Chapter 12

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"How could you get so many scorpion bones?" In the night, when Weisuo went back to his small stone house, he took out the ghost pot which was disguised as a black broken pot from under the bed. The old man in green robe saw a lot of fire scorpion bones piled on the stone table, and his eyes were as big as a copper bell.

"Ha ha, I'm lucky to meet a group of male fire scorpions. They fight each other in order to grab a female fire scorpion. Then I'll wait for the corpse to be collected." Weisuo carefully cleaned up the silver candle grass and the fire tail flower which he picked on the way back, and answered the green robe old man with a smile. Now Weisuo has found that the higher the quality of yinzhucao and huotailua, the smoother the rune paper, and the higher the success rate of the final rune.

"You think I'm an idiot." On hearing Weisuo's words, the old man in green turned his eyes with anger.

"Ha ha, if you want to know what's going on, tell me something useful." Weisuo is very obscene said.

"Come on, you should know the principle of step by step." The old man in the green robe said with a white look at Weisuo.

"Of course I know that, but you always say that as long as I get to the fourth level of Shenhai realm, I will get some benefits. But you are always so mysterious. Isn't my heart as itching as a cat scratching a cat?" Weisuo looked at the green robed old man and said, "you must at least tell me what benefits I will get when I reach the fourth level of Shenhai realm."

"All right." The old man in green looked at Weisuo and said, "I'll tell you a prescription that will work for you, and I'll tell you something I know, such as what monsters should be dealt with and where there may be something. For example, I know where some scattered repairs have been built in 12000 years, but after so many years, those scattered repairs may not be there... "

"Damn it! How sharp

Weisuo's eyes immediately widened. Danfang alone is enough to excite him. Weisuo is not a fool. Looking at the old man in green robe, he knows that this Dan square is as useful to him as the Fufang of fireball rune. But in addition to Dan Fang, there are caves! What is the cave? These are the most incisive sanxiu palaces in the whole monastic world. Basically, all the good things will be put in the cave. In recent years, the discovery of a relic of an ancient sect and a dilapidated cave in Tianxuan mainland has aroused numerous sects' contention. If he can really find one or two well preserved caves left over by the severe loose cultivation, he will surely be sure The bottom is rich. Because at that level of free repair, no matter how bad it is, there will be at least a few powerful magic weapons left behind.

In addition to these things, the monster wilderness outside the sky is extremely vast. Even taiyimen, the most powerful one in Lingyue City, is only familiar with a small part of the monster wilderness on this side of Lingyue city. The number of monsters in the wilderness is not only large in number, but also unimaginable in the number of high-level monsters. Even if the monks of the golden elixir period go out, they are likely to fall among them. So now, the maps of some discovered areas in the monster wilderness are very expensive. However, the old man has been with the master of fifty or sixty generations for tens of thousands of years, let alone several other continents, It seems that even the wilderness outside the sky has been to many places.

What is the most precious thing in the monastic world? It's experience!

I don't want to understand. Now when Weisuo thought about it clearly, he understood how valuable the old man in green was. "Old man, it seems that I really depend on you if I can really touch the water spirit in my life. But why don't you tell me danfang now? Why do you have to wait until then? "

"I don't want you to die." The green robed old man sneered, "look at your temperament. If I tell you today, maybe you can't help going to the place I said tomorrow. The Dan Fang I mentioned will not be useful until you have reached the four levels of Shenhai realm. Moreover, the places I mentioned will not be able to save your life until you go to the fourth level of Shenhai realm."

"Well, I have one more question..."

"Why do you talk so much nonsense?"

"the last question today." Weisuo grabbed his head and said, "old man, as soon as you came out last time, you yelled to drink fire scorpion blood. He said that the fire scorpion blood can nourish your vitality. How do you drink this fire scorpion blood?"

The old man in the green robe was slightly stunned. After seeing Weisuo, he pointed to a place on the ghost pot and said, "you can put the fire scorpion's blood in that place."

"Is it?"

Weisuo looked at the place where the old man in the green robe had ordered, and carefully dropped the fire scorpion blood in a fire scorpion bone. He saw that there was a flash of green light and a faint light symbol flowing. The fire scorpion blood dripping up seemed to melt into the green light. After dripping the blood of a fire scorpion bone, the old man in green robe looks much better.

Weisuo took a look at the green robed old man, and dropped a fire scorpion's blood from a fire scorpion bone. When he wanted to drop another fire scorpion's blood into it, the green robed old man shook his head and said, "OK, that's enough."


"With the damage degree of the array on the ghost tank, within three days, it can only absorb so much fire scorpion blood, and it will be a waste if it drips in again.""In that case, I don't care about you." Although he said that he had got so many fire scorpion bones, the old man in green robe was really unreasonable. But when he thought that this fire scorpion bone was almost equivalent to a lower spirit stone, Weisuo was also very distressed. When he heard the old man in green robe said that enough was enough, weissoton was excited again, and carefully took the fire scorpion blood in the remaining 104 fire scorpion bones The collection of a few glass bottles, sealed, Weisuo on the start of refining Rune paper.

After refining sixteen pieces of Fuwen paper with satisfactory quality, Weisuo stopped and took out the Fubi. The reason why he stopped after refining so many pieces was that according to the previous experience, after refining about 14 pieces of fireball runes at one time, Weisuo's physical strength and spirit had almost reached the limit.

"Poof! Poof! Poof

Weisuo's small stone house, and from time to time a group of red light.

"It's really not human work to refine talisman." A few hours later, Weisuo was so tired that he lay on his back on his back and did not even want to move his fingers. And not far from the bed on the stone table, nine newly refined fireball symbols, are flashing light.

This time Weisuo insisted on refining 16 pieces of fireball talisman, and a total of nine pieces were successful, the success rate has been more than half. , the fastest update of the webnovel!