Chapter 31

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
In the early morning, a light white fog enveloped the top of Lingyue city. White cranes and long tailed red birds used by some sects to convey messages often flit across the sky above Lingyue City, making the whole Lingyue city feel like a little ethereal fairyland.

In Weisuo's small stone house in the west of the city, with the formation of a Dharma formula of Weisuo's hands, the lightning with the thickness of ten thumbs and the shape of a snake suddenly flashed in front of him, crackled and twisted together, forming a two foot long sharp shuttle.

With a wave of Weisuo's right hand, the lightning shuttle hit the ground near the corner of the wall with a bang. With the explosion of a dazzling electric spark, a pit of one foot square appeared on the hard stone ground.

"Hey, hey," Weisuo took a look, his face immediately showed a very satisfied look, and then Weisuo put two drum black leather bags into his arms, went out of the door and walked towards the direction of Jinyu Pavilion in the south of the city.

Today is the day of the auction, if that piece of cold jade sold well, Weisuo will have a good income. In these three days, Weisuo practiced the Golden Snake thunder formula, and finally mastered the Golden Snake thunder Suo, the second layer of Golden Snake thunder formula. Because the jade plate that could enter the auction for free on that day was kept by Nangong Yuqing, so Weisuo went to meet Nangong Yuqing outside the auction hall according to the agreement.

The official venue of the auction is Lingxiao square next to Jinyu Pavilion. A special building for auction held by more than a dozen big businesses around Jinyu Pavilion. The outer walls are all piled up with white boulders, carved with various exquisite cloud patterns, and four cornices are inclined upward. It looks like the whole building will rise from the sky.

Weisuo arrived at Lingxiao square nearly half an hour before the official start of the auction. However, many people gathered outside the broad streets and surrounding shops outside Lingxiao square. Wei Suo used the technique of looking at Qi to see at least seven or eight powerful figures who were more than one-dimensional in the sky and seemed to be steaming like water.

In fact, many monks gathered outside Lingxiao square didn't want to go to the auction to buy things. Instead, they regarded the place with a large flow of people as a free trade market and peddled them outside Lingxiao square.

"Damn it! You're a little poor at painting, aren't you? "

Weisuo waited for a while near the gate of the Golden Jade Pavilion. At least five or six guys came to sell things. To his surprise, one of the guys sold him ordinary minks with black stripes.

"How come this beauty hasn't come yet, won't she stand me up?"

After waiting for a while, Weisuo could not help but murmured in his heart.

"Weisuo", just at this moment, Weisuo heard a sweet voice calling himself in the back.

"Nangong is rainy and sunny? Damn it Weisuo looked back and saw Nangong Yuqing not far from his back, looking at himself with a smile. But Weisuo is only under a glance, is nearly directly looked stupefied.

Today's Nangong Yuqing didn't wear her tight red armor, but wore a white robe. Under the elegant and pure white robe, the chest of Nangong Xueqing is as high as the wild snow mountain in the distance. The robe is the most popular style among female nuns in Tianxuan mainland. The chest is slightly lower, showing a snow-white deep groove. A round Pendant of a green gem necklace is just hanging in the middle of the deep groove, which makes the skin more crystal white. The robe is the waist, from the waist down, put up an extremely perfect arc, the robe reaches the ground, dragging and walking, like a long fish tail. If Nangong Yuqing, who used to wear tight red soft armor, was a gorgeous warrior, now Nangong Yuqing is like a mermaid coming out of a picture.

Not only Weisuo, but many monks around him had a little straight eyes. Many friars wanted to become the green gem necklace Nangong Yuqing was wearing on his chest.

Wei Suo's some dazed eyes let Nangong Yuqing's face appear a trace of crimson, but her eyes also emerged a little surprised look. Because Weisuo had shaved all the scorched hair of that head, it should be that he had shaved his head directly. Now his hair has grown only an inch. However, without that messy straw like hair, now Weisuo looks really some pretty, still some handsome.

"Why, I don't know?" Looking at some dazed Wei Suo, Nangong Yuqing reaches for her hair, which makes her look more woman and attracts a big circle of hot eyes.

"The beauty doesn't know who it is." Many young monks around were ready to strike up a conversation. "Isn't it?" But to their amazement, they saw that this hot girl with a long history came together with a low-level monk who didn't seem to mix well at all. They talked like they were familiar with each other.

"This It's a little bit big, and I can't see it for a while. " Wei Suo was embarrassed to smile. The envious eyes around him made him feel very useful. After all, some friars, even though they were highly trained, did not have such a beautiful woman around him.

"You've changed a lot, too. Your hair is not so personalized." Nangong Yuqing's finger pulled the corner of his coat and laughed, "by the way, have you seen Ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei's brother and sister?""No Wei Suo shook his head, "they said last time may not come, to this time did not come, this time should not rush over."

"In that case, shall we go first? There's at least a quiet place to talk Nangong Yuqing looked at Weisuo with a smile and said, "I have something to say with you alone."

"Alone with me?" Weisuo looked at Nangong Yuqing, and felt that Nangong Yuqing's smile was a little ambiguous. He immediately started full Association in his heart, "should not this beautiful woman fall in love with me at first sight, and want to make a promise to me?"

"Let's go." seeing Wei Suo, Nangong Yuqing smiles at Weisuo. The morning sun reflects on her long hair, which is covered with a light golden light. A girl's unique fragrance makes Wei Suo feel crispy and numb.

"Nangong Yuqing", but at this time, a loud voice came.

Wei Suo turned his head in the direction of the voice and saw a young handsome man with a smile on his face and walked towards Nangong Yuqing and himself.

The young, handsome man, who looked about the same age as Weisuo, wore a linen robe with a gold hoop at the back of his head. The whole linen robe is decorated with several light blue crystal stones with gold wire. This elegant and chic robe makes this handsome man with sword eyebrow star look extraordinary.

In order to make the robe more beautiful, some of the robes are not decorated with the light color of the Dharma stone.

"A monk with five levels of supernatural power and state!"

Wei Suo looked at the handsome man with his Qi looking technique, and saw that the five divine sea radiance was faintly visible on the handsome man, and the five divine seas were very turbulent. It was obvious that the skill he had practiced was not comparable to Wei Suo's low-level purple mystery formula. Obviously, this guy has at least some background.

However, Wei Suo's first feeling was very uncomfortable, this seemingly polite guy came towards himself and Nangong Yuqing, but he hardly looked at himself. His eyes were always on Nangong Yuqing's body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!