Chapter 617

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Coco seems to have heard some funny joke, "what's going on in my family? Don't you know everything when you know me? If there's pressure, why have you been there? "

Mo Shuangshuang

Coco looked at her and said, "you are a real second generation. The gap between our two families should be narrowed, right?"

It has to be said that Coco's words are very sharp.

Mo Shuangshuang is speechless.

"What? Why not? " Coco's mouth raised a mocking smile, pulled Mo Shuangshuang to him, and squeezed her chin: "Mo Shuangshuang Shuang, I Weng Yan is not a man you can call, and I'll wave it away! If you don't tell me the real reason for breaking up, I won't let you go! "

Mo Shuangshuang's heart twitched violently. He had never spoken to her in such a severe tone. Not even when we had a fight.

She understood. He was angry!

But the real reason, she can't say now.

"Shuangshuang has promised me to be together, you'd better die this heart!" Du Zhijun, lying on the ground, suddenly opened his mouth.

Coco looked at Mo Shuangshuang in a sinister way, "is what he said true? You broke up with me for him? "

Last night, coco thought of thousands of reasons for her to break up, but she didn't think of this.

She empathizes, does not love any man, also should not be Du Zhijun!

"Mo Shuangshuang, are you stupid? Don't you understand the reason why a good horse doesn't take back the grass? " Coco hated the iron but said, "this scum used to treat you so much, and you will get back together with him? You got kicked in the head by a donkey? "

Listening to Coco's scolding, Mo Shuangshuang felt very sad, but pretended to be indifferent and said, "it used to be before, now he repents, and he is sincere with me. Men! If you know what's wrong, it's impossible to correct it. "

Coco almost vomited: "right if you know what's wrong? I Pooh! Do you still want to say: the prodigal son does not change his gold! Is he a prodigal even in his virtue? The whole grandson! Son of a bitch

Poof! It has to be said that the standard of Coco's swearing is high. The golden sentences make people laugh.

If it had been normal, Mo Shuangshuang, who had a rather low smile, would have been smiling back and forth.

However, at this time, her heart is bitter.

"Weng Yan, no more. I've decided to be with Zhijun. Let's break up. " Mo Shuangshuang's expression is indifferent, no one knows, she almost bites the gum to complete this sentence.

"You..." Coco clenched his fist and couldn't speak.

"Shuangshuang has made it so clear to you. Are you still pestering her? Can men be free and easy? " Du Zhijun added fuel to the fire.

Coco suddenly steps forward and stares at Du Zhijun angrily.

"Shuangshuang..." Du Zhijun is scared to hide behind Mo Shuangshuang. This picture is so hot.

Mo Shuangshuang resisted the impulse of kicking Du Zhijun to death with his feet. Looking at Coco's cloudy face, he pressed down his heart and said faintly: "Weng Yan, you go!"

"Mo Shuangshuang!" Coco can't bear to roar, "you don't regret it!"

Mo Shuangshuang's heart trembled violently for a moment, and soon recovered calm, "goodbye!"

She turned her head and didn't look at him any more. She hid behind her back and held her hands tightly unconsciously. Her nails sank into her palms and pierced her skin without noticing the pain.

Coco looked at her coldly for a long time, spitting out four words, "never see you again!"

Mo Shuangshuang watched his figure disappear in the line of sight, and could no longer help the sadness in his heart. Big tears fell down his cheeks.

"Shuangshuang, don't stand here. Let's go in." Du Zhijun came over and put his arms around her shoulder.

"Get out of here!" Don't double gas don't hit a place, ruthlessly kick in the past, the man's wail rang through the whole corridor.


it was almost lunch time when coco appeared in the studio.

As soon as her assistant Emily saw him, she rushed forward: "boss, someone's looking for him!"

"Who?" He's in a bad mood to meet guests.

"There are two. One is the old lady, the other is... " When Emily said this, she suddenly stopped and said strangely, "you'd better go and have a look for yourself."

Coco was more and more surprised: "who is it? Say

It seems that the boss is not in a good mood. Emily carefully said, "she is a beautiful woman. She said she was your first girlfriend."

"What? First girlfriend? Oh! Interesting His first love can only be described as betrayal.

Meng Ping, the woman who worships money, gave him such a big green hat. Now she has face! When he was what?

Coco didn't ask any more questions and walked into his office.

In the office, Qi Wanzhi is chatting with a young woman.Seeing coco push the door in, Qi Wanzhi immediately waved to him, "ah Yan, come here, look who this is?"

Why?! It's not Meng ping!!

With awl face, big eyes, cocky nose, shawl and long hair, such a face is not recognizable. Judging from the experience of coco stylists, nineteen eighty-nine is the whole face.

This kind of net red face is all over the street, who knows she is?

Before coco could speak, the girl sitting beside Qi Wanzhi could not wait to stand up, "brother Ayan, don't you know me? I am Jingya

Jingya? Familiar name, totally strange face.

"Sorry, I don't seem to remember." Coco didn't bother to guess.

The smile on the girl's face disappeared instantly. She stood there and didn't know what to say.

"Jingya, I told you just now that you have changed so much that Ayan can't recognize you!" Qi Wanzhi is busy making it right.

"Ah Yan, do you remember your uncle Fu? This is his daughter, Jingya. When I was a child, you used to play together Qi Wanzhi said.

Coco finally remembered that Fu Yannian, chairman of Fu Group, and Coco's father were good friends. Fu Jingya is Fu Yannian's only daughter, a few years younger than coco. The relationship between the two families is good. They often walk around. Fu Jingya used to come to Weng's house with her parents when she was a child.

At that time, Fu Yajing was only 11 or 12 years old. She was ordinary looking and wore a pair of black framed glasses. She followed coco all day and called "brother Ayan, brother Ayan".

Coco is warm-hearted, not only accompany her to play, but also patiently tutor her homework.

The adults of the two families saw that they played together all day and joked that they wanted to make friends.

Later, the Fu family emigrated to foreign countries. When they left, Fu Jingya burst into tears and was finally dragged away by her parents.

After that, coco never met Fu Jingya again.

Ten years later, the ugly duckling turned into a white swan.

Of course, artificial transformation is also a kind of transformation! , the fastest update of the webnovel!