Chapter 618

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Coco just wanted to speak, suddenly remembered that Emily had just said that Fu Jingya claimed to be his fiancee.

Whether it's Fu Jingya's joking words or not, he doesn't like such jokes.

Looking at Coco's eyes gradually become cold, Fu Jingya's expression is embarrassed to no good, "brother Ayan, you really don't remember me?"

"Oh. It seems to have some impression. It may be too long. " Coco was vague.

"Ah Yan, your uncle Fu has come to Xicheng to talk business. Jingya will come with her for a few days. If you can spare time to accompany her, you should do your best." Qi Wanzhi said.

Fu Jingya was just like a ball out of breath. After listening to Qi Wanzhi's words, she immediately recovered, "great! I'm sure I can have a good time with brother a Yan

"No! Grandma Coco refused without thinking, "I'm very busy these days. There are a lot of customers who have made an appointment. They're all scheduled for the beginning of next month."

There are customers, but not so many.

Coco didn't like Fu Jingya, and he just broke up with Mo shuangshuangshuang. He was not happy. How could he be in the mood to play with her?

"Are you always free on weekends?" Of course, Qi Wanzhi knows that Sun Tzu deliberately shirks.

"The weekend is even worse. I'm going to be on the cast this weekend." Coco is serious.

"It's after work!" Qi Wanzhi continued to compromise.

"I'm sorry, grandma. I have to work overtime these days. Red and bo have several shows, which are very important!"

"Don't do that with me!" Qi Wanzhi was angry, and the grandson didn't give her face. She compromised to this point, but he didn't agree. No one else said, "you're busy! Can you help a Chen? Ah Chen managed two listed companies, but he could spare time to accompany his wife and son every day! You can spare even one day

Coco looks at Qi Wanzhi puzzled. Although the old lady is authoritative, she is very open-minded. She never forces him to do things he doesn't want to do.

What happened today?

Clearly know that he just lost love, how can not know how to love him?

"Old lady, if brother a Yan is really busy, forget it. Anyway, Xicheng is not very big. I search the Internet for strategies. I can play by myself! " Fu Jingya said pitifully.

"How can you play alone? If you don't think I'm in the way, I'll play with you. " Qi Wanzhi said.

Fu Jingya's mouth smoked, dry smile twice, "ha ha, this is too troublesome for you?"

"No trouble, no trouble, I have nothing to do anyway!" Qi Wanzhi said.

Fu Jingya couldn't get rid of it, so she nodded and agreed.

Qi Wanzhi stood up, "that I have something else to do. Let's go. Jingya, you stay here to chat with ah Yan. I haven't seen you for so many years. There must be a lot to say! "

Coco rolled his eyes in his heart. It's strange to have something to say!

At this time, Fu Jingya was a little shy: "old lady, I'll take you out!"

"No, sit down. Ah Yan, I have something for you. It's in the car. Go and get it Qi Wanzhi winked at coco.

Coco reluctantly followed Qi Wanzhi out.

"Grandma, what do you want for me?"

"What's your hurry? I'll know if I give it to you. " Qi Wanzhi's cold voice.

"So mysterious?"

Qi Wanzhi ignored her, walked to the side of the car, took out a paper bag from the trunk and handed it to coco, "take it, give it to you!"

Coco took the bag suspiciously and saw that it was a new mobile phone, "this..."

"Can you still use your old broken one like this?" Qi Wanzhi did not have a good way, "lovelorn fell things, no promise!"

"Grandma, I..." Coco, like a child who did something wrong, bowed his head.

"Come on, don't explain!" Qi Wanzhi said, "the more we work as elders, the more chaotic we get. I'm sure you can handle it! "

"Grandma, actually..." He wants to say that he can't handle it well at all. He's already gameover!

"Come on, don't say that." Qi Wanzhi doesn't seem to be interested in this topic. "I have something to tell you."

Coco is stunned. Isn't breaking up a business?

But looking at Qi Wanzhi's expression, it seems that this so-called business is quite big!

"What's the matter?" Coco said, "it's not about playing with Fu Jingya, is it? I tell you, I'm not free! Even if I have time, I will not accompany you! I have nothing to do with her. Why should I accompany her? "

"That's what I want to tell you!" Qi Wanzhi said, "this time, you can accompany her, even in the face of grandma, eh?"

"Why?" Coco doesn't understand. He doesn't understand what happened to Qi Wanzhi today, so stubborn!

When Qi Wanzhi looked at him, her expression suddenly became very dignified. After a long time, she said in a deep voice: "because of Yajing, she It's only half a year old! ""What? What did you say? " Coco thinks he heard it wrong. How is that possible? She was so lively and cheerful, she felt energetic, and she didn't look like a dying person.

"I said, Yajing can only live for half a year at most!" Qi Wanzhi repeated word by word.

Coco finally heard, "she What's up? Are you sick? "

"Advanced lung cancer."

“……” Coco was silent for a while. "She Do you know? "

"Yes, she knew that a long time ago. She has been suffering from this disease for more than six years. She has had two major operations, received chemotherapy countless times, lost all her hair, and was tortured like an adult. But she is still fighting with the disease tenaciously. Unfortunately, the cancer has spread Qi Wanzhi's voice choked. "However, the doctor said that it has been a miracle for her to live until now."

Coco is silent.

The original antipathy to Fu Jingya instantly turned into deep pity.

He remembered in his mind the little girl who followed her ten years ago and was always happy.

My heart is full of melancholy.

"Originally, the doctor said that according to her current physical condition, she was not suitable to go far. Although it is predicted that she will live for half a year, even a little accident may lead to her death. " Qi Wanzhi said, "but she is determined to go to the west city. Because, she wants to look for the good memory of her childhood and realize a dream in her heart all the time.... "

When Qi Wanzhi said this, she couldn't go on.

"What is her dream?" Asked coco.

"It's you..."


"She has loved you since she was a child. When she grows up, she wants to marry you. In order to be worthy of you, she is strict with herself in all aspects. She is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She feels that she is not good-looking, and even has a look. Finally, when she was 20 years old, she thought it was time to come to you, but unfortunately, she was diagnosed with lung cancer at this time. "

PS: Jingya is a good girl, not a scheming bitch. Don't worry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!