Chapter 29

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
The two things Weisuo pushed to the old man in green robe were the fragments of the map found from Lin Daoyi, and the other two pieces of sapphire amulets sold by Tianji Pavilion.

Since Lin Daoyi takes this map fragment seriously, it should not be useless waste, and all the pictures on it are ancient characters. Wei Suo thinks that the old man in green robe may know the same old antique.

"Yinfeng mountain Peach Lake... " Sure enough, the old man in green robe just took a look and read out some place names on the fragments. "This is a fragment of the map of Qingcheng ruins." The old man in green quickly came to a conclusion.

Wei Suo asked curiously, "Qingcheng ruins? What is this place? "

"Qingcheng ruins are the ruins of a great school in ancient times. There are many materials for refining utensils and relics of ancient friars' magic weapons. For tens of thousands of years, many friars have gone in to explore treasures. However, Qingcheng ruins is located in the monster wilderness between Tianxuan land and Yunling land. There are many powerful monsters in Qingcheng ruins. In addition, there are many dangerous and unpredictable broken prohibitions. Therefore, nine out of ten friars who venture into the ruins to explore treasures fall among them, even if there are not many things left over from ancient sects There are a lot of things on these friars who died inside, so there must be a lot of good things in the ruins of thousands of miles

Looking at Weisuo, the old man in qingpao explained: "this one should be a map drawn by the monks who entered Qingcheng ruins. There are some notes on which places where monsters gather and which places are safer to enter. If you have this complete map, it will be safer to go into Qingcheng ruins to explore treasures. It's a pity that this one is only a fragment of the map, and with your current accomplishments, even if you get other pieces to make a complete map, going to Qingcheng ruins is almost like dying. "

"The ruins of a big sect? Damn it. I must go and have a look in the future. Maybe I'm lucky to find the rest of the maps. " Weisuo's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it. Not to mention anything else, it is estimated that anyone who can reach such a distant place in the wilderness outside the sky is many times better than Lin Daoyi. Now there are so many good things in Lin Daoyi. Don't talk about those people.

"You just wait." The green robed old man looked at Wei Suo, whose eyes were shining when he heard something good. "Take those two pieces of jade talisman and have a look."

If the old man in green asked Weisuo to do something, Weisuo might have to linger. Now when he heard the old man's words, he quickly put two pieces of jade amulets in front of him without saying a word.

The old man in green looked at the two pieces of green jade talisman held by Weisuo for a while. Suddenly, it turned into a green flame and penetrated into the jade amulet.

"Shit, what is this?"

At the moment when the green flame of the old man in green robe penetrated into the green jade symbol, a black light suddenly appeared in the green jade amulet. After a close look, a fierce and ferocious black wolf was formed and rushed towards the green flame of the old man in green robe.

However, the green flame of the old man in green robe turned into a green skull, and entangled with the black wolf in the blue jade talisman. The black wolf was desperately biting the green skull head, and the green skull head also opened its big mouth, cluttered, and looked funny, and even bit the black wolf.

"Damn it!"

After a while, the black flame of the old man with green robe retreated from the green jade talisman. As soon as he retreated, he immediately gave a cry. After being transformed into the old man's form, he looked as if he had been bitten very badly and panted.

"Ah? What happened to the black wolf inside? Old man, why, you're no match? " Weisuo looked at the old man in the green robe.

"Bah! Is it not to seal a black wind wolf spirit as a prohibition, a small black wind wolf spirit, I don't believe it can't be done. " After the old man in green robe took a breath, he immediately turned into a green flame and poured into the blue jade Fu.

Soon a black wolf and a green skull in the blue jade amulet bit each other desperately.

"Grandma's I don't believe I can't beat it! " After a while, the old man in the green robe retreated out of the room panting again. After a short rest, he went in again.

"Grandma's, come again!" After a while, the old man in green robe retreated out again.

"I don't believe it! Weisuo, give me some scorpion blood! Look, I won't kill it

"Ha ha, little sample, I finally killed you! You dare to bite me! If it had been changed, I would have crushed you with one finger! "

… ...

Wei Suo watched the old man in green robe go in and out, just like entering the city gate. After drinking fire scorpion blood once, the color of the black wind wolf in the jade amulet became more and more dim, and finally was completely torn up by the green skull. The old man in the green robe who retreated from the inside burst into laughter.

"The ban is done?"

Weisuo looked at the blue jade talisman which had completely disappeared, and tried to penetrate into it. This time, the unique mark on the jade talisman of Tianji Pavilion didn't show any more blue light. With his attention of lavender Zhenyuan, a technique atlas formed by Lavender brilliance gradually appeared on the blue jade talisman."Good thing! Lin Dao and his brother are really good people

Weisuo's mouth almost went awry again.

"Golden Snake thunder formula", recorded in this piece of blue jade, is actually a thunder technique.

Moreover, the low-level skills, like Weisuo's green water blade, are very effective in attacking. No matter what level of Zhenyuan's cultivation is, when used, it will send out a bright blue water blade, but there will be differences in the speed and power of the stimulation. But this Golden Snake thunder code is really a good thing with a variety of attack methods.

The whole Golden Snake thunder rhyme is divided into five layers.

The first layer of Shenhai realm can be cultivated by the double cultivation of Zhenyuan. However, it is three feet long and looks like lightning like a snake. In the second layer, the triple cultivation of Zhenyuan in Shenhai realm can be cultivated. After refining, it can display ten golden lightning bolts, which are twisted together to form a sharp shuttle shape.

In the third layer, the monks of the four levels of Shenhai kingdom can cast them. The 20 snake shaped lightning bolts are wrapped into a thunder ball, which will explode after hitting the opponent or the opponent's defense. The 20 snake shaped lightning can cover an area of two Zhang.

The fourth layer is a big net formed by fifty snake shaped lightning, covering an area of five Zhang.

The last layer is called the Golden Snake dance, which can only be practiced by monks who have more than one level in the surrounding area. It can be used by hundreds of snake like lightning flashes within the radius of ten Zhang.

Weisuo lacked the skills and skills to cultivate. Moreover, this Golden Snake thunder formula was obviously the one used by Lin Daoyi and them when they were fighting in the cave. Weisuo could see it very clearly at that time. Lin Daoyi's formula of thunder was not only very powerful, but also the Golden Snake lightning could paralyze his opponent. Like Ye Xiaozheng, a fierce man who practices gold armour, can't move for a long time after being hit by his thunder ball. If it's a common friar like Weisuo, it is estimated that even if he can resist the power of thunder ball, he will be electrified to convulse for half a day.

At present, Wei Suo's green water blade's power is not so good, but it's hard to hit some faster monsters. When he was in the cave, he saw that Nangong Yuqing and Lin Daoyi's ice shield skill and menlei skill had the effect of delaying opponents. He wanted to build such a technique in his heart. He didn't expect to get such a skill now.

Lin Daoyi was already a friar of Shenhai state, but when he was against Weisuo, he only released the third layer of thunder ball at most, which showed that Lin Dao had not been able to practice the fourth layer of Golden Snake net for a long time. Wei Suo's current cultivation can at least reach the second level of Golden Snake shuttle.

After looking at this piece of Lei Jue, after a while, Weisuo looked at the old man in green robe who was still laughing triumphantly. "Old man, you must not be able to kill a black wind wolf in this other piece."

"Fart! I'll kill ten more! " After the old man in green robe called out, he turned into a green flame and rushed into another jade symbol in Weisuo's hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!