Chapter 26

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent

A rusty knife with thick back fell on the wall under the fruit, and several pieces of gravel of different sizes fell.

It was Ye Xiaozheng who started the operation. The rusty thick backed short knife was found in this cave. I don't know which unlucky ghost who became the ration of ice silk spider fell. The reason why we don't use Epee is that it must be fast to open up the mountain and stone, but I'm afraid that if I accidentally chop up the cold jade inside, it's not worth the loss.

Although this is a very ordinary steel knife, ye Xiao is using great power to chop rocks. Every knife almost cuts a piece about the size of two fists, and this is under Ye Xiaozheng's deliberate control.

Weisuo's eyes did not blink to see ye Xiaozheng cutting the rocks, which was more exciting than killing the monster. If you go to kill the monster, whether you kill it or not, you will know what monster you are killing. But now no one knows how big the cold jade is.

"Come out."

All of a sudden, Wei Suo and Nangong Yuqing's eyebrows jumped unconsciously. With the fall of Ye Xiaozheng's knife, a trace of white brilliance was revealed with a strong chill.

In the crack of gray black rock, a piece of very smooth white cold jade is exposed.

"Medium grade cold jade!"

All people are happy. The top grade cold jade is almost transparent like dark ice, and part of the cold jade exposed in front of you is white, and the white is very pure, and it looks like an ice needle. It is obviously of good grade and can be used to refine talismans and magic weapons.

Now the key depends on how big this piece of mid grade cold jade is.

Ye Xiaozheng tentatively along the exposed edge of the cold jade, and then carefully cut down a bit.

When the knife goes down, all the exposed rocks are smooth and crystal white, and the exposed cold jade is one foot wide and two feet long.

The more carefully Ye Xiao was cutting, the bigger Weisuo's mouth was. After a while, his mouth was almost crooked.

Under Ye Xiaozheng's continuous cutting, all the rocks three feet square below the ice fog fruit have been cut down, and all exposed are pure white cold jade, until this time, the edge of this cold jade has not been seen.

Such a large piece of stone is worth at least a hundred lower spirit stones. Wei Suo thinks Lin Daoyi is a good brother more and more.

Seeing that the cold jade is getting bigger and bigger, even Nangong Yuqing is excited and flushed.

"Not yet?"

Four feet Five feet, in the eyes of people excited, the horizontal length has been more than five feet, finally saw the edge.

After the two sides finally saw the edge, ye Xiao was carefully digging towards the top of the ice fog fruit. Just for a moment, Weisuo almost turned his mouth. The width of the cold jade on the top of the ice fog fruit was more than two feet. When ye Xiaozheng completely dug out the cold jade from the mountain wall, the whole piece of cold jade was five feet square and nearly one foot thick.





In the south of Lingyue City, there are more than a dozen big shops with different characteristics, forming a piece of square city. Among these big shops, Jinyu Pavilion is characterized by the most complete and abundant raw materials for refining utensils.

The entrance of Jinyu Pavilion is a bright hall that can hold dozens of people, but it is not crowded. Inside, there are counters made of mahogany, which display samples of many kinds of materials. Responsible for receiving the monks, they were all young people in the same color. Behind the hall of Jinyu Pavilion, there is a three story Pavilion. The first and second floors are VIP pavilions, while the third floor is a wing room. There are some antique tables and chairs with white fur on them. A small table against the wall burns a plate of incense, which makes the room full of faint fragrance. The whole wing room is very comfortable and elegant.

Manager Tian of Jinyu Pavilion is a middle-aged man in a long blue shirt and a scholar. He has a long beard and looks elegant.

At the moment, a young man in charge of reception stood respectfully in front of him, as if he had just reported something. And the manager of Jinyu Pavilion is holding a straight face and is very dissatisfied with reprimanding this young man who dare not come out with such atmosphere, "what, a piece of medium grade cold jade? Just a piece of medium grade cold jade, do you want to call me down to see it? How many spirit stones do we have in Jinyu pavilion every minute? You let me, as the manager of Jinyu Pavilion, go down to see a piece of middle grade cold jade. Is your head caught in the door

"No Jin Fu youth efforts to explain, "this piece of mid grade cold jade is really some big."

"Some big? How big is it? Can it be as big as my desk? " Manager Tian became more and more popular. He patted the desk in front of him.

Jin Fu youth looked at the desk which was taken by the shopkeeper Tian and said with a bitter smile: "it seems that . it seems to be bigger than that. ""What?" Manager Tian's eyes were bulging.

"Is there such a big piece of mid grade cold jade?"

In the VIP Pavilion on the first floor of Jinyu Pavilion, manager Tian looks at the white cold jade placed in front of Weisuo and Nangong Yuqing.

It was early summer at this time, but now the temperature in this VIP Pavilion is like an ice cellar. Even the breath of Weisuo and others is white.

Manager Tian has seen a lot of middle and top grade cold jade. However, for such a large piece of cold jade, the key is still a cold jade without many defects. However, manager Tian has never seen it.

After studying the jade carefully for a moment, he was sure that there was no fake element in the jade. Then, manager Tian's expression became dignified and looked at Wei Suo and other people: "I don't know if you want us to cut this cold jade, or let us auction this cold jade instead?"

"For auction?"

Wei Suo Leng Leng Leng, can not help but and Nangong Yuqing and others looked at. Because the four of them agreed that the cold jade should be divided equally, and all four felt that if ye Xiao was cut off by such a large piece of cold jade, it would certainly cause more loss. Therefore, the four people directly took the cold jade to Jinyu Pavilion. However, they were only going to sell it directly to Jinyu Pavilion, but they didn't expect that shopkeeper Tian would say so. Because everyone knows that the auction may fetch a better price, but even Weisuo knows that those who can participate in the auctions of these markets are some things that can be regarded as treasures. Has this cold jade reached the standard of treasure?

However, the price of precious things should be above 5600 lower grade spirit stones, and the price of middle grade cold jade is very clear to several people. Ham is so big, a middle-grade cold jade is also up to dozens of lower grade spirit stone.

After looking at each other, Wei Suo was depressed that ye Xiaozheng, who was very honest and honest, said, "shopkeeper Tian, we originally wanted to sell this cold jade directly, but you said that you could auction this cold jade. Do you think this cold jade can reach the standard of treasure?"

Shopkeeper Tian was also obviously stunned. But he seemed to know that he had just said that. Even if he changed his mouth and said that the cold jade was not qualified, Wei Suo and others would not believe it. They would go to other shops to ask about it. So after he was stunned, he still nodded his head honestly and explained: "this size of cold jade itself is very rare, and The most important thing is that there is only a transverse crack two feet long on this cold jade, and the crack is not deep. The rest of the place is uneven at most, but there are no cracks, not even small cracks. Some cold jade, although larger than this, may have many cracks, more cracks, more useless parts. If there are fine cracks everywhere, I'm afraid a large piece of cold jade can only cut out a few pieces of jade symbol material, but this cold jade If you cut directly along the crack, it can be said that there is almost no waste. If the crack is polished off, it will be even more amazing. This size can be used to refine the matrix of magic weapons. If used for auction, the reserve price should be set at 600 lower grade spirit stones. I will not deceive you. If you are in a hurry to wait for the spirit stone to be used, we can purchase 600 lower grade spirit stones in Jinyu Pavilion first. If we don't wait for an urgent need, we can auction for you. We should hold another small auction in more than ten days. Even if we deduct 10% of our expenses, your income is estimated to be better. You can choose for yourself. "

"The bottom price of 600 lower grade spirit stones?"

With a bang, weissar almost fell off his chair. , the fastest update of the webnovel!