Chapter 619

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Coco heard, "like me? She was only ten at that time. We are just children's playmates, aren't we? "

Qi Wanzhi shook her head: "I don't know if this girl is too stupid or too precocious! In a word, she just likes you like a devil

"But I've never known that. No one has told me that! " Coco didn't know what to say to express his complicated mood at the moment.

Qi Wanzhi sighed, "this girl is stupid! Silently like you, and dare not let you know. She wants to be the best before she tells you. Originally, she was about to do it. But Contrary to our wishes When she knew her illness, she gave up the plan to come to you, temporarily suppressed her feelings for you, and treated her illness wholeheartedly in order to recover as soon as possible and come to your side. But The cancer cells still spread... "

After a pause, Qi Wanzhi continued, "she knows that her time is running out. While she can still walk around, she decides to come to Xicheng to meet you..."

"What do you want to see me do? Grandma, you know, I already have someone I like. " Coco knows that it seems cruel to say so, but the truth is unavoidable.

"I know you have people you like. I know you don't mean Jingya that way. " Qi Wanzhi said, "I just hope that you can accompany her in the last days of her life, which can be regarded as a kind of psychological comfort to her. This is not only Jingya himself, but also the common wish of your uncle Fu's family. For this matter, you came to me and earnestly begged me. Ah Poor parents! I know you're busy with your work. During this period of time, you should put your work aside first. Money can never be earned all the time. Well

Looking at Qi Wanzhi's expectant eyes, coco pondered for a long time and nodded slowly, "OK! I know what to do! "

Qi Wanzhi was very pleased by Sun Tzu's kindness: "I'll explain to her about Shuangshuang."

"No!" Coco blurted out excitedly.

"What's the matter?" Qi Wanzhi looked at him in surprise, "did you really fight?"

"It's not a fight, it's a breakup! I told you this morning! "

"All right!" Qi Wanzhi gave him a bad look and said, "it's almost OK to be angry. Don't go too far! More than 20 people, like children all day. When it gets better, it's like a black eyed chicken. I can't stand you two

Coco gasped at the corner of his mouth He wanted to say, this time it's not a fight, it's a breakup! Why did no one believe it?

Qi Wanzhi looked at her watch and said, "ouch, it's getting late. I have to go first! Lao Li asked me to have tea

Coco's mouth sucks. Lao Li? Peter Lee?

Nima! It's just evening love! Need to show love in front of him every day? Have you ever thought about his feelings as a lovelorn!!


the largest department store in Xicheng.

"Husband, which color do you think is good?" Li Xintong shows two sets of baby pajamas to Bo Yanchen.

"Which color do you think is better?" Bo Yanchen asked.

Li Xintong said: "I didn't ask you until I had no idea! Why did you ask me? "

Bo Yanchen smiles: "you are a chief designer, how can you have no idea?"

"It has nothing to do with designing clothes." Li Xintong said, "people are afraid of choice. They think both colors are good-looking! Give me an idea

"Since you think it's good, buy both!"

Li Xintong Well, she's asking for nothing!

Buy everything. Anyway, newborns are easy to wet the bed. Buy more clothes to change.

"Waiter, I'll take both."

"Good!" Let such customers come to a dozen! The waiter thought happily.

"Husband, which one of these two little skirts do you think looks better?"

"Buy both."

"Waiter, I'll take both."


"Husband, which of these two baby beds do you think is more beautiful?"

"Both." Bo Yanchen, who is looking at his mobile phone, is absent-minded.

The waiter looked at Li Xintong's stomach: "excuse me, madam, are you pregnant with twins?"

Li Xintong

Just two hot women passed by the store.

Li Xintong had an idea: "husband, which of these two beauties do you think is more beautiful?"

"Well?" Bo Yanchen took a look at the direction Li Xintong pointed to, and immediately turned his eyes back to her, "I think my wife is the most beautiful!"

Li Xintong

Originally, she wanted to give him a surprise question. If he answered casually, she would have reason to educate him. Unexpectedly, Leng buting was shown a face.

"Glib! I don't care about you! " Li Xintong Jiaochou a, turned around, pretending to choose baby supplies."Wife! You can't ignore me Bo Yanchen has no face to have no skin ground to stick up, from behind encircle her some heavy body.

Li Xintong pushed him with his elbow: "go away, don't disturb me to help baby choose clothes!"

But Bo Yanchen hugged her more tightly and put her sexy lips on her ear, "do you care about little baby, big baby? Big baby also needs your care

Li Xintong's ears turned red, "don't make trouble! Someone's watching

"Just look." While talking, Bo Yanchen has planted several strawberries on his wife's neck.

Li Xintong

This man is not normal recently. He is always coquettish, cute and wallowing in front of her, regardless of occasion and time.

I can't bear to look directly at the picture!

The waiter stood aside, embarrassed, not knowing where to look.

"Bo Yanchen, don't go too far! This is the shop! Public places Li Xintong is afraid to be pulled out of the fire, low voice warning.

Bo Yanchen turned a deaf ear and continued to plant strawberries on her other neck.

Li Xintong took a cold breath. Just as she wanted to get angry, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in her sight.

"Ah Chen, ah Chen! Stop it, your brother is coming! "

"Now even if the jade emperor comes, you can't run!" Bo Yanchen thought that she deliberately opened the topic and joked.

Li Xintong pushed her husband hard: "really! Ah Chen, do you think this is coco? Who is the woman around him? How come I've never seen it before? "

Bo Yanchen released her and turned to look. Sure enough, she saw coco standing at the entrance of the playground opposite. Beside her stood a beautiful young girl.

Coco lowered his head and said something to the girl. The girl immediately grinned, took Coco's arm and walked towards the playground.

"The trough! There is adultery Seeing such a situation, Li Xintong couldn't help saying something rude.

Bo Yanchen's mouth corner smoked to smoke, "pregnant woman forbids to scold!"

"Oh! The cheating man owes not only scolding but also beating! " Li Xintong gritted her teeth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!