Chapter 11

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Ha ha, developed."

Weisuo had not had time to take a close look at the first unlucky fire scorpion, and two fire scorpions came in a hurry.

"Don't run. It's you." Weisuo immediately turned over a fire scorpion with two green water blades, and then ran towards another fire scorpion with a coquettish smile. Another fire scorpion didn't pay any attention to Weisuo for a moment. He just crawled towards the fire and was put down by two green water blades of Weisuo.

"Whoa ha ha ha ha!"

Weisuo's laughter like a nouveau riche sounded again and again in the valley. From time to time, a head of fire scorpions ran out from the surrounding woods and rocks. In just a few cups of tea, Weisuo had killed more than ten fire scorpions.

Weisuo was despised by the old man in green robe. The Zixuan real formula was not so good. With his current double cultivation in Shenhai state, he sent more than 20 green water blades in succession, and the real yuan in his body was almost to the end. So Wei Suo raised his head and filled a bottle of breath to disperse it.

After pouring a bottle of Huiqi powder, Weisuo continued to kill the fire scorpions that came out from time to time. He also had a bottle of Huiqi powder on him, which could support him to kill at least 30 fire scorpions. At present, the burning smell of tiger grass and yellow mushroom seems to have a fatal attraction to these fire scorpions. Weisuo's little abacus had been worked out for a long time. When he had killed more than 30 fire scorpions, and Zhenyuan had consumed almost all of them, he would put out the fire and light a similar fire in another place. Anyway, with the intelligence quotient of fire scorpion, a low-level monster, he would not help those killed fire scorpions to collect their corpses. At that time, he would sneak back to clean up the three More than a dozen fire scorpion corpses will be fine.

Weisuo killed more and more conveniently. He killed the fire scorpions and put on various shapes. Soon, there were more than 20 fire scorpions lying around.

"Poof! Poof

Wei Sogang just looked up and poured down the second bottle of Huiqi powder. Without looking at it, he brushed two green water blades and chopped at a new fire scorpion. But this time the scorpion did not fall.

"What's going on?" He turned his head in a daze and saw that although the thing that came out of the grass was also a group of fiery red, it was not a fire scorpion at all, but a beetle with round head and round head covered with rock like lumps. The size of this beetle is more than twice as big as the fire scorpion. There are only two slits on the head where Weisuo cut two green water blades.

At this time, two round little black eyes looked at Weisuo, as if I was very angry, the consequences were very serious.

"No, it's a pure misunderstanding."

Weisuo was stunned for a moment and then immediately cried out with a sad face. The reason why he was like this was that he was very familiar with the guy who had been chopped by his head twice. This kind of beetle, which looks like a red stone, is called red beetle. It belongs to the second-order lower level monster. Compared with the stone tailed lizard, it is a little weaker. If it is single to single, it is only killed by Weisuo.

However, this kind of monster never fights with others alone. It is always a group of people who beat others. As expected, Wei Suo just cried and said it was a misunderstanding. It seems that he just can't figure out why many fire scorpions come here. They just come to have a look at the excitement, and the red beetle, who was cut twice by Wei Suo, makes a buzzing vibration.

"Isn't it?" At once, the sound of crawling quickly came out of some of the surrounding mines. In a moment, at least 20 or 30 red beetles rushed out from all directions and surrounded Weisuo. "Don't step on my spirit stone!" What made Weisuo want to cry without tears was that two red beetles directly pressed over a fire scorpion, which directly pressed the fire scorpion into a piece of red cake. It seems that the blood of the fire scorpion inside is useless.


With the appearance of 20 or 30 red beetles, one was several times larger than the ordinary one. It was like an old cow that arched out of a mine hole. This red beetle has lived for many years, and its rocky shell is horribly thick. "Brother, I didn't mean to. You don't step on my two fire scorpions!" As soon as he saw the red beetle rushing out, Wei Suo Lian did not dare to clean up the remaining tiger grass and yellow mushroom on the ground. With a strange cry, he first activated a fireball rune, and the two red beetles stopped behind him were blasted to one side. Then he immediately aroused the wind escape Talisman without any rest. His whole body was covered with a vigorous wind and ran out of the copper mine Pit.

In the moment of turning around and running, Weisuo saw that there was a small strange black light on the back of the old cow like red beetle, like a small black arrow showing a small half.


The red beetle's eight short legs usually run as fast as Weisuo, but now Weisuo has added a wind escape charm that can almost double the escape speed. These red beetles are much worse than Weisuo.

However, these red beetles are still chasing Weisuo. Weisuo has been running for more than ten miles before he finally gets rid of the siege of these red beetles.

According to weisseau's estimation, there were at least hundreds of scarab beetles that finally chased him, because even the ground was slightly shaken when the large group of red beetles chased him angrily. Before, the red copper mine was always windy and flat. I didn't expect that there were so many red beetles in the mine. Just now these red beetles rushed out to fight with each other. It is estimated that the unconnected mines were dug through by these red beetles with eight short legs like saw blades.Not able to catch up with Weisuo, this group of red beetles in the red copper mine for a long time, until more than an hour later, the copper mine subsided, there was no movement.

"My fire scorpion, my spirit stone."

While waiting outside the copper mine, Weisuo was a little weepy when he thought of the two red beetles trampling on the fire scorpion. He thought that this group of red beetles had been tossing about for more than an hour. Maybe those fire scorpions would be trampled to pieces, so that they could not even recover their capital.

Until there was no sound in the red copper mine for a long time, Wei Suo just sneaked in again.


Originally, in Weisuo's prediction, the large group of red beetles could leave him a few fire scorpions with no lack of arms and legs. Thank God, but as soon as he approached the place where the fire Scorpion was before, Weisuo's eyes suddenly bulged.

The fire that he started to light has been basically extinguished, with only a few curls of green smoke left. Around the fire, there are many fire scorpions that are trampled by red beetles and lack arms and legs, but there are more fire scorpions whose heads are flattened!

It is estimated that there are about 20 fire scorpions trampled by red beetles, but there are at least 80 complete fire scorpions!

"Brother red beetle! I can't imagine that you really repay evil with good and convince people with virtue

"It's issued!"

After staying for a long time, Wei Suo, who finally realized what was going on, was a little tearful. It is estimated that after they ran away, the fire they made did not go out, so there was an endless stream of fire scorpions running over, and the red beetles who could not catch up with them threw their anger on the heads of these fire scorpions.

It turned out that for more than an hour, these red beetles were not wandering in the valley, but were beating up these fire scorpions!

For the next half an hour, Weisuo spent the next half of his life in a golden eye. Because of his experience in dealing with five scorpions, he cut open the carapace on the back of one scorpion almost effortlessly. He took out the useful bone and put it into a previously prepared animal skin bag.

Weisuo counted them carefully. In more than half an hour, Weisuo collected 106 useful scorpion bones. In the end, the animal's skin was so full that it could hardly hold it.

Originally, the fire scorpion tail can be worth some spirit stone, but looking at the fire scorpion bone full of a leather bag, Weisuo is very heroic and waves to the fire scorpion body on the ground, "well, look at your death so miserable, the tail will be reserved for you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!