Chapter 30

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Taiyi looks at Qi skill!"

The old man in green robe was as tired as Weisuo, who had just finished refining fufu before. It seemed that the lost vitality would have to be cultivated for at least ten days and a half months, and it would be possible to make up for it by drinking fire scorpion blood every day. And Wei Suo again looked at the technique recorded in the blue jade talisman with incomparable exclamation.

With the skill of looking at Qi, the monks with more than two levels of Shenhai realm can practice it. When using it, you can see the true yuan accomplishments and the general level of skills that are two times different from their own.

Originally, Wei Suo hoped that the jade amulet recorded in it was another skill "white water Mask" which had a good defensive effect. Because Weisuo has not yet developed a defense technique, he only relies on some defense talisman to defend himself.

Now Wei Suo's Earth Shield talisman has been used for the last time and is no longer valid. His protective magic weapons are only Lingtian jade pendant which can be used twice, and Fengbo jade Rune which can be used five times from Lin Dao. However, these defensive talismans are consumable after all. If there is no defense method when these things are exhausted, it will be more dangerous.

But I didn't expect that Lin Daoyi's other green jade talisman recorded his other skill, Taiyi Wangqi.

Although it's not the defensive technique that I expected, and this kind of Qi watching technique can't be compared with some of the top Qi watching techniques in Tianxuan continent, it's also very useful for Weisuo.

Because if you can't see the depth with this Qi watching technique, you must be more than twice as powerful as he is. Then try not to provoke him. If you can make a detour, just take a detour.

More such a skill, but also virtually equivalent to a little more life-saving capital.

Because there is no lack of spiritual stone for cultivation, and for a monk, the level of cultivation and skill is the foundation and the most important thing. However, the white jade box suspected to be Baoyuan jade box can't be seen for a moment. At least, we can judge whether the silver candle grass placed there is still as fresh and tender as it is now. So after sorting out the miscellaneous things scattered on the bed, Weisuo began to practice these two skills.


"There are two levels of Shenhai realm. Hehe, it seems that it's just the skill of huangjie."

"The three levels of Shenhai state are similar to mine, grandma's, but it seems that the skill is a little better than me."

"Damn it, this cow is at least a monk in the world!"

Five days later, in the evening, Weisuo walked towards the north market of the city. While walking, he looked at the monks passing by.

Every time he peeked at the passers-by, there was an almost imperceptible flash of light in Weisuo's eyes.

The Golden Snake thunder formula from Lin Dao I is a little more difficult to practice. It took Wei Suo five days to master the first layer of the skill. He could barely produce three snake like lightning of two feet. However, this technique is relatively simple. Now Weisuo has been able to use it skillfully.

And the most important thing is that this method doesn't need to consume many real yuan, so now Weisuo secretly looks very happy.

When Wei Suo used this method of looking at Qi, he could see in his eyes the brilliance of the divine sea in the other party's body. From the number of groups of God sea and the brilliance of the other party's God sea, we can basically judge how the other party is compared with himself. But it is true that more than two monks can not see the specific depth. The friar who just passed by Weisuo was at least the friar of the whole world. At a glance, Weisuo had a feeling that his whole body was covered with a water like flame, which made him feel extremely sharp at a glance.

As for Weisuo's Zixuan real formula, like all Zhenyuan skills, the higher the cultivation, the more difficult it is to advance. In the past, Weisuo didn't have enough spirit stones. Now when there are enough spirit stones, of course, these five days are hard work. However, after five days, 40 inferior spirit stones have been consumed. However, the three Shenhai in Weisuo's body have only slightly expanded by one circle. According to Weisuo's judgment, it is estimated that it will take at least 10 days to break through the fourth level of Shenhai realm.

This is also the reason for his low level of purple XuanZhen formula and enough spirit stones to practice continuously. Otherwise, if he changed the Zhenyuan skill with higher level, it would take at least tens of days or even hundreds of days to break through the third level of Shenhai realm to the fourth level of Shenhai realm if there were enough spirit stones.

The key is that even most of the big schools like tianyimen can't get more than eight spirit stones a day except for some core disciples with good talent. Therefore, the cultivation time has to be prolonged at least several times. This is exactly what Wei Suo has been doing for so many years until he has refined the first batch of fireball runes After that, it broke through the third reason of Shenhai realm.

The reason why Weisuo is moving towards the market in the north of the city is that when he broke through the third level of cultivation in Shenhai realm, he had already found that the usual practice of refining talismans also had a lot of training effect on his divine sense. Moreover, refining fireball Rune was the most secure way to earn spirit stones. Because there are enough spirit stones now, so he is now passing through several places in the north of the city Stores released a long-term acquisition of fire scorpion news, the price is a low-grade spirit stone four head fire scorpion.This price is a little too high for other friars, but one fire scorpion is enough for four fireball runes. According to Weisuo's success rate, four fire scorpions can refine at least ten fireball runes, which is equivalent to one inferior spirit stone to earn six inferior spirit stones. It is also very profitable.

For the long-term, the price of purchasing the friars is very low, because the price is very low. Weisuo came out once a day to collect the scorpions in those shops. On the first day, the shops received twelve fire scorpions, and in the next four days they received an average of 167 fire scorpions.

During these five days, Wei Suo devoted himself to practicing the true formula of Zixuan and those two techniques. He only collected the useful fire scorpion blood, but did not refine the fireball rune.

According to Wei Suo's original intention, after finishing the second layer of the Golden Snake thunder formula, he began to practice and refine fireball Rune every day. Then he would wait for the fireball Rune to accumulate to a certain extent and the spirit stone on hand was almost consumed. Then he would go to the indirect safety task of Fangshi to earn spirit stone. In any case, with his current cultivation and so much fire Ball rune, it's easy to clean up level 2 monsters and level 3 medium level monsters.

"The auction .。”

When he reached the entrance of the market in the north of the city, Weisuo saw a notice for announcing the news. Many people stopped in front of the stone wall. When he came to see it, Weisuo was stunned. The most remarkable news on the wall was that a small auction hosted by Jinyu pavilion would be held in three days. Previously, manager Tian and Wei Suo of Jinyu Pavilion said that the auction would be held in ten days at the latest, but now the date is slightly advanced by two days.

"Three days later But I want to see how much money that piece of cold jade can sell, and see if there is any good defense skill auction Weisuo looked at the news, in the heart so think at the same time, the mind can not help but emerge that the figure of the long legged beauty Nangong Yuqing Especially the half white round under the broken soft armor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!