Chapter 646

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Lu Liyun's eyes stayed on Bo Yanchen's face for a long time, then turned to a Qiang's fierce face, and instantly understood everything.

It turns out that all that happened just now is just a Qiang and Bo Yanchen's prior understanding of the good words, and the purpose is to lure her into the bait.

"Good! Qiang, you You're a fish out of water! " Lu Liyun was completely angry, "she said repeatedly that she loved me! Actually unite with outsiders to kill me! "

"Why do you call me?" A Qiang now has seen the ugly heart of this snake and scorpion woman, "I'll be a bull and a horse for you. In the end, you even want to kill me. Isn't it ingratitude? "

Lu Liyun said for a while, "do you think that if you do this, you will be able to retreat completely? We've got both of us. We're both going to die! "

"After helping you kill, I'm ready to be arrested." A Qiang seems very calm, "come out to mix, always want to return! Yunyun, turn yourself in with me. There will be a companion on the way to huangquan at that time! "

Lu Liyun was angry: "if you want to die, you go to die! I'm not with you! A Qiang, I tell you, you are the one who pretends to be a woman, you are the one who poisons and you are the one who kills. From beginning to end, I didn't show up. What can I do for you? "

Ah Qiang looked at her in horror and suddenly felt that he didn't understand the woman who had been sleeping with him for so many years.

This woman, whom he has loved for 20 years, not only wants to kill him, but also wants to put all the blame on him.

"You want to cross the river? Lu Liyun, you are so cruel! I've done so many things for you, and now you've turned your back! "

Lu Liyun said with a sneer: "don't be so ugly. The law is about evidence. The police can't help me if there's no evidence for it! "

Voice just fell, Bo Yanchen suddenly low ground laughed, "who says police can't you?"

Then he clapped his hands twice, and the door of the bedroom opened again, and a line of armed police rushed out from inside. The speed makes Lu Liyun dumbfounded. Before she can recover completely, she has been surrounded heavily.

"All the words you said in fengyasong club just now have been recorded, including what you said now, as well as the video. If the evidence is not enough, all the people here can be witnesses. " Bo Yanchen said, "Captain he, it's hard for you!"

"If not, Mr. Bo, we should thank you!" He captain of the criminal police team saluted Bo Yanchen, and then waved to his opponent, "take people away!"


at dawn, Mo Shuangshuang was released.

Out of the gate of the detention house, the sky is particularly blue. She took a deep breath, and the air was fresh.

"Double double!" As soon as Li Xintong saw her, he ran to her. The man next to her couldn't hold her!

Li Xintong's stomach is very big, Mo Shuangshuang can't hold her waist, can only hold her neck, but also carefully avoid her pregnant belly, hold very hard.

They have been together for a long time, and are unwilling to part.

"Xintong, it's good to see you!" Mo Shuangshuang choked.

"Shuangshuang, you're so worried about me! Wuwuwu... " Li Xintong is even more excited than she is. She can't help sobbing.

Bo Yanchen came over and hugged his little wife's waist, "wife, why are you crying? You should be happy when Shuangshuang comes out! "

"Bo Shao is right. Xintong, I'm all out. Don't cry, ha Mo Shuangshuang wiped her tears, "you are pregnant now, you are a giant panda, you must not be sad."

Li Xintong chuckled: "I'm not sad, I'm happy!"

"Well, don't stand at the door, get on the bus!" Bo Yanchen said.

Mo Shuangshuang suddenly thought of something, looked around, "just the two of you?"

"Yes! Who else? Isn't that what you didn't want us to say about your parents? " Li Xintong did not understand.

Mo Shuangshuang moved his mouth, and then he swallowed back, "well, let's go."

Along the way, Li Xintong took Mo Shuangshuang to chirp and said a lot.

It's like: How did coco come up with the idea that the perpetrator was disguised as a woman. How did Bo Yanchen and coco come up with their own strategies to get Lu Liyun and her lover ah Qiang arrested. After the arrest, how did the two people bite the dog and shirk responsibility from each other.

Listen to Mo Shuangshuang one Leng one Leng, "do you mean, because Fu Jingya's words, become the breakthrough of the case to be solved?"

"Well, you can say that!" Li Xintong said, "however, your Weng Shao's head is not built, which can be associated with him! I and a Chen two, want to break a head, didn't expect, the murderer can be a man! "

"Oh, so I have to thank Miss Fu face to face!" Mo Shuangshuang said.

Li Xintong's face is stiff: "you want to thank her face to face, I'm afraid it's impossible."

"Ah? Why? "

"Miss Fu's condition suddenly worsened. She flew to m country early this morning for treatment." Li Xintong said.Mo Shuangshuang was shocked: "is she ill? What's so serious? "

"Advanced lung cancer..."

Mo Shuangshuang As a doctor, she knows very well how serious the disease is. No wonder she felt sick when she first met Fu Jingya. Although she was wearing make-up, she still felt it.

"The doctor said she didn't have many days." Li Xintong sighed, "originally, she should have gone to m country for further consultation half a month ago. But because Coco's going to stay and look for evidence. Therefore, she would not go. It's no use persuading anyone. As a result, delayed treatment, so the disease will deteriorate so quickly

Mo Shuangshuang:! " That's because of her?!

"She Why is she so stupid? " Mo Shuangshuang is full of guilt.

"Who said no!" Li Xintong said, "I heard from Mrs. Qi that Fu Jingya had loved coco since she was a child. For him, she turned herself into a lady who was proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Even feel their appearance is ordinary, specially to the whole face. But it's no match for disease. Over the years, what supports her to survive is her love for coco.... "

Mo Shuangshuang was shocked.

She suddenly felt so ashamed.

Compared with Fu Jingya, her love for coco is not worth mentioning!

Fu Jingya's love for coco is deep enough to be desperate!

And what about her? They can sacrifice their love for their teachers.

How can she be worthy of Coco's love?

In other words, who is entitled to Coco's love?

"So coco accompanied her to country m this time." Li Xintong said, "before leaving, he asked me and a Chen to take good care of you. He said he would stay in the United States until Fu Jingya left the world. He's sorry that he can't say this to you personally, because he's afraid that after he sees you, he won't be willing to leave again... "

Mo Shuangshuang didn't speak, but his eyes were full of tears.

A few days later, in the face of strong evidence, Lu Liyun had to admit the fact that she collaborated with her lover a Qiang to kill Du Zhijun, as well as the fact that two years ago, she abetted a Qiang to sneak into Dr. Ling's office and replace painkillers with hallucinogens, which led to a major medical accident.

Soon after, the police arrested Lu Fei by colluding in bidding.

Both Lu's son and Qian Jin were jailed, and Lu's stock price plummeted. The partners withdrew their capital one after another, and then the creditors came in droves.

Lu never recovered.


two months later, the delivery room was closed.

"Ah Husband, it hurts, it hurts... " Li Xintong's heartrending cry rang through the whole building.

Bo Yanchen's heart was broken when he heard that, but he still kept calm and took Li Xintong's hand to comfort him: "wife, I'm here! it will be OK! It's all right! "

If he had known how painful it was to have a baby, he shouldn't have let her have one!

"Doctor, is there any way to relieve my wife's pain?" Bo Yanchen said.

The doctor said with shame: "it's normal to have a baby with pain. Bear with it, and you'll have it soon

The two midwives nearby whispered: "according to reason, Mrs. Bo is a second child. She should be prepared for it."

Although the voice is very light, but Bo Yanchen still heard, two cold light shoot past: "what do you know? My wife's first child was born in a coma. She had no contractions or labor pains at all

"Honey, I'm afraid I'm afraid Li Xintong held Bo Yanchen's hand tightly, and his body kept shaking, "in case What if the baby can't be born? What shall we do? "

PS: the finale of the next chapter, must see! , the fastest update of the webnovel!