Chapter 10

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Do you have qinghuodan?" Weisuo was not happy to talk to this guy, and asked directly.

"Qinghuodan? Yes, but why do you want this pill The old fox in a brown robe looked a little unexpected.

"Recently, someone is buying fire scorpions. I want to buy some fire scorpions. Of course, I want to get a fire clearing pill for self-defense. Otherwise, in case of being stung by the fire scorpion and poisoned by fire, it will be over." Weisseau made a random excuse.

"It's a fool to buy this fire scorpion. This is, there should be no problem with Qinghuo pill, which can relieve fire poison. " The old fox laughed and held out a finger. "Anyway, they are acquaintances. You also know the market situation. It's an inferior spirit stone."

Weisuo took a look at the old fox. "How much is a bottle of Huiqi powder and a piece of wind escape Fu?"

"A bottle of Huiqi powder and a piece of wind escape talisman are worth a lower spirit stone. With qinghuodan, there are two lower spirit stones. "

Weisuo simply nodded, "how about four first-order fireball symbols?"

"Four first order fireball symbols?" Old fox slightly Leng Leng, immediately nodded, "four first-order fireball rune is also worth two lower spirit stones, of course."

"Here you are." Weisuo took out four pieces of fireball runes he refined from his arms and handed them to the old fox.

"This .。” The old fox carefully looked at the four pieces of vermilion talisman in his hand, which was slightly hot. "Weisuo, where did you get these first-order fireball runes? The runes are very strange."

"Come on, you won't do the deal if you know it or not." Wei Suo white old fox one eye, from the old fox's hand to grasp a fireball Rune in his hand.

"Look at what you said. After all these years, I can't believe you. I'm afraid that you will be cheated and suffer losses, so I ask you clearly." Although he said so, the old fox did not stop. He immediately turned around and took the road ahead. He took Weisuo to the door of a stone house behind the shop.

"Blow up your broken house." Standing at the door of Weisuo in the heart of a curse, attention focused on his right hand on the fireball symbol.

A faint purple air came out of Wei Suo's hand, and wrapped the scarlet runes in his hands. "Hiss!" A fireball in Weisuo's hand is rapidly growing from small to large. The heat from the fireball instantly makes Weisuo's palm feel hot, but Weisuo's heart is also filled with a strange feeling.

The last time Weisuo cast the fireball rune, because of his first successful refining, he was so excited that he didn't even feel how he sent it out. However, this time Weisuo felt that the fire ball shaped by this fireball symbol seemed to be wrapped by his own thin layer of real yuan, and the flame did not spread to the outside.

Weisuo's right hand gently swung towards a wall in the stone house, and with a cry, the fireball immediately shot out, and not far in front of Weisuo, it quickly became the size of a dustpan, and a trace of flame also flowed out.


All of a sudden, the whole stone house was filled with flames, and the stone chips on the stone wall were flying and a black pit appeared.

"Grandma's!" If the fireball formed after the fireball rune is not blasted out in time, after a period of time, his Zhenyuan will not be able to wrap it, and it will explode in his own hand. However, through the impact part of Zhenyuan, it seems to be able to control the route of fireball flying in the air. Weisuo is still pondering these feelings, but a group of fire from the room rolled out, almost burned to him.

"The quality of this fireball rune is very good." As soon as the old fox saw the fire tongue, he immediately put three fireball amulets into his sleeve with a smile, "Weisuo, the deal is over, and there is a fireball rune. I will give you a bottle of Huiqi powder, a qinghuodan and a wind escape rune."


"Look, look, a guy came out of town with a bunch of tiger grass and yellow mushroom."

"Ha ha, look at his hair. It looks like it was burned by fire .。”

… ...

"you know a fart, what seems to have been burned by the fire, is whether the fire is good or not. When I am developed, you will still laugh."

Outside the north gate of Lingyue City, Weisuo was carrying a large bundle of leaves with patterns similar to tiger skin grass and a large bag of yellow fluffy mushrooms. He hummed in his heart and ran hard in the direction of big green hill.

Although it was inevitable to consume a fireball Rune in the old fox's place, Weisuo at least heard from his mouth that there were many fire scorpions near the Daqingshan copper mine about 300 miles north of Lingyue city.

Now the tiger grass and yellow mushroom on Weisuo's back are the materials that the old man in green robe said can be used to attract fire scorpions. Although these two kinds of things are not as large as candel grass and fire tail flower, they are also useless for other friars. Therefore, Weisuo with a pile of tiger grass and yellow mushroom on his back looks like a fool.

Tianyimen has arranged transmission arrays in many places outside Lingyue city. Many low-level friars who don't have flying magic weapons will go to the places they want to go directly through these transmission arrays. However, even if the shortest distance transmission array is used, they have to pay at least two or three lower spirit stones at one time. Therefore, poor men like Wei Suo usually rely on two legs He ran away.In the long run, Wei Suo, who can't escape any skill now, runs very fast. As soon as noon approaches, Weisuo finally reaches his destination, the copper mine.

The copper mine was originally rich in red copper ore, but it had been fully mined 60 years ago. The depth of the whole mine reached 20 to 30 miles, which looked like a canyon. Moreover, there were many deep mines in the red copper mine, because there was nothing out there Therefore, there was no one near the copper mine except Weisuo.

In addition to his original belongings, Weisuo now carries two bottles of Huiqi powder, one qinghuodan, one first-order wind escape rune, two first-order fireball runes, one inferior spirit stone, and his one that can be used once.

"Old man green hair, it's up to you whether you can develop or not."

After checking his belongings, Weisuo chose a relatively open area, picked up a pile of dry wood, lit it with flint, and then threw his tiger grass and yellow mushroom evenly on it.

Some pungent yellow and green smoke rose, less than half the time of incense, in front of the wind in the grass, a dark red fire scorpion rushed out.

"Whoa ha ha ha! It's really useful! "

A fire scorpion's blood is almost enough to refine four fire talismans. If the success rate is half, it is two fireball runes, and the market price of the two fireball runes is a inferior spirit stone. Therefore, in Weisuo's eyes, this fire scorpion is an active inferior spirit stone. Seeing this fire scorpion running, Weisuo seems to see a inferior spirit stone running, so this fire scorpion is running As soon as he came out, Weisuo almost immediately jumped down from the stone with golden eyes and rushed towards the fire scorpion.

The fire scorpion did not understand what the situation is, to see a man extremely excited toward himself, "HISHI!" Still in a daze, Weisuo issued two green water blades have been accurately cut in its head, cut off half of its head. The first fire scorpion didn't even call, and immediately convulsed on the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!