Chapter 25

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"However, this kind of jade talisman will be banned by the people of Tianji Pavilion when it is sold. Only the buyer can read the contents." Nangong Yuqing looks at Wei Suo with a smile. He takes a piece of sapphire Rune from Wei Suo's hand. After a stream of Zhenyuan penetrates into it, a layer of blue light appears on the Taiji pattern on the sapphire rune, forming a small blue light layer, protecting the sapphire amulet in it.

"And prohibitions?" Wei Suo looked at the sapphire amulet in Nangong Yuqing's hand, "there is no way to crack it?"

Nangong Yuqing said: "as far as I know, there is no one in Lingyue city who can crack this prohibition except the people of Tianji Pavilion. However, if you sell the intact sapphire Rune to Tianji Pavilion, you can also sell two inferior spirit stones. "

"Grandma, it's dark!" Weisuo couldn't help scolding. A good technique often costs a lot. For example, Wei Suo's green water blade technique is worth about 20 low-grade spirit stones. It is precisely because of the high value of the technique, and if others can feel his own skill clearly, he will be more dangerous outside. Therefore, Wei Suo will still be a weak technique of Qingshui blade. However, Tianji Pavilion only gave two inferior spirit stones to retrieve this kind of sapphire talisman. It was almost like robbing the spirit stone openly and uprightly.

"And what is this one?" Wei Suo looked like a map fragment for the rest of the broken cloth. However, the cloth looked very strange. Because of the previous lesson, Wei Suo did not dare to guess. He directly looked at Nangong Yuqing and asked. Don't look like a map at that time, but it's a talisman or something. It's even more humiliating.

But what made Weisuo fall to the ground was that Nangong Yuqing took a look at it and said, "this one should be a fragment of a map in a monster wasteland outside the sky, but I don't know the ancient characters and pictures on it."

Grandma, the original map fragment is a map fragment.

Weisuo's heart a burst of speechless, he felt that he seemed to be more ignorant of the world, more humiliating. But just in Lin Daoyi's body to get so many good things, or enough to let Weisuo excited.

"It seems that there are monks in the dried food of these ice silk spiders. Why don't we check them thoroughly first to see if there are any good things." Weisuo's eyes soon focused on the monk's body, which was hanging on one side of the mountain wall with a faint light on his chest.

For Wei Suo's proposal, Nangong Yuqing and others of course did not have any opinions. Originally, for anyone who went to the lair of this monster beast and killed it, he would certainly search the whole nest thoroughly.

Wei Suo was the first to run to the monk. He was the first to kill someone. So he didn't dare to look at Lin Daoyi who was killed by himself. However, he didn't have much fear in front of the temptation of spirit stone. The silk of the spider is very tough. It is estimated that even if he uses the green water blade, it may not be able to cut it. Fortunately, the silk sac of the spider hanging these bodies is not tight, so it does not hinder Weisuo's search.

Carefully opened the unfortunate monk's chest, the cold on the spider's silk made some stiff clothes, a bottle of Huiqi powder immediately slipped down. Then Weisuo immediately saw a red one with a lot of tadpole like runes and a white jade box.

The light that Weisuo had seen before was from this white jade box. But to Weisuo's surprise, the inside of the jade box, which had no pattern, but had a very bright surface and inner wall, was empty and had nothing.

Weisuo was a little disappointed and searched the other places of the friar. However, the monk seemed to be poorer than that of Weisuo before. Besides these things, he didn't have anything to take with him. He didn't even have a lower spirit stone.

It took about a long time for four people to search the cave. In addition to the monk who was noticed by Weisuo, there were two other unfortunate lower level friars who were killed by the ice silk spider in the whole cave. However, the two unfortunate low level friars were either really poor, or they had fought with the ice spider before being killed, and consumed some of their hands In any case, only four inferior spirit stones, several Yuehua grass worth two inferior spirit stones and a scroll of technique were found from the two unfortunate monks.

The yellowish scroll of sheepskin technique records the ordinary wind blade skill which is worse than Weisuo's green water blade. Weisuo just looked at it and put it down, and he didn't even have any interest in practice.

Three ice silk spiders, two limestone snakes, and the things that Lin Dao collected from his body and the things that were found later were all piled together. The next thing is how to distribute these things.

"Why don't we share the spirit stones equally, and then we'll sell them first and then share them equally?" At the thought of the value of these things in front of him, weissel's two eyes were irresistible. After all, three ice silk spiders and two limestone snakes add up to more than 200 lower level spirit stones. In addition, the spirit stones, Huiqi powder and Huiqi Pill on Lin Daoyi and others have exceeded 260 lower level spirit stones. This is a windfall for ordinary casual practitioners. What's more, there are Fengbo amulets that can be used several times. And it's fair to sell all the stone equally.But after hearing what Weisuo said, there was a little quiet in the whole cave, which was just searching for things.

"Divide equally?" Ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei looked at each other in a daze. Some of them were incredible and repeated these two words.

"Isn't it? Do the three of them want to work together to eat black Weisuo's heart was startled.

"If it wasn't for you, we would all die in Lin Daoyi's hands. It was because we didn't know people clearly, and we almost got into trouble. But you still have to share these things with us. You friend, I Ye Xiao, has made a deal. You just consumed so many fireball symbols. How can we share these things with you. We came here for the sake of the spider. At most, we'll share one But ye Xiaozheng next is very serious to say this sentence, but let Weisuo stay.

This big man is so honest and honest! It turns out that he didn't want to eat black, but he just wanted to divide an ice silk spider?

Such a friend is really more beneficial!

"I just came here to accept the entrustment. I have already negotiated the price of forty lower grade spirit stones. No matter how much we get in the end, tiece only needs to give me 40 inferior spirit stones at most." And when Wei Suo stayed, Nangong Yuqing also looked at Weisuo and said.

"All good people!" Weisuo was so excited that tears filled his eyes. He felt that he looked too rich with such a promise, so Weisuo pretended to be hesitant, "this This It doesn't seem very good. "

"All right. If you think it's really inappropriate for brother Wei, in addition to an ice spider and 40 lower grade spirit stones from Nangong Yuqing, we can divide the unexpected ice fog fruit and the ice inside equally. After all, the ice fog fruit can not only be used to refine spiritual elixir, but also greatly improve the success rate of five breakthroughs from Shenhai state to zhoutianjing Ye Xiao was nodding and said.

"I..." Weisuo wanted to slap his mouth. We all know that ye Xiao is such a straightforward person. What do you want to pretend to be polite? Wei Suo's heart is a little bit to cry without tears, but he can not change his mouth, can only pretend to regard the spirit stone as dung, friendship first, spirit stone second appearance, said with reluctance: "OK."

After saying a good word, Weisuo turned to look at Nangong Yuqing with hope, hoping that the hot legged beauty would say that their iron policy people would say no two, as long as 40 inferior spirit stones, her share should still belong to Wei Suo. If Wei Suo insists on giving it to her, she will turn against Wei Suo. But let Wei Suo in front of a black is, Nangong Yuqing is a tiny smile, "if it is a friend It doesn't matter if a friend gives it away, and it doesn't violate the rules of tiece. "


Wei Suo and Nangong Yuqing, Lin Guwei and Lin Xiaozheng stood in front of the fruit.

Dark green, like the fern leaves, has a jade like luster, while the four fruits like small oranges are emitting a light white cold fog, which makes the spirit grass look like a cloud.

It may be because the demon pill of three ice silk spiders has not yet reached the advanced stage, so they have been guarding the ice fog fruit, but they have not swallowed it, so it is cheaper for the four of Weisuo.

At the fifth peak of Shenhai state cultivation, when the Zhenyuan in the body impacts the orifices, if the control is not good, it is easy to bring Qi and blood flowing too fast, which will make the monk's body temperature rise rapidly. At least, it will damage the monk's physical function, while in the heavy case, he will be possessed by the devil and cause his body to burn himself.

In addition to dissolving the fire poison in some fire demon pills, bingwuguo also has the effect of curbing the blood flow of friars. In the impact of the perimeter, if you can take an ice fruit first, then the impact of the perimeter will be more insurance.

This kind of fruit is not very common in ordinary times. It is also valuable but not marketable. At that time, it is not easy to find it at that time. It would be great for a monk like Weisuo, who would sooner or later impact the whole world, to leave one on his body.

In addition, there is also a point that the ice fog fruit is associated with the cold jade, there must be cold jade where there are ice fog fruit.

Cold jade with enough size and grade can be used not only to refine talismans and magic weapons, but also to refine magic weapons!

Now it's up to you to see how big the cold jade in the mountain wall is and what kind of quality it is. , the fastest update of the webnovel!