Chapter 62

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
After turning over the remains of the one eyed monk's slave animal, Wei Suo began to study the map of the earth mausoleum with the light from the green gourd.

On the sheepskin map, the tomb is divided into two parts, Qian and Kun, and Wei Suo has just passed through the abyss and gorge with a stone bridge.

From the map, the whole abyss is like a moat connected into a circle. There are 18 stone arch bridges just like that, connecting the Qian palace inside and Kun palace outside. However, according to the notes on the map, ten of the eighteen stone bridges have been completely broken. Only those who are good at flying and running can pass through. A low-level monk like Wei Suo who can fly several feet by relying on wind and cloud shoes can't leap that long distance.

On the whole map, there are only two-thirds of the whole Diling, and the other two-thirds seem to have never been explored by the monks in yellow shirt. However, the only places marked on the map are about the size of Lingyue city.

If Wei Suo didn't buy a pair of high-quality shoes, the speed was several times faster than usual, otherwise it would take half a day to wear them straight from one end to the other.

The nearest place from Weisuo where heart eating insects often appear is called blacksmith's valley. It seems that the owner of this mausoleum seems to be the emperor of a great country, and he also believes that there is a netherworld spring. When he built the mausoleum, he felt that he would go to the underworld to lead the army to establish a territory after his death. Therefore, there are not only many large-scale burial sites, but also many soldiers and horses buried alive with many craftsmen. The blacksmith's valley was the place where these craftsmen helped him to forge weapons. There was a dark iron vein under it. Then, a valley in the underground palace was opened above the dark iron vein, in which many ordinary mortals' furnaces were built.

However, from the map, the valley has collapsed and the terrain has become very complicated.

Weisuo thinks that since tiece's people come to eat heart worms, it is likely that there will be tiece people nearby.

Just as Weisuo gritted his teeth and decided to venture close to the place to have a look, there was a dull sound of fighting in the whole Qingfengling mausoleum. And this time the fighting sound is more violent than any previous one.

Weisuo's face changed slightly. After listening for a while, he determined that the place where the voice came from should be on his left side, on the map, in a place called donghouling.

The eastern mausoleum seems to be the tomb of a concubine of the emperor who built the mausoleum. From the map, it looks like a palace like round tomb with a large sarcophagus in the middle.

Weisuo carefully looked at the map around him, and then he put it away. In the ruins, like a gray bat, he quickly swept toward the direction of the eastern mausoleum.

Weisuo stopped suddenly in a square tomb corridor about five or six miles away from the eastern houling mausoleum. At this time, all the fighting sounds in the direction of the eastern mausoleum had disappeared.

"Someone's coming up ahead."

Almost at the same time, the voice of the old man in the green robe sounded in weissou's ears.

Weisuo's eyes swept around and saw that there was no hiding place around him, so he quickly retreated. However, Wei Suo had almost just left the corridor and hid in the shadow behind a collapsed stone statue at the entrance of the corridor. There was a sound of breaking through the air in the corridor.

A graceful woman in a yellow dress, pale and sweating, jumped out of the corridor. Later, a middle-aged monk with a big red robe and a big beard also chased out of the corridor.

Both of them didn't find Weisuo hiding on one side. As soon as they ran away, the woman in yellow dress was not as fast as the middle-aged friar with beard, and was soon caught up.

Seeing that she couldn't get rid of the monk's pursuit behind her, the girl in yellow dress who looked very good bit her teeth, stopped, waved her hand, and turned into a multicolored light. With a whoosh, she hit the whisker monk who was chasing closer and closer behind. At the same time, the girl with white skin and melon seed face inspired a magic talisman, which was transformed into a magic charm around her body Out of a milky white mask.

"Your sister

With a catchphrase like cry, the whisker waved as if nothing happened, and a cold light flashed. In front of her body, there was a big sword with thick back shining cold light. Just cut it down, and the butterfly like magic weapon sent out by the girl in yellow clothes was cut into two sections like a real butterfly and fell to the ground.

"Damn it!" Weisuo almost choked on his own saliva. It was the first time for him to see someone using a magic weapon in the shape of an ordinary broadsword. However, judging from this blow, it seemed more ordinary and ordinary than a dagger suspended in front of the bearded monk, but at least it had the power of a half spirit weapon.

Before Wei Suo had time to look at the cultivation of the beard with the method of looking at the Qi, he cried out again: "your sister! What can you do with your ability? Those who are higher than you are dead in my hands. You still don't surrender your arms. "

The voice of this beard is very rough, and it also has a dialect accent of northern Tianxuan.Weisuo felt that the beard of bullying woman was not like a good man. However, the situation was not clear for a moment, so he didn't want to rush out. He just secretly took a look at it with Qi watching technique.

The red robed girl with beard and yellow dress is actually the five fold cultivation of Shenhai realm. However, the Shenhai Guanghua of the girl in yellow dress is much darker than that of the girl with beard. Obviously, the skill of the girl with beard is several grades higher than that of the girl in yellow dress. Moreover, there seems to be no magic weapon on the hand of the girl in yellow dress that can compete with the big sword with the beard.

"Who on earth are you who dare to attack our tiece people secretly? Aren't you afraid of our tiece's pursuit?" The girl in the yellow dress took another piece of Dharma talisman in her hand, but she didn't dare to do it for a moment. She just asked in a trembling voice.

"The bearded man is indeed a member of the Yellow shirted literati." Weisseau knew that.

His beard said in a northern accent with a strong dialect flavor: "you sister, you look smart. How can you say two words so stupid. From today on, you tiece will disappear from the monastic world, and you have to use tiece to frighten me Liu sanpao. You'd better surrender. I think you are very delicate. If you let me get three shots here, I will be comfortable. Instead of killing you, I'll give you something good. "

"Three guns here? Damn it, this guy is too lewd. It's a fool Weisuo's eyes were widened, holding the five element copper ring and Yin magic blade, he could not help but want to give the beard a moment.

But what Weisuo didn't think of was that the girl in the yellow dress, whose face turned white, hesitated for a moment. Then she gritted her teeth and laughed at him. The friar, who claimed to be Liu sanpao, said, "as long as I do that, elder brother, will you really let me go?"

"Your sister, take off your clothes quickly. I want you to pout where you want to pout, what this and that. As long as you are obedient, will Liu San Pao be willing to kill you? " Liu San Pao said with great vulgarity.

"Damn it, can't it? I've done it to survive?"

Weisuo was stunned by the fact that the girl in yellow dress opposite her beard took off her clothes one by one in order to survive at this critical moment of life and death.

After a while, the girl in the yellow dress took off without a single thread. Her snow-white round chest and mysterious black under her abdomen were all exposed in front of Weisuo and her beard.

In the face of such a woman, Weisuo is not in a hurry.

After all, when the bearded friar really starts to fight in the field, the success rate will be much higher.

The bearded monk seemed to be very satisfied with the figure of the girl in the yellow dress. "Your sister, take off your mask, and turn around and lie down on the big stone with your buttocks facing me."

Completely regardless of shame, the yellow dress girl turned around obediently and put her hands on the big stone mentioned by the friar with whiskers, and assumed a posture that made Weisuo very congested.

I guess even the old man in green robe was so stupid that he didn't make any noise.

The beard laughed twice and walked towards the girl in yellow dress who was like a white lamb.

Seeing that this guy was about to give a big show, but only two steps later, the monk, who called himself Liu sanpao, suddenly pointed to it. The big knife he offered suddenly flew out, and it was cut on the girl without any trace. The girl didn't even scream. She widened her unbelievable eyes and fell to the ground.

"You sister, you really believe me. You really think I'm going to shoot you three times. Do you know that I hate women most and only like men. "

After killing the girl, his face showed a look of disgust. Then he pinched out an orchid finger and snorted scornfully.

"Your sister, who stealthily attacked me?"

All of a sudden, the beard yelled, and the big knife in front of him slashed fiercely. With a bang, a ball of sparks burst out, but it was cut on a bucket like copper ring set from above, and a thick crack was directly seen on the copper ring.

"Damn it!"

Weisuo didn't expect that the beard was not only abnormal, but also abnormal. A layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead. At the same time, he gave out a sound of whine. More than a dozen black skeletons and a black light were sent out by him. With a burst of wind blowing out of thin air, he rushed towards the beard. , the fastest update of the webnovel!