Chapter 51

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
The whole holy field of several Mu square meters was divided into many pieces, flashing many kinds of aura, and it was obvious that several kinds of array shapes were arranged.

Walking in this holy land, some places are extremely hot, just like midsummer, while some places are cold and covered with thick ice. Some places are arranged as dark and humid as in a deep cave.

The reason why there are so many different arrangements is that the growth environment of various miraculous drugs is different. Only in a specific environment can they survive and grow. For example, this spiritual field covers more than a dozen environments, and it is already a good one.

After crossing the holy field, Weisuo entered the courtyard with a small garden in the middle.

In addition to the entrance hall, a study room and a sleeping room, there is a quiet room with excellent sound insulation and soft silvergrass blanket.

The chamber was built close to the wall, on which there was a stone gate.

Pushing open the heavy stone gate and walking more than ten steps toward the corridor in the mountain wall, Weisuo felt only a hot air coming to his face. There are two rooms in it. One is twenty or thirty feet square. It is empty and has nothing. There are many potholes on the walls of the hard rock. It is a room specially used for friars to test their own skills and the power of magic weapons. The other room is just the key point of Wei Suo Yao, the ground fire furnace room.

In addition to a stone table on the left side of the entrance door, there is a bronze ground stove with a height of half a person in the middle.

The four feet of this furnace tripod are carved with scale like patterns, which look like the claws of four unicorns. A stream of blazing heat kept rising above the round hearth. On the top of the stove, there are 18 small blue toads with their mouths open. They are facing the furnace mouth and spitting. They are very realistic.

"It is worthy of being the place where 80 inferior spirit stones have been for a month! I don't know what it's like. "

Standing in the ground fire furnace room which can be used for refining utensils and alchemy, Weisuo couldn't help sighing.

There are spiritual fields and furnace rooms. If the prohibition is more severe, it can be regarded as a cave.

I don't know how much more comfortable it is to practice in such a place than in a small stone house in the west of the city. However, Wei Suo didn't come to enjoy it. For him now, the 80 inferior spirit stones still make him feel a little painful after a month.

Although it was still daytime, the old man in green robe was still resting in the ghost pot, but Weisuo was not idle. After sighing for a while, he immediately returned to the quiet room, took out a yellowish medium spirit stone, and closed his eyes to practice.

Now all the things in the small stone house in the west of the city, including the portraits of the four water spirits, have been packed with nabao bag. However, during the whole day, Wei Suo only practiced the purple magic formula, and did not take out the golden silk Rune pen and other materials to refine the talisman, because he learned from the mouth of the old man in green robe that refining alchemy consumed no less spirit than refining talisman.

After it was completely dark, Weisuo took the ghost pot that the old man in green robe had already floated out of it, and entered the underground furnace room.

"The Green Toad stove is not bad." The old man with green robe took a look at the bronze cauldron in the middle and curled his lips, "you should familiarize yourself with the firepower of this furnace cauldron first."

Wei Suo nodded, and according to the two snobbish tianyimen disciples said before, a bronze stove in the real Yuan Dynasty, one of the blue fire toad statues, penetrated into it.


"Damn it!" What startled Weisuo was that a dark red fire tongue gushed out of the fire Toad's mouth in an instant, and a pungent fire evil breath instantly filled the whole furnace room.

"This is the fire from the inner earth fire pulse?"

Weisuo felt that the heat contained in the flaming tongue, which seemed to be as thick as oil, was more terrifying than the fireball symbolized by his own fireball. Fortunately, the fire tongue from the mouth of the fire toad is very stable, only condenses into a stream and burns in the center of the furnace mouth.

With Weisuo's attention to the fire toad again, the flame in his mouth disappeared as soon as the light on the fire toad was extinguished.

Eighteen toads can emit 18 flames, which means that the firepower with 18 temperatures can be controlled.

After seeing the toad stove, he can turn on the fire

Weisuo nodded, and continued five strands of Zhenyuan's penetration. Five dark red thick flames came out of the mouth of the three fire toads and joined together to form a flower like flame.

Weisuo took out the ordinary black gold stove bought in a small shop and placed it more carefully above the flame at the furnace mouth.

Bu Tian Dan has no special requirements for the furnace, as long as it can withstand the firepower of ground fire.

"Good, Han Lugen two pieces!"

Listening to the command of the old man in green robe, two pieces of green and white tubers, which were obviously carefully selected and prefabricated, were put into the black gold furnace.As soon as they were put into the furnace, the moisture in the two cold dew roots was immediately roasted up. Only half a stick of incense, the two cold dew roots were completely cracked, and were smoked and baked into two groups of bluish white powder.

"Three Silvermoon grass and five seven leaf orchids are ready first, OK! Come on, join us at the same time

Weisuo put out his hand, and three silver like exotic plants and five seven leaf orchids with purple flowers fell into the furnace at the same time.

Under the extremely high fire power, three silvergrass and five seven leaf orchids quickly turned to silver and purple powder.

"Ten purple grass plants and one green beetle demon pill are ready. After I ask you to put it in later, you should cover the furnace immediately The old man in green robe said with great solemnity.

"Good." Weisuo took a deep breath and rubbed his hands. His mood was also very nervous. After all, the rest was trivial. A green beetle demon pill was worth 60 spirit stones. If it was not carefully refined, it would be no different from burning money.

"Not yet?" The highly concentrated Weisuo waited for a while. He saw that the purple powder of the seven leaf orchid had been burnt and turned into black particles. Weisuo could not help but asked quickly.

"No nonsense." The old man in the green robe yelled, and when it was nearly a stick of incense, and when the silver powder turned white, he suddenly said, "let it go!"

When weisoton's reaction was general, he threw Zixu grass and green beetle demon pill into it. When he quickly covered the furnace, he only saw that as soon as Zixu grass and green beetle demon Dan were put in, they immediately turned out a mass of purple and cyan mist.

As time goes by, the small cauldron exudes the fragrance of medicine, which makes people feel the spirit of it.

"Open two more toads!" When Wei Suo thought that the pill was about to be refined, the old man in green robe was drinking fiercely.

Weisuo did not dare to hesitate, and immediately opened two fire toads.

Under the more violent ground fire gushing, the whole small Wujindan stove was almost completely wrapped in the flame.

"Zizi Zizi" all of a sudden, there was a sound like hot oil rolling from the stove.

"What's going on?" Weisuo was startled.

"This is all kinds of elixir, which is roasted into liquid medicine, and then the pill will be coagulated." The old man in green robe said this quickly, and he was still absorbed in looking at the furnace wrapped in the flame.

"Quick, put out three toads!" Suddenly, the green robed old man yelled.

"What!" Wei Suo quickly put the fire toad of the Yuan Dynasty into it. But only when the second fire toad was extinguished, the only sound was heard from the furnace.

"All out." As soon as the old man in green robe heard this voice, his face became a little ugly, "this tonic pill has been refined and wasted."

"Waste of refining?" Weisuo put out all the fire of the fire toad with heartache. He lifted the hot lid and saw that there were many pieces of cyan yellow, like crystal stones.

"I can't make alchemy by myself. I need to take the time to remind you that it's a little more difficult, and I haven't refined Dan for a long time, so I'm not sure about the heat." The green robed old man did not despise Weisuo this time, because to tell the truth, the first time he cooperated with Weisuo, Weisuo could not have any problems, until he was about to become a Dan and failed, which was beyond his prediction.

"Come again!" After a cool look at Weisuo, the old man in green immediately said.


"come again!"

After a long time, the calm voice of the old man in green robe rang again.

"Come again!"

… ...

"is it finally

With the same materials and the same steps, the old man in green robe called for three more times. After Weisuo's body was soaked with sweat, when Weisuo put out three fire toads, there was no accident in the furnace. Instead, a strong smell of medicine came out.

In the cool eyes of the green robed old man, there was also a glimmer of joy. Suddenly, he took a long breath and said, "put out all the fires one by one!"

All the dark red flames were extinguished.

A mellow fragrance came out from the open black gold stove and filled the whole ground fire furnace room.

Weisuo looked at the open stove in front of him, and he was about to burst into tears.

Black gold top of the furnace, a blue yellow, round, crystal clear, inside there is a trace of silver lines of Dan medicine, is emitting a light luster. , the fastest update of the webnovel!