You give me a little more time. After I get the evidence, I will explain it to you and ask for your forgiveness.

"Because of what? You said Coco's sharp eyes are looking at her, waiting for her answer.

Although he saw her coming out of Du Zhijun's room, he was not stupid enough to believe what Du Zhijun said.

Mo Shuangshuang just went in for more than ten minutes. Apart from the time to take off and put on clothes, how many minutes are left?

Unless Du Zhijun's body is defective, how can it be so short?

But it's unreasonable for a single woman to stay in a hotel room with a married man, even if she doesn't do anything shameful.

Mo Shuangshuang bit his lips and said, "because We don't have the same personality

Oh! Coco almost laughed. It as like as two peas of the woman who had to break up.

I don't know if it's coincidence or tacit understanding!

"Oh? Not in character? " Coco raised his eyebrow. "How do I think we are similar in character?"

Mo Shuangshuang's face is stiff. Indeed, their personalities are straightforward and they get along well.

"Our families are so different. I feel a lot of pressure when I'm with you!" Mo Shuangshuang thought for a long time, and finally found a high sounding reason.

PS: two chapters updated today! , the fastest update of the webnovel!