Chapter 644

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"Don't be angry, my dear. That's not what I mean! " The man was afraid of irritating her again, and asked cautiously, "who on earth is calling you? Tell me, will you? "

"I don't know. The man said that he had evidence in his hand that I killed Du Zhijun. "

Man a Zheng: "the person is I kill, how can doubt to your head?"

"You ask me, I ask who's going?" Lu Liyun gave him a bad look and got out of bed.

"Yunyun, in the middle of the night, where are you going?" The man held her.

"Meet the person on the phone, or he'll give the evidence to the police." Lu Liyun said as she changed her clothes.

"I'll go with you!"

"No. He let me go alone Lu Liyun said, "these days you stay here honestly, don't go anywhere, and don't contact me."

"But Yunyun... "

"Don't be me!" What else does the man want to say? Lu Liyun interrupts him impatiently. "You are a big man. You are so boring!"

"I I'm just worried about you... " The man is some aggrieved way.

Lu Liyun looked at him and said faintly, "you'd better worry about yourself."

Oh! The other side has evidence, but does not report to the police. Obviously, they want to make conditions. If you want money, the Lu family can afford it.

The man looked at Lu Liyun's back and shook his head helplessly.

Damn it! Every time I was led by the nose by this woman!


twenty minutes later, Lu Liyun showed up at fengyasong club on time.

When the lobby manager saw her, he was surprised and said, "yo! Miss Lu, why are you here so late? Why don't you say it in advance? I'll get my men ready. "

Lu family is a famous family in Xicheng. Although Lu Liyun has been married, people who know her are still used to calling her Miss Lu.

Lu Liyun is a VIP gold card member of this club, otherwise the lobby manager would not be so attentive.

Lu Liyun was not in the mood to say, "don't be polite. I'll get someone to take me to box 880! "

“880?” A strange light flashed in the eyes of the lobby manager and disappeared instantly, "Miss Lu, please follow me!"

At the door of box 880.

"Who are the people inside?" Lu Liyun asked.

No one answered. She looked back and saw where the hall manager was.

Lu Liyun

What's going on? Running so fast, are the people inside terrible?

Lu Liyun felt her hair stand up in an instant. But he couldn't hold back, so he had to knock on the door.

"Come in!" A deep, powerful man's voice came from inside.

Push open the door, sitting on the sofa a man dressed in red leather, holding a full of wine red liquid goblet.

See her push the door to come in, also don't turn a head, still leisurely and complacent taste red wine.

Two kinds of red complement each other, making Lu Liyun feel dazzling. From her point of view, can only see the man's side face, but feel familiar.

I don't know if it's a man with a strong aura or Lu Liyun with a guilty heart. Her hands tightly tugged at the bag and stood at the door, afraid to walk past.

"Sit down!" The man suddenly spoke.

Lu Liyun's heart suddenly raised, walked slowly, and sat down on the sofa opposite him.

"It's just twenty minutes. It's on time." The man looked at his watch and looked up at her.

At the moment when the four eyes were opposite, Lu Liyun was completely shocked, "it's you!"

Who else could be there besides coco?

Coco put the glass to his lips, sipped a little, and said, "you're smart. One minute later, I'm going to dial 110."

Lu Liyun suppressed her anger: "are you here to stand up for Mo Shuangshuang?"

Coco looked at her with a straight face, noncommittal.

"Do you really have evidence in your hand?" Lu Liyun asked directly.

Coco laughingly looked at her: "no evidence, what are you doing here?"

Lu Liyun said with a sneer, "since your goal is to save Mo Shuangshuang, why don't you give the evidence to the police directly? It's unnecessary to ask me out alone. I don't think you have any evidence in your hand at all. You are deliberately deceiving me

Have to admit, Lu Liyun's psychological quality is very strong, in such a tense situation can be an opponent.

However, coco is not a vegetarian. Today, he is prepared to invite the king into the urn!

"Do you think that if you don't show up and ask a man to pretend to be Shuangshuang, you can hide the truth from the world?" Coco sneered.

Lu Liyun's face suddenly changed, and she didn't have any blood at all. "You How can you... "

Coco chuckled in his heart. What he wanted was this reaction. "You want to ask me how I know, don't you? ha-ha! As a senior stylist, what can I not see? Don't say it's a man disguised as a woman! Even if I went to Korea to do fine-tuning, I couldn't escape my eyes. "After a pause, Coco's eyes went down Lu Liyun's face, "if I guess correctly, Miss Lu has shrunk her nose, padded her chin, and..."

“stop!” Lu Liyun subconsciously raised her bag to cover her chest, "even if you can see it, what? What does that have to do with me? "

"Oh? Is that right? " Coco sneered. He had expected that Lu Liyun would have such a reaction. "I hope that after the police catch the human demon, you will still say so."

Lu Liyun's heart clapped for a while, a flash of panic flashed in her eyes, and then disappeared, "in a word, I don't know what you're talking about."

Coco seems to hear some funny joke, "since you have a clear conscience, why do you get out of your lover's bed in the middle of the night and go to my appointment?"

Lu Liyun's face suddenly turned black, "you Are you following me? "

Coco said with a smile: "as soon as my husband died, I can't wait to meet my lover. How big your heart is! If you don't kill people, I don't believe it! "

"Enough!" Coco didn't answer the question directly, which made Lu Liyun very upset: "either you can come up with the evidence and let the police arrest people. Otherwise, I don't have to listen to your nonsense here! "

"The evidence? ha-ha! Is that what Du Zhijun left in the restaurant the night he was killed Coco took the USB flash disk out of his pocket and swayed in front of her: "do you think it looks familiar?"

Lu Liyun saw the USB flash drive, and her eyes almost fell off. She wanted to grab it. "You What do you want? "

"I don't want to do anything!" Coco said, "just want Shuangshuang to come out safe and sound."

"That's it?" Lu Liyun obviously did not believe, "you must have other requirements, please say it at one time!"

Coco burst out laughing: "it's worthy of being Miss Lu. She's really cheerful!"

PS: it's always exciting to have a fight of wits and bravery. Our coco young master, for Shuang Shuang Mei paper, is also very hard! , the fastest update of the webnovel!