Chapter 620

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
With that, Li Xintong left her baby clothes and strode towards the playground.

Bo Yanchen's forehead suddenly fell three black lines, "ah Wife, where are you going

Just about to chase out, the waiter called him: "Sir, what you want."

"Wrap it all up. I'll check out later!" Bo Yanchen left this sentence, then chased out.

Li Xintong has a big stomach. Naturally, she can't walk fast. Before she goes far, she is caught up by Bo Yanchen.

"Wife, slow down! You are not alone now Bo Yanchen held her carefully.

Li Xintong angrily shook off her husband's hand: "what are you doing? Don't hold me! Yes, I'm not fighting alone now. I'm fighting side by side with my baby. I'll ask the naughty boy for a clear answer! "

Bo Yanchen helped to help forehead, this words how listen to seem to be he derailed.

"Wife, it's too arbitrary for you to decide that Ayan is a scum man before you know what's going on. Ah Yan, whom I know, is very expert and will never step on two boats. "

Li Xintong frowned and was dissatisfied with her husband's behavior of protecting her short hair. "I have eyes and can see!"

"Sometimes what you see doesn't have to be true." Bo Yanchen said, "first calm down and go back with me. I'll look for a chance to ask him later. "

"Shuangshuang is my good sister. How do you want me to calm down? " Li Xintong's tone is a little anxious, "let me go, let me in!"

Xu Shi was once split, and his father split his leg. Li Xintong is especially emotional when she encounters this kind of thing.

"What do you want? Rush in and question him in public? Scold him? Hit him? Not only can you not solve the problem like this, but you may also make things more rigid. " Bo Yanchen released her hand, "if you want to have such a result, then you go in, I will never stop you!"

Li Xintong stares at her husband for a long time. She slowly lowers her head. Without saying a word, she turns around and walks back to the maternal and child products store.

Bo Yanchen follows up and holds his wife, "Tong Tong, are you angry?"

"No Li Xintong shook his head, "you're right. I was too impulsive just now

"You're not impulsive, you're enthusiastic." Bo Yanchen touched his wife's long hair fondly, "Shuangshuang is really lucky to have such a good sister as you!"

Li Xintong chuckled: "what's your expression? envy? envy? Alas, it's a pity that you are a man. If you want to be a good sister with me, I'm afraid you'll have to live in the next life! "

Bo Yanchen's face suddenly turned black. He reached out and pinched her cheek. "I can't be your good sister. Next life, next life, I will always be your man!"


"brother Ayan, I want to play with this pirate ship, will you accompany me?" Fu Jingya pulls coco into the crowd.

"No! This is too dangerous! " Coco immediately objected. Before coming out to play, he called Fu Yannian, Fu Jingya's father, and inquired about her condition in detail.

Fu Yannian warned that Fu Jingya was weak and should not take part in dangerous activities.

Ordinary people can't bear such a project as pirate ship, let alone Fu Jingya, a terminally ill patient.

"All right." Fu Jingya didn't insist. She was obedient to coco. Coco can accompany her to come out to play, she has been very happy, how can play Miss temper to make him unhappy?

"Let's play something else." Coco thought, "what about Ferris wheel?"

"Good!" Fu Jingya first nodded, then shook his head, "forget it, there are so many people on the ferris wheel, the line is so long, it takes too much time!"

"It's OK. You sit there and I'll line up!"

"What's the point?"

"It's OK. Just be happy."

"Thank you! Brother Ayan, it's very kind of you! " He looked at coco with curved eyebrows.

What did coco want to say? He held back.

After standing in line for nearly half an hour, I finally got on the ferris wheel.

The ferris wheel slowly rises, and the vision gradually widens. Looking at the smaller and smaller scenery on the ground, the little girl dances excitedly and takes out her mobile phone to take selfies.

"So excited, your first time on Ferris wheel?" Coco joked.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jingya nodded: "well, for the first time, it's really interesting!"

Coco was a little surprised: "there are no fewer amusement parks in M country than in Xicheng. In all these years, have you ever sat in one?"

"When I was reading, I was very busy. I had to learn not only culture lessons, but also piano, dancing, calligraphy, painting and cooking There are a lot of things to learn. I can't even walk without running. How can I go out to play? "

Coco frowned: "so why do you spell it?"

"You are so excellent, I can't fall behind too much!"

"I'm not as good as you. I can't do anything except modeling!""There are many stylists, but few of them can really be called masters! You are already a great God in this field. It's not easy to make one thing fine. You are really great! And I know a little about everything, but I'm not professional about anything. " Fu Jingya laughed at herself.

"Well, don't praise me any more. I can't stand boasting. I'll be flying. If you fly out of here later, it will be miserable if you can't come back! " Coco boasted.

Fu Jingya was amused and burst out laughing, "brother Ayan, you are so humorous. I'm so happy to be with you

Coco's heart jerked.

At this moment, Mo shuangshuangshuang's face flashed in front of his eyes.

I remember that Mo Shuangshuang once said such a thing.

Once, also on the ferris wheel, he made up a cold joke, which made Mo Shuangshuang laugh back and forth.

"Weng Yan, I'm so happy to be with you!"

The same place, the same words, speaking from different girls, are two completely different feelings.

Remember at that time, he said: then we will always be together, I will make you happy every day.

Mo Shuangshuang nodded excitedly: "good!"

Two people warmly kiss together, the kiss is very lingering, lasted for a long time, until the ferris wheel down to the ground, two people still kiss to inseparable.

"Brother Ayan, what are you thinking?"

Fu Jingya shook his hand in front of him.

Coco's thoughts were pulled back, "nothing."

"Brother Ayan, let's take a picture together!" Fu Jingya picked up his mobile phone and said, "your mobile phone has better camera function than mine. Use yours!"

Click! Click!

Fu Jingya is very good at poss. She hugs Coco's neck and takes several pictures.

"All right!" When Fu Jingya sent the photos to herself, she was late in forwarding the circle of friends.

"Oh! Unfortunately, I slipped my hand and sent the photos to your circle of friends! Are you all right? " Fu Jingya sticks out her tongue and returns her mobile phone to coco.


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