Chapter 20

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
After all, level 3 monster is a level 3 monster. Looking at the appearance of the ice silk spider being photographed on the mountain wall by Ye Xiao Zheng, the stone chips are flying. If the ordinary level 2 Monster is changed, it is estimated that it will be directly patted into meat pie. However, the spider just squeaked, playing like a ball, as if it had been slightly injured.

However, an ice spider in the rear actually has already formed a web in the hole behind them. Hearing the scream of the spider, the spider put down the snow-white spider web which has been completed more than half of the time, left the cave, and climbed towards Yexiao at a frightening speed.

On the other side of the spider, although there were several focuses on the body, the surface of the spider was filled with cold air. The fire rain technique of Nangong Yuqing did not cause much damage to it.

The temperature in the whole cave is getting lower and lower. There are even white frost flowers on the surrounding mountain walls and stones on the ground.

"Get rid of this head first!"

With Lin Daoyi's voice, a fireball hit the ice spider, which had just been slapped by Lin Xiao, and bounced up.

Lin Daoyi actually sent out a fireball symbol refined by Wei Suo.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!"

At this time, the spider that came from the rear had already approached Ye Xiaozheng. Although the ice silk that kept sending out could not hurt Ye Xiaozheng, the strong cold breath on the ice silk also made Ye Xiaozheng very uncomfortable, and his body was a little stiff for a moment.

"Is the skin of these three medium level monsters too thick?"

Seeing that ye Xiaozheng was not worried about his life, Wei Suo and ye Guwei were all desperate to send out the green water blade and water arrow to the ice spider which was hit by the fireball symbol again. Dark red blood foam was gushed from the ice spider's mouth, but Wei Suo and ye Guwei fought against the blue water blade and water arrow for more than ten times in a row They just made three or four wounds on the body of the spider, but they didn't kill the spider for a while.

On the contrary, the spider, regardless of Wei Suo and others, spared no effort to spray ice silk at Ye Xiao Zheng, which made his teeth chatter with cold, and the swing of the Epee in his hand became a slow motion, and he could not hit any of them at all.


Just at this time, a blue light suddenly flew out from Nangong Yuqing's body, and shot at the head of the spider she was dealing with. The speed of the blue light was several times faster than that of the flame blade before Nangong Yuqing. Not only could Wei Suo and others not see clearly, but also the spider had no time to avoid it. With a puff, the head of the spider was pierced through a hole, and the blue light flew back to Nangong Yuqing's hand.

"What is this? Is it a magic weapon with such great power? "

Weisuo and ye Guwei and others can't help but take a deep breath when they see the power of the blue light. After the head of the ice silk spider is pierced through a hole, it lies on the ground motionless. But after sending out this blue light, Nangong Yuqing's real yuan was very severe. He immediately took out a bottle of Huiqi powder and drank it.

Seeing Nangong Yuqing for a moment, it seems that she can't deal with the other two ice silk spiders, and ye Xiaozheng's situation is at stake. Ye Guwei anxiously takes out a blue talisman.

"First level green wood Rune!"

With her real yuan's attention, the blue talisman turned into a group of blue vigorous Qi. In the air, it condensed into a blue wooden stake that looked more thick than one person. It was severely hit on the ice spider which had been blasted by the fireball Rune once.

By the heavy blue wooden pile of a fierce pressure, this ice silk spider finally can not, all the hair legs kept twitching, mouth a group of blood foam flow out.

The rest of the spider, seeing the bad situation, quickly ran up along the snow-white spider silk hanging on the top of the cave.

In this case, Weisuo and others naturally do not want to let the spider escape. However, the spider, a three-level monster, has high defense power, fast speed, and a certain amount of intelligence. At one time, several people's skills are continuously inspired. Even if a few hits it, it is recklessly trying to escape, and it is about to escape from the top of the cave.


After a little hesitation, Weisuo took out the only second-order ice Rune on his hand.

Even with the fireball symbol, the spider may not be able to hit the spider.

The second-order ice charm covers an area of about two Zhangs, and its power is far higher than that of the first level fireball rune. Although the price of a second-order ice charm costs three lower level spirit stones, the value of an ice silk spider is more than 60 lower level spirit stones. When the two are compared, Weisuo can not care about the pain of three lower level spirit stones.

"Second order ice charm?"

With Weisuo's attention, a cold and piercing white fog was immediately diffused from the ice rune. In front of Weisuo's body, a lot of crystal ice particles congealed in front of him, and the temperature in the cave dropped several degrees. Nangong Yuqing saw such a scene, and her pretty face was also very surprised. It seemed that Wei Suo, who looked like a pauper, had not expected that besides the jade pendant of Lingtian, there was a second-order ice talisman on his beautiful face."Give it to me!"

When Nangong Yuqing looks at Wei Suo unexpectedly, Wei Suo waves his hand, and the cold air of the second-order ice rune, which is mixed with a lot of ice particles, bursts out and blows on the ice spider who is running up quickly.

"The second level talisman is really the second order talisman, so powerful!"

Weisuo immediately saw that the spider was stiff at once, and then a layer of ice was formed on its body and the white silk hanging it. Almost in an instant, the whole spider became an ice mass, and a long ice edge was hung on the white silk.

With the green water blade and water arrow launched by Wei Suo and others bombarded this ice mass, several cracks appeared on the ice mass immediately, and the fierce ice silk spider actually broke into several pieces along with the ice mass, and died no longer.

"Fortunately, brother Weisuo, you have the second order ice rune, otherwise you will be run away by this ice silk spider." Seeing that the last spider has been solved, Lin Daoyi's expression becomes loose and smiles at Weisuo.

"It's a pity that it was frozen into several pieces and lost several spirit stones." Weisuo looked at the broken into several pieces of ice silk spider, very distressed.

"That's nothing. At most, it's just the skin of an ice silk spider. Anyway, its most valuable demon pill and silk sac will not be damaged." Lin Dao smiles and points to the ice fog fruit on the opposite mountain wall, "and the ice fog fruit and the cold jade inside are enough to make up for any consumption and loss we have."

Hearing Lin Daoyi say so, ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei also have an excited look on their faces.

The value of three ice silk spiders, two limestone snakes and this ice fog fruit is already more than 350 lower spirit stones. Even if five people share equally, each can get at least 70 lower quality spirit stones. This is absolutely a surprising harvest.

"By the way, Nangong Yuqing, the blue light you just sent out is very powerful. I don't know if it's a magic weapon to kill an ice silk spider? Why didn't they use it to deal with other spider Lin Dao looked at Nangong Yuqing and asked.

"How can I have a magic weapon like me? It's just a fragment of a magic weapon." Nangong Yuqing shook his head and held out his hand. "This piece of fragment still has some of the power of magic weapon. It can only be used once in 24 hours, and it will consume a lot of real yuan. Otherwise, I would have used it to deal with this escaped ice silk spider."

"Is this the magic fragment that can still be used?" Wei Suo curiously looked at the thing on Nangong Yuqing's hand.

Nangong Yuqing's white hand is holding a thin irregular thin sheet, which looks like a piece of porcelain knocked down from a vase. However, the fragment is a beautiful dark blue, translucent material, and it can not be seen whether it is pure gold or jade. There are several vine like ancient lines on it, and the whole body also exudes a layer of mellow luster.

Weisuo knew that although some magic weapons handed down from ancient times were damaged, some parts could still retain part of the power of complete magic weapons, and the power of many magic weapons was far above the talisman. Therefore, although some pieces of magic weapons only had a fraction of the power of the magic weapon itself, the power of this fraction was also very terrible. Judging from Nangong Yuqing's use of this piece of magic weapon fragment just now, the power of this piece of magic weapon fragment is even more powerful than the second level talisman. And if it can be used every 24 hours, the price of such a magic weapon fragment will be at least 30 inferior spirit stones.

"I see What's in the man's arms Lin Dao nodded and suddenly looked at a mummy on the right in front of them, and made a voice of suspicion.

"What?" Wei Suo was stunned. He followed Lin Daoyi's eyes and looked at the corpse's arms. But at this moment, when his eyes were dark, the fire in his hands suddenly went out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!