Chapter 19

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
The two limestone snakes were just solved by a famous beauty and a fireball rune. The fire generated by the fireball charm had not been completely extinguished. Wei Suo's obscene eyes had just moved away from some places of Nangong Yuqing, and a group of white shadows quickly slipped down from the upper part of the cave.

Ice silk spider! From the top of the cave slide down, it is the famous three-level medium level monster ice silk spider.

"Damn it, it's not so ugly."

Weisuo is also the first time to see what the spider looks like. Originally, in his imagination, the appearance of this spider should be no different from that of other spiders. However, when he saw this spider, Weisuo knew that he was wrong.

In front of me, this spider is not big. Its body is about the size of two big watermelons. However, the spider has a long neck with a small head on it. The appearance of a cucumber and a tomato on the watermelon is enough to make people speechless. However, there are two pieces of ice silk spider's mouth exposed Big white teeth, two small round eyes, but also flashing fierce yellow light.

Round body and eight long legs, are long thick white long hair, sending out a cold breath. At present, there is a shining white filament hanging from the back of its abdomen. As soon as it falls down from the top of the cave, the spider fiercely looks at Weisuo and Nangong Yuqing, but does not launch an attack on them. Instead, it quickly climbs toward the ice fog fruit on the mountain wall.

"No, this spider is trying to swallow the fruit directly. Please stop it."

As soon as he saw the action of the spider, Lindao immediately jumped into the cave, hissed a yellow light flying out of his hand and hit the spider.

"Thunder method?"

Weisuo saw that the yellow light from the hair of Lindao's hand was twisted together by more than ten thumb sized lightning. When it was shot out, the lightning of the size of more than ten thumbs was still crackling and the electric fire was straight out.

In the same level of skills, the power of Lei system is generally the largest, so Lin Daoyi's Dao FA was issued, Weisuo was a little surprised. However, the reaction of this spider is not as fast as usual. Just when Lin Daoyi's method was issued, another white and crystal silk shot out of the abdomen of the spider and stuck to the wall of the cave on the other side. Then the spider just swung in the air, and the yellow light from Lindao hit the wall in front of him and became a group of jumping Yellow spark.

"Isn't it?"

Weisuo and others all jump into the cave with Lin Daoyi. They originally planned to fight the spider together with Lin Dao, but they found that the spider did not run towards the ice fog fruit after avoiding Lin Daoyi's attack. Instead, they hung in the air and looked at Weisuo and others coldly. On the left side of the cave, however, both the top and rear of the cave have fallen down, and an ice spider has surrounded them.

In particular, the one at the back is hanging at the exit of the cave, blocking their retreat.

It seems that just now this one spider just wanted to swallow the fruit of ice mist just to make an appearance and lead them in. Obviously, the three spiders have already got some intelligence, which is much smarter than ordinary monsters.

Seeing the three spiders' cold eyes that they wanted to treat themselves as dry food, Wei Suo did not dare to enlarge them. He quickly took out the Lingtian jade pendant, which cost him 15 lower grade spirit stones, in his hand. With a purple Zhenyuan penetrating into it, the Lingtian jade pendant immediately emitted a layer of soft white light.

"Hoo!" Nangong Yuqing also immediately sent out a flame blade and cut the spider in front of her. But the reaction speed and movement of this spider is very fast. Just pulling on the two white silk, the hairy legs avoid the roaring flame blade. At the same time, seven or eight pieces of ice silk were shot from the abdomen of the other two spiders at the same time, just like sharp arrows at Weisuo and others.

When Wei Suo was still a few feet away, the power in Lingtian jade plate was automatically activated. A milky white translucent light shield was formed outside Wei Suo and others, and all the ice wires were blocked by the translucent light shield.


Although these ice silk can't Pierce in, each time the jade pendant is excited, it can consume three lower spirit stones. Moreover, the cold air from the ice silk makes the temperature around Weisuo and others drop many degrees, which makes Weisuo feel like a cold in the snow.

"These three spiders have been around for at least 70 or 80 years. It's very difficult to hit them by ordinary techniques." As soon as he felt the strong cold air on the ice, Nangong Xueqing's face changed slightly. He immediately said to Lin Daoyi and Wei Suo, "it's impossible to deal with three at once. I'll deal with the front one first. You'll concentrate on the next one."

"Fire rain technique!"

As soon as the words fell, with Nangong Yuqing's hands moving rapidly, there suddenly appeared countless fire spots about the size of olive core around the ice spider in front of her. No matter which side the ice spider dodged, it was constantly burned by many fire points, which made the ice spider keep making squeaking screams."Water archery?"

As soon as Weisuo sent out a green water blade, he saw a ball of water in front of Ye Guwei's body. All of a sudden, they were scattered into three water arrows, whizzing out. Two of them, like Weisuo's green water blade, were avoided by the ice spider on the left in front of him. However, one of them hit the abdomen of the spider and sent out There was a dull noise.

Because it is also the same as his own water system method, Weisuo's heart to this quiet girl is a little more. The power of Ye Guwei's Daoism seems to be a little worse than Weisuo's green water blade. However, her Daoism can be divided into three parts and send out three water arrows at once, and the speed is faster than Weisuo's green water blade.

"Isn't it?"

At this time, what makes Weisuo a little silly is that ye Xiao is just like an iron tower, waving the heavy sword which is so wide and frightening that it is like a door panel and rushes directly at the spider.

"Juli? Gold nail technique? "

And the next scene is to make Weisuo more stupid.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!" Although ye Guwei shot a water arrow, the spider seems to have some pain. Seeing ye Xiao rushing towards him, the spider is angry and sends his anger to Ye Xiaozheng's head. Seven or eight pieces of ice silk hit Ye Xiaozheng's body at once.

However, the skin on the surface of Ye Xiaozheng's body suddenly turned pale gold. Although his face turned blue with cold, the seven or eight pieces of ice could not penetrate into his body. At the same time, there were two blood red vigor on his arm. These two blood red energy twined on his hands and Epee, and his strength was like that It was even more abrupt and several times bigger. With a loud "pa" sound, he beat the spider straight back and flew out, hitting the mountain wall heavily. , the fastest update of the webnovel!