Chapter 638

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
In the early morning, Li Xintong was still asleep, and was woken up by a telephone ring.

I went to bed late last night and I didn't want to open my eyelids.

He reached out and fumbled on the bedside table, but didn't touch the mobile phone. The ringtone seems to come from the window sill.

I'll go! Bo Yanchen must be afraid of radiation damage to pregnant women, and put the phone to the window.

Li Xintong again in the side of a random touch, empty, the man is not in bed.

"Ah Chen Ah Chen... " She was annoyed by the harsh ring of her mobile phone.

"Ah, here it is!" Bo Yanchen is eating downstairs. Hearing his wife's call, he rushes upstairs like a small rocket. "What's the matter? Wife? "

"Answer the phone now! It's so noisy Li Xintong complains and buries her head in the quilt.

"Oh, oh." Bo Yanchen quickly went to the window, picked up the mobile phone from the windowsill, a strange number.

"Hello, who is it?" Bo Yanchen's cold voice.

"This is Xicheng North District Public Security Bureau..."

"What?" Rao was Bo Yanchen, who was always unprepared to change. At this time, his face changed uncontrollably.

Li Xintong heard the strange voice of her husband, busy from the quilt out, "husband, who called?"

"OK, I see. I'll be right here!" Hang up the phone, thin Yan Chen Dynasty wife looked one eye, facial expression is complex.

Li Xintong slightly twisted her eyebrows, with an ominous premonition in her heart, "husband, what's the matter? What's the matter? "

"It's from the police station. Du Zhijun is dead!" Bo Yanchen's voice was cold.

"What?" Li Xintong is scared what doze ran out, Teng ground sits up from the bed.

Because of Mo Shuangshuang's relationship, Li Xintong treats Du Zhijun very much, but she is still quite shocked to hear of his death, "Du Zhijun, he How could he die? "

"Traffic accident, falling into river, being drugged before death."

"Ah?" Li Xintong was surprised again: "he He was murdered? "

"Well." Bo Yanchen went to the bed and put his hands on his wife's shoulder. "Wife, the next thing I want to say may make you emotional. So, I have to give you a preventive injection in advance. You have to be psychologically prepared. "

Li Xintong nodded heavily: "good!"

Bo Yanchen thought about it and shook his head: "forget it, I still don't want to talk to you. In case you get too excited. "

This next li Xintong can not do, appetite was hanging up, do not let know how uncomfortable!

"Say it, say it! I promise, I will calm down! " Li Xintong made an oath.

Bo Yanchen sighed, "OK. The police said The biggest suspect in killing Du Zhijun is... Double double

"My God! How is that possible? " Li Xintong felt that she was listening, but looking at her husband's serious expression, she didn't seem to be joking, "Shuangshuang is so kind, how can she do something to kill people? Although she hates Du Zhijun, it's almost four years since they broke up. Even if they want to kill them, they can't wait until now! There must be some misunderstanding here. The police must have made a mistake! "

"I hope they got it wrong, too!" Bo Yanchen looked at his wife and said, "but the police said that there are surveillance videos to prove that..."

Li Xintong

The atmosphere in the room cooled for a moment.

After a long time, Li Xintong said slowly: "in short, I will not believe that Shuangshuang is a murderer." Then he lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

"Wife, where are you going?"

"I'm going to see Shuangshuang in the detention house!"

She is a girl who has been locked up as a murderer all night. She must be very helpless and afraid. At this time, as a good sister, we must comfort her at the first time.

Bo Yanchen naturally knew his wife's intention, and he didn't have the heart to stop her. What's more, her wife's reaction was so calm that she was very pleased. Now this time must follow her, must not stimulate her.

"Wife, I can understand your mood. But now she's both suspects. She's in the detention house. She can't see anyone except a lawyer. " Bo Yanchen explained patiently.

Li Xintong opens her mouth. She remembers that she once pleaded guilty for Bo Jingxuan. After being detained, she can only meet with a lawyer. At that time, Mo Shuangshuang wanted to see her. He was so anxious that he couldn't see her because of many relationships. It was not until her sentence was sent to prison that the two sisters met.

Remembering the past, Li Xintong felt inexplicably sad, and her tears fell down.

Bo Yanchen looks at his wife's sad appearance, which is called a heartache!

"Tong Tong, don't worry. Rules are dead, people are alive. Don't be impatient. I'll find a way to let you meet as soon as possible. " Bo Yanchen helped his wife wipe her tears, and talked to her kindly.

Li Xintong stopped crying and looked up at Bo Yanchen dimly. "But The conditions in the detention center are poor. I want to prepare some food for her. Is that ok? ""Of course Bo Yanchen said, "you don't have to do this little thing. I'll let Qi Ma prepare for it right away. After breakfast, I'll send it myself, and by the way, I'll take the lawyer to let him know about Shuangshuang. "

"Well, good." Li Xintong nodded, or her husband considerate, which like her, a pot of porridge in the brain, all confused.

"Oh, yes. Lawyer, please don't invite that Lu Fei. " Li Xintong suddenly thought of this important thing, "he is Du Zhijun's brother-in-law, not suitable to be Shuangshuang's lawyer."

"How could I let him go?" Bo Yanchen said, "red has a team of lawyers! Besides, Lu Fei is not good at criminal cases. Don't worry, I'll arrange it! "

"Good. Then I can rest assured! " Li Xintong nodded, "Oh, by the way, does coco know about this?"

"I don't know. I'll ask later."

While Li Xintong is in the middle of breakfast, Bo Yanchen calls coco.

It took a long time to pick up the phone. There was a lot of noise around, like in the street.

"Well, where are you?" Bo Yanchen asked.

"The airport. Can I help you? "

"Come back quickly!" Bo Yanchen's cold voice.

"No kidding. Jingya is going back to m country for further consultation. I have to go with her. "

"Brother Ayan, come here for a moment." Fu Jingya's sweet voice came from the other end of the phone.

Bo Yanchen frowned and raised his voice: "I'll say it again. I'll be right back! Otherwise, don't regret it

"Ah Chen, what's the matter with you? Is something wrong? " Coco felt Bo Yanchen's mood was wrong.

"Get to the West City Detention Center at once." Bo Yanchen pauses and continues, "Shuangshuang has an accident..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!