Chapter 52

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
In the quiet room, sitting in the jade box in front of Wei Suo's body on the silver silk grass mat, seven tonic pills are emitting attractive luster and medicine fragrance.

For two consecutive nights, Weisuo refined the tonic pill under the guidance of the old man in green robe.

Fifteen green beetle demon pills, a total of eight were refined, and finally only seven tonic pills were produced, with a success rate of less than half.

However, this success rate was only possible under the guidance of the old man in green robe, which was equivalent to that the old man in green robe helped Wei Suo refine pills with the help of Weisuo's hand. Now Weisuo only knows what steps should be taken under what circumstances. If Weisuo made alchemy alone, maybe 15 green beetle demon pills could successfully refine one mending heaven pill.

"No wonder those pills are expensive and want to die, and each sect protects the alchemist and the weapon refiner well. It's not alchemy. It's like burning spirit stone. "

As soon as Weisuo thought that he had almost burned nearly 500 inferior spirit stones in two nights, he was dying of flesh pain.

After paying a month's fee for 80 inferior spirit stones, Wei Suo has only 400 lower level spirit stones left. At Weisuo's normal training speed, he will consume 300 lower grade spirit stones a month, but the remaining spirit stones can't afford any green beetle inner pill.

"Grandma, whatever it is, first try the efficacy of the tonic pill, and then try to find a way to earn more spirit stone."

In any case, according to Weisuo's current success rate of refining talisman, even if he tempered fireball Rune to kill monsters, the speed of making spirit stone is not slow. It can guarantee that the spirit stone cultivated every day, at most, can not afford to buy many green beetle demon pills every month. So he shook his head and touched the spirit stone bag which was obviously shriveled. After that, Weisuo did not think much about it He picked up a tonic pill.

It's round and cool, like a piece of crystal jade, while the translucent pill inside has a beautiful silver texture.

"It's still beautiful. I don't know how it tastes."

In the face of his first refined pills, Weisuo or a little excited, can't help but pinch the pills and lick.

"Damn it!" I didn't expect that Wei Suo's eyes almost bulged with a bitter smell. He swallowed the tonic pill in his hand directly.

After swallowing the tonic pill, Weisuo immediately closed his eyes and refined the medicinal power.

Soon, a crystal blue yellow luster was faintly revealed under his skin. After half an hour, the four God seas on his body suddenly burst into purple light. At the same time, the small sound of real element flowing inside his body, which was like urine, was obviously loud.

"If it works!"

Wei Suo was surprised to open his eyes. For most of the time, he refined all the medicinal power of this tonic pill. Now he not only felt his strength increased a lot, but also made a circle of the four purple God seas in his body.

Bu Tian Dan is really a mysterious pill that can strengthen the divine sea, which is equivalent to the advanced garbage skill!

This peculiar effect, coupled with the green robe old man said to Weisuo, tonic pill can be continuously taken refining, there is no limit, so Weisuo hesitated a little and then couldn't help it. One by one, he refined the tonic pill.

If there were other monks who could see the scene in his quiet room, they would be shocked and speechless.

One by one, six successive tonic pills went down, and Wei Suo's body was covered with purple gas. The sound of real yuan flowing, which was originally like urination, kept changing until it became a clear sound like the flowing stream.

For Weisuo himself, the feeling that the sea of God is constantly growing and his true power is obviously enhanced at different levels is really wonderful.

The four purple God sea in the body and before refining seven tonic pills, I feel totally unable to compare with each other.

When Weisuo opened his eyes again, it was dark outside, and the old man in green robe had emerged from the ghost pot and was looking at Weisuo. Seeing Weisuo open his eyes, the green robed old man who had been looking at Weisuo for a long time suddenly hummed, "I know you don't want to spend the night. You can't help refining all these tonic pills in one breath."

"Why not use some?" Weisuo moved his hands and feet and said excitedly, "old man, I feel that my God sea has grown a lot. How much difference do you think my purple mystery is now compared with before?"

"Won't you try it yourself?" The old man in green looked scornfully at Weisuo.

"It makes sense." Weisuo didn't quarrel with the old man in green robe. He jumped up directly and entered the room in the mountain wall which was specially used to test magic methods and magic weapons.

"Boom "Boom "Boom

A Golden Snake dancing like lightning kept exploding on the hard wall. Because the green water blade consumes less Zhenyuan, Weisuo uses the Golden Snake thunder formula, which is now the fourth revision of Shenhai realm. Weisuo has already improved the Golden Snake thunder formula to the third level. Once the thunder ball is exploded, it can be dispersed into 20 bright lightning bolts, covering the area of two feet square.The power of this thunder skill is very good, but compared with Wei Suo's low-level purple XuanZhen Jue skill, the loss of Zhenyuan is too much. At ordinary times, I can only send 15 or 6 channels, and Weisuo's real yuan will be at the bottom.

But this time, Weisuo inspired nearly 30 Golden Snake thunder rhymes in a row, and then he stopped his hands in disbelief. At the moment, Weisuo's body still had some real elements not completely exhausted.

His cultivation of Zhenyuan is more than twice as powerful as before. Generally, the monks who practice the intermediate Zhenyuan skill of xuanjie level can only display this Golden Snake thunder ball 30 times in a row when they reach the fourth level of Shenhai realm.

That is to say, these seven tonic pills are actually equivalent to the purple XuanZhen formula of Weisuo's cultivation!

"Old man, that is to say, the purple XuanZhen Jue I practiced is no longer a low-level rubbish skill, but a middle-level skill?" Wei Suo, who completely felt the change of God sea in his body, looked at the old man in green robe like a dream.

The old man in green robe gave Weisuo a meaningful look. "In other people's eyes, of course, your purple magic formula is still a low-level garbage skill, but in fact, it should be almost the same as the intermediate skill of xuanjie."

"Damn it!" Wei Suo opened his mouth wide. "Then if I practice a few more dozen pieces and upgrade the purple Xuan real formula to the ground level skill, then other monks who have practiced the advanced Xuan level skill will think that I can't beat him. When I see that I'm practicing the purple XuanZhen formula, I think I can't beat him. Then I'll beat him to death."

"If you upgrade to the earth level skill, you will certainly be more powerful than the same friars of xuanjie level." The old man with green robe disdained his lips, "but dozens of tonic pills? You dream. "

Weisuo's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"Yes, now it's seven mending the sky pills, which makes your purple XuanZhen Jue increase by one level, but the difference before each level of the skill is already several times. If you want to upgrade the purple XuanZhen formula from the level equivalent to the intermediate level to the advanced level, you should at least quadruple it to nearly 30 tonic pills. From the high level of xuanjie to the lower level of the earth level, we have to quadruple, and at least 120 tonic pills are needed. "

Weisuo opened his mouth again, unable to speak.


Once again, Wei Suo, who was very poor, walked towards the free market in the north of Lingyue city.

When he went out, Wei Suo paid attention to Zhenyuan in Yufu. He wanted to meet Nangong Yuqing. He wanted to ask Nangong Yuqing to borrow some Lingshi first.

After all, if you can refine thirty or forty tonic pills and upgrade your skills to the advanced level, you will be able to upgrade your strength to a higher level. The increase of strength is the basic of friars. Then they can deal with higher level monsters and earn spirit stones faster.

What's more, Wei Suo has already tried it. After the Shenhai grows stronger, the speed of absorbing refining Aura will be faster. This is equivalent to faster training speed.

Nangong Yuqing has hundreds of lower grade spirit stones on his body, which can at least make Wei Suo buy some green beetle demon pills to relieve his urgent need.

However, after waiting for a long time near the biggest notice board in the north of the city, Wei Suo did not wait for Nangong Yuqing to arrive. She thought that she should still be with tiece's people to deal with the heart biting insects, and she had not come back. She might not be able to see the news of Yufu. Weisuo carefully studied many transactions on the bulletin board, but he didn't find any suitable way to make quick spiritual stone. So he simply took a horizontal attitude and discussed with the old man in green robe. He prepared to fight some green beetles himself. After all, the green beetle can still be beaten in some places, and the third level monster is not difficult for Weisuo to deal with now, which is just equivalent to using more skills to cultivate.

Because it was in the evening, and the old man with green robe had never visited the market in Lingyue City, Weisuo also took the ghost pot with him like a broken black pot.

Many of them collect materials and hunt monsters outside Lingyue city during the day. When the wild is dangerous at night, they return to Lingyue city. Because of this, the markets in the north of the city are all night long, and the night markets are much more lively than in the daytime.

In addition to fixed shops, many friars who traded in the free market outside the city during the day also set up stalls on the open spaces everywhere. Although there is a certain amount of spirit stone fee to set up a stall here, the price of the things on the ground stall is still a little cheaper than that in the shop for the shops that need to pay more for the spirit stone. It's just that the good and the bad are intermingled on the stall, and the quality is not guaranteed. It's easy to be cheated into buying fake goods. Weisuo took the old man with green robe, also thinking that the old man in green robe had a very brilliant vision. He could help himself to distinguish the true from the false, so that he could save some spiritual stones when he bought things. , the fastest update of the webnovel!