Chapter 621

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Jing Haoran: "lying trough!! Hey, hey, brother, there's a situation! Who is this girl? As soon as Shuang Mei paper is gone, you can't bear to press it? Not afraid to be punished for kneeling at home? "

Qu Huaqing: "if this is your relative, I will take you to explain to Shuangshuang junior sister..."

Diana: "a large group of melon eaters are on their way to report to miss Shuangshuang..."

Jing Haoran @ Diana: "didn't you say that you are not allowed to touch mobile phones recently? Turn off the power quickly

Diana @ Jing Haoran: "it's up to you! I'd love to! "

Jing Haoran @ Diana: "do you want to revolt?"

Diana @ Jing Haoran: "well, I have this plan."

Jing Haoran @ Diana: "come back at night and suppress by force!"

Diana @ Jing Haoran: "in shame and anger..."

Coco's forehead suddenly fell three black lines. It's time for these two to show their love. The scale is so big, there is no one!

Fortunately, although his wechat friends are not many, they are basically family and friends. If they are seen by gossip reporters, they will set off a big wave of scandal.

By the way, Mo Shuangshuang is also his wechat friend, and he is very diligent in his circle of friends. Make complaints about him because he loves playing with mobile phone.

This is the end of it! In case she sees it, no! She will see it. How can he explain it?

Ah All blame Fu Jingya this wench not careful, this next hurt him miserably!

On second thought, I don't think it's right!

Oh! What are you afraid of? Didn't they break up already?

Even if seen, what if misunderstood?

She's only allowed to get back together with her ex boyfriend, and he's not allowed to date since childhood?

"Wow! So many comments? " Fu Jingya looked over at Coco's mobile screen with great interest, "Gee, who are they talking about?"


Fu Jingya looked at his expression and asked tentatively, "isn't it your girlfriend?"

Coco will turn off the screen of the mobile phone, light spit out three words: "ex girlfriend!"

Fu Jingya gave coco a complicated look and didn't speak any more.


"husband, what are you looking at?" Li Xintong sat in the car, looking at Bo Yanchen has been staring at the mobile phone screen, but also from time to time pick eyebrows, can't help asking.

"Nothing. Just look around." Bo Yanchen as if nothing had happened to the mobile phone to a pocket.

"Ah! It seems that I have sand in my eyes. It's so uncomfortable! " Li Xintong suddenly covered her eyes and frowned painfully.

Bo Yanchen pulled down her hand: "don't rub, don't rub, the more you rub, the more uncomfortable it is. Come on, let me see! "

Li Xintong obediently put her head in front of her husband, squinting, "left."

Bo Yanchen holds his wife's chin in one hand, and the fingers of the other hand carefully open the eyelid of her left eye, carefully looking for any foreign body inside.

Suddenly, I felt that my pocket was pressed. When I looked down, my mobile phone was already in Li Xintong's hand.

Bo Yanchen's face suddenly turned black.

He was once again hit by such a trick.

It seems that in front of his wife, his IQ shows a downward trend.

"Good! This stinking man! It's not enough to pick wild flowers outside, but to show off in a circle of friends. You want to be shameless? " Li Xintong couldn't sit still. She clapped her hands and said, "stop and turn around. I'll settle with him!"

"My wife! Don't be so impulsive! Take it easy Bo Yanchen pressed his wife's heavy body, "you go back now, maybe someone else has gone?"

Li Xintong squinted leopard like eyes to examine him, "you see, deliberately do not tell me. Do you want to hide it for your brother? play the jackal to the tiger? You tipped him off, didn't you? "

"Heaven and earth! My wife Bo Yanchen was terrified: "I am loyal to you, heaven and earth can learn from you! What's more, I'm chivalrous and righteous. How can I do anything to serve the tiger and give information? "

Li Xintong rolled his eyes, "you dare not measure it!" Although the words say so, but in the heart of the gas has dissipated more than half.

"You say! What now? Shuangshuang would be sad if he saw it! You don't see her usually a careless, female man's appearance, in fact, the feelings are very fragile. In the University, he was cheated by Du Zhijun and healed silently for several years before he came out! Now, it's hard for her to open up and accept a new relationship, but when it comes to this kind of thing, how can you make her feel embarrassed! " The more Li Xintong said, the more excited she was.

"Understand, understand!" Bo Yanchen held his wife's hand and comforted him, "don't worry, things may not be as bad as you think. I think there must be something wrong with them. I'll go back and ask. "

Li Xintong nodded, "well, I'll ask."

"Don't ask."

"Why?""You are so emotional now, are you sure you want to adjust, not pour oil on the fire?"



coco returns home at 9 p.m.

The light in the living room was still on. Qi Wanzhi sat on the sofa waiting for him.

"Send Jingya back?"


"I've seen the photos of your circle of friends. Jingya seems to be in a good mood."


"Is her health all right?"


"Will you continue to go out tomorrow?"


Qi Wanzhi gave him a silent look: "can't you say a few more words?"


"It's just going out to play. What are you tired of? I used to see you working all night, but I didn't say you were tired. "

"Heart tired!" Coco leans on the sofa and looks tired.

Qi Wanzhi raised her eyebrows: "what? Haven't you made up with Shuangshuang yet? "

Coco looked at her and didn't reply.

"For the sake of your hard work with Jingya today, grandma will do you a favor. It's a reward!"


"Help you get Shuangshuang back!"

Coco stood up from the sofa and said in a cold voice, "don't contact her any more! Otherwise, I will not accompany Jingya any more! "

"Ah Yan, what's the matter with you?" Qi Wanzhi was confused by her grandson's sudden outburst.

It's not the first time she's been mediating for the two. In the past, Coco's usual approach was to neither support nor oppose it. allow someone to continue.

There was no intense speech this time. It seems that Abnormal!

Qi Wanzhi was about to ask when Coco's phone suddenly rang.

"I'll take a call!" Coco said and went straight upstairs.

"Hello, ah Chen, what can I do for you?"

"Nothing. As a brother, I want to know something about your relationship."

Coco was stunned for a moment. "You don't look like such a gossiper. Tell me, did your wife want you to ask?"

Bo Yanchen wry smile for a while, "wife life is difficult for! You know that

"Are you showing me off?" Coco's heart is sour.

"Do I? It's you. You're the one with the best of luck. " Bo Yanchen joked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!