Chapter 639

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
After seeing coco hang up the phone, Fu Jingya stood there like a sculpture, feeling strange.

She went over and took Coco's arm: "brother Ayan, we're boarding soon. Let's go!"

Coco just woke up and pulled Fu Jingya's hand, "Jingya, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you to m country."

"Why? What's the matter? " Fu Jingya looks puzzled.

"I'm going to do something important right now." Coco is not willing to say more, "the plane is about to take off. Let's go. When we get there, we'll be safe."

"If you don't go, I won't either!" Fu Jingya refused to go.

Coco's face sank: "I'm going to do business. What are you doing here? be good! Hurry to board the plane

"I'm not going! I'll go with you Fu Jingya, who has always been obedient to Coco's words, suddenly turned against him.

"Stop it, will you? If you don't go for a reexamination, what about your illness? "

"My illness has not been saved. It's just a formality to go for a re examination." When Fu Jingya said this, he was quite calm and calm, "brother Ayan, do you know? In fact, it's not that you said you would accompany me this time. I won't go at all! "


"So don't drive me away! Is it a day for me to stay with you? Please Fu Jingya begged.

Coco held his forehead and thought for a while, "OK. I'll take you back to the hotel first! "

Fortunately, the hotel and the detention center are in the same direction. After coco sent Fu Jingya to the police station, Bo Yanchen had already arrived. Next to him was a middle-aged man with a stiff suit and a serious look.

Coco recognized at a glance that it was a famous big name lawyer in Xicheng.

Good boy! In such a short period of time, I can invite you to the eight big sedan chairs. Bo Yanchen is so powerful!

But at this time of coco, also have no mind to sigh these, go directly to Bo Yanchen side, "Chen, how is the situation?"

Bo Yanchen took a look at coco, and then said to the people beside him: "lawyer Yan, this is Weng Yan, Miss Mo's fiance. If you have any words, just say it."

"All right, Bo Shao!" The lawyer's eyes swept Coco's face, "Hello, coco master."

I'm not surprised that lawyer Yan recognized him as coco, a famous stylist. "Hello, lawyer Yan! I have a general idea of the case. Just tell me, can Shuangshuang be acquitted? "

"This..." Lawyer Yan frowned and looked embarrassed. "At present, all the evidence points to miss mo. the surveillance video and Mrs. Du's confession are very unfavorable to miss mo..."

Before the lawyer finished speaking, coco jumped up from his position: "Shuangshuang can't kill people. She has no motive at all! Du Zhijun still has the evidence of that medical accident in his hand. How could Shuangshuang kill him? "

"Ah Yan, don't worry. Listen to the lawyer patiently." Bo Yanchen made a sign to him to sit down.

"Mr. Weng is right. When I met Miss Mo just now, she said the same thing." Lawyer Yan said, "she also told me that Du Zhijun left a USB flash drive on the table of the hotel last night, which contained the surveillance video of the day of the medical accident, but it was not complete."

Coco in front of a bright: "where is that USB drive?"

"In the house where she lives."

"I have the key to her house. I'll get it right away!" Coco stood up and was about to leave. Suddenly he thought of something and turned around, "by the way, Shuangshuang, how is she feeling now?"

"She was a little depressed and kept repeating that she didn't kill anyone. He also said that the woman in the surveillance video is not her at all, because it's different from the way she walks. " Lawyer Yan said, "I'll go to the residential property to get monitoring later."

Anyone with a little common sense knows that surveillance video is the most intuitive evidence. If it is verified, it is a very troublesome thing.

Is Shuangshuang inside, eating and sleeping?

Ah! She must be very desperate after such a big event!

But he can't see her, can't accompany her, comfort her!

Coco thinks he's useless. He really wants to rush into the detention house and bring people out!

However, he can't be so impulsive!

"Don't worry, I will let the police inside take care of Shuangshuang. She won't suffer. The next thing is to give it to lawyer Yan, who will try to find evidence. " Bo Yanchen patted him on the shoulder, "you go to get the USB drive first."

"I'll go to the law firm to get something, and then I'll go to the neighborhood to get monitoring. We'll meet later. " Said the lawyer.

"Good!" Coco throws a grateful glance at them, turns his head and leaves quickly.

An hour later, Bo villa.

Soon after coco arrived, lawyer Yan arrived.Coco handed the USB flash drive to lawyer Yan, "lawyer Yan, this should be Du Zhijun's USB flash drive. I've seen it. It's the monitoring picture on the corridor of the hospital on the day of the medical accident. The nurse who entered Dr. Ling's office was very suspicious. The video has been cut off. The second half of the key video should be in Du Zhijun's hands. "

"I've got the monitoring of the community. Only the monitoring video of the night of the crime, but I can't see the one of the previous days. The explanation given by the property is that the monitoring is broken and it was repaired yesterday." Said the lawyer.

"What a coincidence? There must be a ghost here Coco blurted out.

Lawyer Yan agreed: "I also think it's a bit strange. Let's stop guessing and watch the video. "

"Wait, I want to see it too!" Speaking, Li Xintong came down from upstairs, followed by Bo Yanchen.

"Wife, slow down! Watch out for the fall Bo Yanchen held his wife in time.

"I'm fine. I want to see that surveillance. Doesn't that mean that woman walks differently from Shuangshuang? I've been with my sisters for so many years, and I'm sure I can tell. " Li Xintong emotional way.

"Yes, yes. That's for sure Bo Yanchen agreed.

When everyone is seated, the video begins to play.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the screen.

At about one o'clock in the morning, Du Zhijun drove to the downstairs of Mo Shuangshuang's residential area. At 1:05, a woman came out of the unit building. Du Zhijun gets off the car politely and helps the woman open the door.

After they both got on the bus, the car left without a moment's delay.

At 1:40 in the morning, the woman appeared in the camera again and walked into the unit building alone.

Lawyer Yan turned off the video: "I've seen the video behind. Until the police came to the door, no one came in or out of the unit building."

Coco: "she's not Shuangshuang!"

Li Xintong: "she is not Shuangshuang!"

They were almost speaking in unison.

PS: it's not Shuangshuang. Who is it? Very strange! , the fastest update of the webnovel!