Chapter 637

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Two strange men in police uniforms appeared on the screen of the access control system, looking serious.

Mo Shuangshuang's heart thumped for a while. In the middle of the night, the police came to the door. It would not be a good thing.

"Who are you looking for, please?" Mo Shuangshuang asked tentatively, hoping that the police had gone through the wrong door.

"Does Miss Mo Shuangshuang live here?"

Er! It's really looking for her!

Mo Shuangshuang arranges his messy hair, takes a deep breath, and opens the door.

As soon as the two policemen saw Mo Shuangshuang, they looked at each other and showed their police certificate according to the procedure.

One of the older policemen said, "we are policemen from the Criminal Police Brigade of the North District of Xicheng. Are you mo Shuangshuang? "

"Well! I am. Excuse me, can I help you

"What is your relationship with Mr. Du Zhijun, Miss Mo?"

"Du Zhijun, he He's my ex boyfriend. " Mo Shuangshuang looked at the dignified face of the police, and a bad premonition came to his mind, "is something wrong with him?"

"Well. He's dead. "

"What?" Mo Shuangshuang almost couldn't stand in shock. Fortunately, he didn't fall down by holding the door frame.

"He He's dead? He How did he die? " Mo Shuangshuang's voice was shaking.

"A few hours ago, his car ran out of control and rushed down the moat. When it was salvaged, it was out of breath."

"How could that be?" Mo Shuangshuang's heart is cold. Although Du Zhijun is not good at it, he hurt her deeply in those years, but she never thought that he would die suddenly.

The question is, if he died, would the evidence of medical malpractice not go down forever?

"Excuse me, Miss Mo, where were you two hours ago, around one o'clock this morning? With whom? " Asked the policeman suddenly.

"One o'clock in the morning, of course I sleep at home!" Mo Shuangshuang thinks that the police's problem is a little puzzling.

The policeman looked at her suspiciously: "can anyone prove it?"

"No. I live alone

The two policemen looked at each other again, and the old policeman said, "Miss Mo, we suspect that you have something to do with the murder of Du Zhijun. Please come back with us to assist in the investigation."

"Killed?" Mo Shuangshuang was surprised that the underground bus almost fell down. "Didn't he die in an accident?"

"Du Zhijun's autopsy results show that he took a lot of hallucinogen before the accident, which led to his delirium and drove directly into the river."

"Hallucinogen?" Mo Shuangshuang was startled. Even if she was not a doctor, she knew through common sense that the so-called hallucinogen was a new kind of drug.

According to her understanding of Du Zhijun, Du Zhijun has not degenerated to the point of taking drugs.

"Du Zhijun didn't take hallucinogen before he died, so someone must have poisoned him. You are the last one to see him When the police said this, it was as if they had determined that she was the murderer.

"Poisoned?" Mo Shuangshuang's eyes widened in horror, "Comrade police, you can't wrongly treat good people! I met Du Zhijun last night. He asked me out for dinner, but he left with his wife before seven. After that, I never saw him again! How could he be poisoned? "

"Oh? Is that right? " The policeman didn't believe, "what time did you get home?"

"Well, after I came out of the hotel, I went to the fashion show of my friend's company. When I came back, it was about nine o'clock in the evening."

"Have you ever been out since?"

"No, I went to bed after ten."

"Yes? But why does the monitoring show that Du Zhijun appears in the neighborhood where you live at about one o'clock in the morning. And you got in his car! The last time you came back was one forty! There is monitoring to testify! "

"I didn't! I really haven't been out! I've been sleeping at home all this time! " Mo Shuangshuang denies it. Isn't it the devil? Did she sleepwalk?

"Miss Mo, I advise you not to deny it. We don't come to the door without evidence. After you got into Du Zhijun's car, less than 20 minutes later, he had a car accident, but you were safe. How can you explain that? " The police continued.

Explain? Where can she explain it?

"I swear, I haven't been out since nine. You can't help it if you don't believe me! " Mo Shuangshuang thinks that he is a scholar, but he can't say clearly when he meets a soldier, "you keep saying that monitoring display, monitoring display. I want to see the surveillance video! "

The policeman looked at her without expression: "yes. Come back to the bureau with us. Take your time. "

"Good! I'll go with you She would like to see, the police mouth that she, in the end is where the devil!


after arriving at the Public Security Bureau and seeing the surveillance video, Mo Shuangshuang was completely confused.

The woman in Du Zhijun's car shown in the surveillance video of the community has the same hairstyle, the same figure, the same clothes and even the same profile as her.However, the only difference is that the woman's walking posture is different from her.

If you don't know her well, you can't tell the true from the false.

"That woman is not me!" Although I don't know the origin of this woman, Mo Shuangshuang saw the flaw at a glance, "my walking posture is not like this!"

The police seemed to have heard a joke. "Miss Mo, we can understand your mood. Everyone who comes here will find a lot of reasons to deny that they did it themselves. But the reason you are looking for is too far fetched. The way you walk? ha-ha! What's the characteristic of your walking? Tell me about it

Mo Shuangshuang This can only mean can't say!

"Anyway, that woman is not me! She just looks like me, pretending to be me Mo Shuangshuang stood up and said in a loud voice.

"Be honest, sit down! Yelling, what do you think this is? " The police said in a shrill voice, "we have investigated. After you broke up with Du Zhijun, there was no contact for several years. During this time, you suddenly have frequent contact. Soon something happened to him. Don't you doubt it? "

"Oh! Is there a direct causal relationship between the two? " Mo Shuangshuang sneered, "the person who contacted the most before the death of the victim is the most suspect? What's the logic? It turns out that's how the police solve the case! "

The policeman's face suddenly sank: "Mo Shuangshuang, don't be too arrogant! How can our police reason and solve a case? It's not your turn to say three things and four things! All in all, you are now the biggest suspect in this case. Surveillance video is the most favorable evidence! Unless you can come up with stronger evidence to refute it! Now we're going to formally detain you! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!