Chapter 643

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
From two o'clock to eight o'clock, he stayed in the neighborhood for nearly six hours? Isn't that unusual?

Coco checked several other monitoring points in the community and finally found the whereabouts of the mysterious man.

It turned out that after he came out of the unit door of the building where Mo Shuangshuang lived, he went straight into the opposite building and didn't come out until the next morning.

After a long time, the man used to live in this community, and he lived opposite Mo Shuangshuang, obviously to watch her.

It seems that he has long planned to find Mo Shuangshuang to be a ghost for death!

What a surprise, what a shock!

If it wasn't for midnight, coco really wanted to rush to the opposite building and check all the residents of the whole building to find out the murderer.

However, he can't.

The only thing he can do is wait.

Wait for daybreak, wait for the killer to show up!

Coco goes back to Mo Shuangshuang's house and feels thirsty.

Open the refrigerator, empty, there is no ready-made mineral water in it.

Isn't this woman a foodie? The refrigerator is so clean that there is no one left.

Coco felt that his voice was about to smoke, so he had to boil his own water.

Go to the kitchen to find an electric kettle, fill it with water, plug in the electricity, and wait for the water to open. He ran to the balcony and looked downstairs bored.

Mo Shuangshuang's family lives on the third floor. Standing on the balcony, you can clearly see the appearance of the people coming in and out of the opposite building.

Inadvertently, suddenly saw a woman into the opposite unit building.

That woman is Lu Liyun!

Why? What is she doing here so late?

Are you looking for someone?

Coco alertly turned off all the lights in the room, drew the curtains, and peeped through the curtains to observe the movement of the opposite side.

Sure enough, after a while, the light of one of the rooms on the third floor opposite was on.

With the curtain drawn, coco couldn't see clearly what was going on in the room. He could only see two figures hugging each other.

Soon the lights in the house went out.

Just died husband, come here to meet adulterer. ha-ha! Lu Liyun is so lonely!

Coco has a mocking smile around his mouth. Just turned around and wanted to go back to the kitchen to see if the water was boiling.

Suddenly like thinking of something, suddenly back.

Why? The window of that room faces Mo Shuangshuang's bedroom! Does the killer live in this room?

If so, Lu Liyun's adulterer is the murderer!

The night Lu Liyun agreed to divorce Du Zhijun, Du Zhijun was killed. What a coincidence, isn't it?

Moreover, Mo Shuangshuang mentioned that that night, Lu Liyun stormed to find the hotel.

Du Zhijun showed Lu Liyun her mobile phone when she was making a lot of trouble, and she immediately agreed to divorce.

Although they all suspected that Du Zhijun had Lu Liyun in his hand. But no one linked Du Zhijun's death to her.

Now think about it, Lu Liyun is likely to be the real killer! And the mysterious man is the puppet who works for her!

If the nurse at the scene of the medical accident was a mysterious man, he must have been instructed by Lu Liyun to secretly use hallucinogen to replace Dr. Ling's painkiller.

Du Zhijun has evidence of medical malpractice in his hand. He must have threatened Lu Liyun with the video in his mobile phone. It's the only way to get killed!

But what's Lu Liyun's holiday with Dr. Ling? Why frame Dr. Ling?

No double!

She is also one of the victims of this medical accident!

Lu Liyun, the key is not Dr. Ling, but Mo shuangshuangshuang!

Dr. Ling is just unlucky to be involved!

Coco connected all the existing clues together, combined with appropriate reasoning, and basically restored the whole story.

However, the video in Du Zhijun's mobile phone should have been destroyed by Lu Liyun.

Now, everything is just his reasoning, there is no concrete evidence.

What to do?

It seems that we can only take the last dangerous move to lead the snake out of the hole!

Coco picked up his cell phone and made a call

Lu Liyun was awakened by a phone call.

"It's so noisy. Go and answer the phone!" She grumbled impatiently and kicked the man who was sleeping like a corpse.

"Well? It's like It's your cell phone ringing! " Men's voice seems to be lazier than Lu Liyun's. The fierce battle just now made him very tired. This woman is a natural goblin. She can squeeze people dry! "Honey, I'm so tired. The mobile phone is on your side. You'd better pick it up yourself."

"Damn it! Useless man, this is tired! " Lu Liyun low curse a, stretch out a hand in the pillow side random touch a gas, finally touched the mobile phone.

"Hello! Who is it A woman's voice is filled with anger."Lu Liyun, I'll give you 20 minutes to box 880 of fengyasong club!" The voice of a man's command came over the phone.

"Who are you? Why should I listen to you? " Lu Liyun said with a disdainful smile.

"I have evidence in my hand that you killed Du Zhijun." Every word of a man.

"You What did you say? " Lu Liyun woke up completely, her frightened eyes widened, her voice trembled to the point of no words, "you Who are you? "

"Who am I? That's not the point. What you should care about is the deadly evidence!"

"What evidence? I don't know what you're talking about! " Lu Liyun pretends to be stupid.

"Ha ha! All right The man sneered, "in that case, I have to give the evidence I have to the police. Excuse me, goodbye

"Hello..." Lu Liyun a listen to the other party to call the police, immediately counseled, "have a good talk! I'll come to you right away! "

"That's right! Remember, only one person is allowed to come! " The man finished this sentence and hung up the phone.

"Hello Hello! Hello! Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch... " Lu Liyun, like crazy, growls at the beeped cell phone.

"Honey, what's the matter with you?? Who's calling? " The man lying next to him gets up and hugs Lu Liyun. He can't stop shaking.

"Get out of here!" Lu Liyun pushed away the man, pointed to his nose and scolded, "you useless thing, let you do something, every time you make mistakes for Miss Ben! And promised me it was clean. Damn it! Do you call it clean? Always ask me to help you with the aftermath! "

The man was scolded at a loss, "mistakes? How is that possible? I've been very careful this time. At one or two o'clock in the morning, I didn't even have a ghost. How could I be found? "

Lu Liyun raised her eyebrows: "you mean I'm talking nonsense? Do I have enough to support? They're all looking for you now! "

The man is ashamed. The woman's temper is getting bigger and bigger day by day. I don't know if she was obsessed at the beginning. She even fell in love with this kind of female night fork. It's also a bad fate!

PS: Dear Pro: good news! At the request of all of you, I'd like to make more changes today.

In addition, thank you for the reward from Lily and starlight, memeda! , the fastest update of the webnovel!