Chapter 647

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"Don't be afraid, baby, I'll always be with you!" Bo Yanchen lowered his head and kissed his wife's forehead. "Our children are brave and good. She will be born smoothly. "

The first child, he was not able to accompany her, it's a pity that he missed the opportunity to meet Yi. This time, he will never leave any regrets.

"Baby, come out quickly. As soon as you are born, there are so many people who love you. There are father, mother, grandfather, brother, aunt Mo, uncle Weng, uncle Jing... " Bo Yanchen stroked Li Xintong's stomach and kept saying, "we have prepared a very big and beautiful baby room for you, and a room of toys. It's beautiful..."

Listening to her husband's story, Li Xintong's pain miraculously relieved a lot, people are not as tense as before.

With the cooperation of the pregnant women, the doctors can also devote themselves to the delivery, "take a deep breath, very good! Once more! Good! Use a little force Great... "

Suddenly, she had a sharp pain in her lower body. She felt that something was going to break out of her body. Before she had time to cry for pain, she heard the doctor say: "it's born!! Congratulations! It's a girl

Although the child's gender had been known before, Li Xintong was still in tears when she heard the doctor's announcement.

The doctor patted the baby on the hip a few times. Wow There was a loud cry.

"Husband, I have a baby! At last we have a baby

"Well. Wife, you're great! " Bo Yanchen also said with emotion, "how do you feel? Does it hurt? "

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Li Xintong showed a smile on her pale face, "husband, actually I don't think having a baby is as terrible as I think

Bo Yanchen I don't know who was shouting like killing a pig just now.

"We won't have any more. Children and women, that's enough He doesn't want his wife to suffer like this any more.

"Husband, what do you say?" Li Xintong is not happy way, "two children which enough?"? I'm going to have another baby! "

Bo Yanchen mouth corner smoked: "wife, the country has not let go of three child policy!"

Li Xintong glanced at him like an idiot, pointed at him and lowered his voice in his ear. "Don't you forget that you are not Chinese nationality and are not subject to policy restrictions?"

Bo Yanchen Can he say that his little wife is more cunning than him?


one month later, the Moon Island Hotel was opened.

Bo Yanchen and Li Xintong's gold and Bo Yuetong's full moon wine were held in the largest VIP room of the hotel.

Li Xintong didn't like the excitement. She only served two tables of wine and invited relatives and friends.

"Tong Tong, your figure is recovering so fast!" Diana touched her round stomach. "Seeing what you look like, my confidence immediately doubled."

Li Xintong's figure recovery speed is amazing. In just one month, she has completely recovered to her pre natal slim figure. And as a result of breast-feeding, chest full big several cups. Let Diana see it.

"Tong Tong, how did you lose weight? Talk about it Diana asked persistently.

"It's hard not to be thin when you add up breast-feeding and taking care of your children!" Li Xintong coaxes the baby in her arms.

"It's hard for Tong Tong to take care of her children. She doesn't have a whole sleep." Bo Yanchen distressed to embrace his wife, "I said to please a month sister-in-law, but she is not willing to, must bring their own."

If Li Xintong had not said that he had missed taking his son, he could not have missed taking his daughter this time. Bo Yanchen would never have let her work so hard.

"Wow, Tong Tong, how great you are!" Diana sighed, "I'm going to take care of my children myself. I'm losing weight so fast

"Don't think about how to control your weight before you have a baby!" Jing Haoran threw cold water impolitely, "don't worry, even if you have a baby and become fat, I won't dislike you!"

"Cut, don't be so amorous. It's not for you that I control my body!" Diana is ungrateful: "I'm a model, and my figure is my capital to eat, OK?"

Jing Haoran's face sank: "you are already Mrs. Jing. Don't think about your T-stage! Don't forget, you can promise me to have three children

Diana:“……” Can she say she regrets it?

"Mom, uncle Jing's family is going to have three. What about you? When will the three treasures be born? " Yi Tong asked.

Li Xintong

"Go and play!" Bo Yanchen glared at his son. "Your mother just gave birth to a younger sister. She is very weak. How can she have the strength to have a third child?"

Xiaoyi turned his lips and disdained his father's statement.

"Pull it down. Last time my mother said that she would have three babies next year! "

Bo Yanchen turns her head and looks at Li Xintong. Her little wife turns her head to one side and pretends to be an ostrich.

"Everyone, get ready to take pictures!" Rui Wentao has an SLR camera and wants to take pictures for everyone.

"Why? By the way, what about Shuangshuang? Why haven't you come yet? " Li Xintong said.Jing Haoran: "today someone returned home, she went to the airport to meet someone! Almost there! "

Fu Jingya died three days ago. Coco sent her away! Before leaving, the person you love most is by your side. She should have left peacefully, and she died without regret!

Today is Coco's return day. Mo Shuangshuang went to the airport to meet him early in the morning.

But it's more than a quarter of an hour since the plane landed, but I still don't see coco. I can't get through.

Is He's not on this flight? What's the delay?

Mo Shuangshuang stood at the exit and waited for a long time, but still didn't wait for him.

Just as she was going to give up and go back, suddenly a child ran to her face, "excuse me, is that Miss Mo Shuangshuang?"

"I am. Who are you, please She was sure she didn't know the child.

The little boy didn't speak, gave her a note and ran away.

Mo Shuangshuang opened the note and looked at it. It said: "go ahead for 100 meters, and stand still."

She can read the handwriting! It's coco!

Mo Shuangshuang's heart beat missed a beat, but he didn't care to think much and ran forward without thinking.

She could not estimate how far a hundred meters was.

After running for about 20 seconds, the mobile phone suddenly rang.

It was coco. She suddenly stopped and said, "Hello, where are you?"

"Hey, you stupid woman, let you run 100 meters, why do you run so far?" Coco's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, "turn around!"

Mo Shuangshuang subconsciously turned around, suddenly saw the front of the LCD billboard, do not know when to change into a huge subtitle, it said: "Mo shuangshuangshuang, marry me?" A few big words.

Mo Shuangshuang was stunned and didn't know how to react.

"Say yes or no? Say something Coco urged on the phone.

Mo Shuangshuang just reflected that he was proposing!

"Why so much noise?" Mo Shuangshuang asked, "don't you think Is it old-fashioned? "

There are so many people in the airport that we can't make the headlines tomorrow!

"Where is all that nonsense? Just say yes or no

"You How can I promise you if you don't come out? "

Just after the words, coco came out of the crowd. He was still wearing the red standard leather clothes and trousers, echoing with a bunch of bright red roses in his hand.

The corner of the man's mouth stirred up a bad smile of evil spirit. He knew that under such a situation, it was impossible for her to refuse!

Mo Shuangshuang laughed and ran to him with open arms.

He ran to him and coco hugged her. "What's up? Will you marry me this time? "

Mo Shuangshuang gasped in his arms for a long time, withdrew from his arms and shook his head.

Coco's face suddenly black, "Mo Shuangshuang, in public, if you don't give me face, you can't get out of bed tonight!"

Mo Shuangshuang took out a delicate small box from his pocket and handed it to him.

Coco a Leng, "what?"

"Ring! Put them on for me

Coco finally responded, "you What do you mean

"You've proposed so many times before. I'll propose to you this time." Mo Shuangshuang opened the box, took out the ring, handed it to him, "if you are willing to marry me, put it on for me."

Coco smiles, takes the ring and puts it on Mo Shuangshuang's ring finger quickly. Before Mo Shuangshuang reacts, the man's kiss has come down.

On the big screen, there are pictures of two people kissing each other affectionately. The applause of blessing resounded around, lasting for a long time!

(end of full text!)

PS: dear readers: This article is here, and finally to say goodbye to you!

What should be explained in this paper has been explained clearly, and the excavated pits have been filled.

The baby of man and woman is also born! Everything is complete!

In the heart very does not give up.

Not willing to be Tongtong and a Chen, not willing to be coco and Shuangshuang, not willing to be Haoran and Diana

More reluctant to give up is you!

However, all the banquets will come to an end!

This book, from conception to completion, has devoted all my energy. Of course, it also has good suggestions from readers.

Here I would like to thank the readers who have followed us all the way. Without your support, I can't hold on till now!

Because I am a part-time job, it is difficult to update 6000 words every day.

I want to have a rest for a few days after writing this book. The new book may have to be shelved for some time. Maybe it will change places. Everything is unknown. Let's talk about it then!

If you like me, please add my QQ: 2035254582

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