Chapter 13

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Whoa ha ha ha! Another one! "

In the small stone house, the old whorehouse laughed like a young lady when he saw the naked brothel.

For the next six days, Weisuo was in a state of fanaticism, because every two fireball runes was equivalent to earning a lower grade spirit stone. It was like falling into a spirit stone vein by accident. As long as it was dug out, it was a spirit stone. For Weisuo, who had been thirsty for spirit stone for many years, he had to dig it day and night.

For the old man in green robe, he also found treasure. As he judged at the beginning, Weisuo had a good talent in refining talisman. Now he can refine 16 fireball runes at one time, about 12 of them can be refined, and the success rate is more than 70%. What's more, Weisuo still uses an ordinary Rune pen. If a good Fubi pen is replaced, it is estimated that the success rate of refining this fireball Rune will directly exceed 80%. Among all the masters that the old man in green robe had followed, none of them could refine the fireball Rune more than 80%.

In addition, Wei Suo has gained experience in refining runes. When he is tired of refining runes in a day, he first stops to make Rune paper. In any case, it doesn't take much energy to make Rune paper. When the spirit is almost recovered, he will refine the rune. From the beginning, he could only refine about ten fireball Charms every day. By the fourth day, Weisuo had been able to refine about 30 fireball Charms a day.

"This kind of guy is also a talent of making runes. It's a ghost." Now seeing Weisuo holding a new fireball symbol and laughing with pride, the old man in green can't help shaking his head. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have associated this wretched fellow with a talent for making runes.

"What are you doing?" After shaking his head, the eyes of the old man in green couldn't help bulging.

Because Weisuo had to light a pile of fireball runes several times every day, and his eyes glowed with gold each time. But now he lit it again, he spread the fireball symbols one by one on the bed. Hearing the voice of the old man in green robe, Weisuo laughed and fell down and slept on a lot of fireball symbols.

“……。” The old man in green was speechless. At this time, he understood why this guy's success rate of making runes was so high. This guy is just a standard financial fan. A lower level spirit stone can make his eyes shine. Now a fireball rune is half a lower level spirit stone. Of course, he should be more careful in refining than anyone else.

"Ha ha!" Wei Suo, lying on a lot of fireball symbols, was very happy. He has counted the fireball runes refined in these seven days. Now there are 141 fireball runes. One hundred and forty-one fireball runes are seventy lower spirit stones!

After lying down for a while, Weisuo got up again and put the symbols in a leather bag one by one.

"What do you want?" Looking at Wei Suo, who is ready to go out, the old man in green can't help speaking again.

"Go out and sell symbols. Most of the shops are still open at this time." Wei Suo looked at the old man in green robe and said, "anyway, I'm half dead after practicing 30 fireball runes in a day. I'd better change some spirit stones to come back. When I'm tired, I'll take the opportunity to practice. Anyway, I'm not making runes for spirit stones, so I can't delay either."

"The idea is good." The old man in the green robe sneered, "but if you sell all these fireball runes in such a big way, it is estimated that one day in the Lingyue City, one door will be found on your door in two days. In the future, you can only refine the runes for them honestly. I don't want to be congealed in my life. "

"What do you mean?" Weisuo was a little confused.

"How many Fu refiners and alchemists are there in Lingyue city?" the old man asked

Weisuo thought for a moment, "maybe there are about ten or twenty of them?"

The old man in the green robe glanced at Weisuo, "do you understand?"

Weisuo shook his head. "No

"You pig." The old man in green robe couldn't help cursing, "there are very few Fu smelters with a certain success rate, especially those who have a new rune formula like you are just like a hen who can lay golden eggs. Any school will take you back. After taking you back, you can still make ten runes of your own? It would be nice to have one of your own. There are at least a dozen ways for people like me to forcibly scrape the things in my brain. If I don't say what I have scratched in time, I may be afraid that this Rune will spread out to other sects. Maybe they will kill me directly. Anyway, it's OK for a fool like you to be caught as a coolie. Don't bother me

"That's a problem indeed." Weisuo's eyes turned around, and suddenly he said with a smile, "old man, don't worry. If you sell this batch of fireball runes, I can still guarantee that there is no problem."

"No problem?" The old man in green looked at Weisuo with disbelief.

"Anyway, it's night, and I don't leave Lingyue city too far away. There are so many fire charms on me. I'll take you out to have a look." Weisuo hehe a smile, put the black pot into his arms, and then quickly locked the door, ran out.……

In the evening, three monks carrying leather bags were heading for Lingyue city.

These three are all low-level monks who collect two kinds of herbs for a commercial workshop. Monks of their level dare not spend the night outside Tianjing City.

When they passed the black pool, the three monks saw a young man with dishevelled hair, as if he had been burned, and felt about in the dark pool.

"This guy must be unable to pay the rent in the capital city. He is still trying his luck here so late." The black water pool, which is only 200 miles south of Tianjing City, is a large marsh land with no sight and no biogas bubbles. There are no monsters. However, it is said that there were many monks fighting here thousands of years ago, and sometimes some magic weapon fragments and other things mixed in the mire Some of the monks would also like to plow around in the mud to see if they could touch something by chance.

In the eyes of the three friars, the fellow who was still groping about in this vast marsh at such a late hour must have been madly poor. There was no other way but to take a chance here.

Compared with this man's experience, the three monks suddenly felt that their life was much better, and they couldn't help gloating. One of them even couldn't help laughing and shouting at the young man, "brother, it's hard. Have you found anything good?"

"Not yet What is this With a crash, the three were surprised to see that the young man found a rusty, old looking iron box out of the mud.

"Fire Rune! So many fire symbols? "

"Did you really touch something?" The three monks couldn't believe it. They looked at the young man not far away, but it was true that they saw a large stack of vermilion amulets in the rusty little iron box opened by the young man, flashing a faint red light.

"What a lucky day! I'm going to give you one of them. " The young man with disordered hair took one of them and put it into the hand of one of the three stunned friars. He put the remaining stack of talismans into his arms and quickly disappeared in the dark.

"What a fire charm? He really touched so many fire symbols? "

At last, the monk took a big red talisman in his hand, and he could not bear it.

"Bang", a fireball about the size of a dustpan rushed out of the monk's hand and exploded over the mire not far away from the three people. The dazzling fire light illuminated hundreds of square meters around.

"First order fireball Rune! What a fireball charm! This guy is so lucky that he has found so many fireball runes

"There are at least a hundred or so pieces of fireball talismans just now!"

At the beginning, the mood of schadenfreude of the three friars was completely gone. Instead, they all beat their chests and feet.


"How about it? Old man, is my hand beautiful As soon as he returned to his stone house, Weisuo immediately took out the ghost pot and said to the old man with green robe.

"What's beautiful, fire charm! So many fire charms! When you just called out these two words, did you shout too falsely? "

"Ha ha, yes, I think it's OK. Anyway, tomorrow in Lingyue City, everyone must know that someone has gone through the dog dung luck and picked up a lot of fireball charms. I'll sell them again. Is there any problem? " Weisuo ha ha smile, took off the body is full of muddy clothes, jumped into a bucket full of water, beautiful bubble up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!