Chapter 63

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Your sister, the young man is not bad."

The first time, he didn't feel the horror of the Yinmei blade, but looked at Weisuo's eyes.

"Damn it!" Weisuo only felt a chill, and at the same time, the sound of "Dang" exploded, and the big knife with whiskers blocked his evil spirit blade, and there was only a cut mark on the blade.

His ordinary looking broadsword can be used as a weapon level defense magic weapon in addition to its amazing attack power.

"Heart biting!"

"Don't be fooled! He lied to you Moreover, while blocking Weisuo's Yinmei blade's strike, the whisker actually looked at Weisuo's back and screamed like hell. If the green robed old man hadn't reminded Weisuo for the first time, Weisuo would have thought that a heart eating insect had suddenly appeared behind him.

"Hiss!" Weisuo, who pretends to be cheated and wants to turn around, starts the sun burning treasure amulet without any politeness.

"Your sister

The whisker monk screamed, and his eyes were immediately shaken, and he couldn't see anything.

Weisuo now had some experience with the enemy. When he started the sun burning talisman, he moved his body to the left, making a feint to fly to the left. However, when the strong light came on, his body flew away to the right instead.


I saw the beard of the sword suddenly cut to the left of Weisuo, all the way through, cut in the stone wall.

In the face of such a perverted and insidious monk, Weisuo did not dare to save Zhenyuan. He directly gritted his teeth and launched the Yin magic blade again.

"Your sister! What a magic weapon? "

However, with a scream from whiskers, he saw that the Yin magic blade was about to rush to him, but there was a bronze light curtain outside his body. As soon as the Yin magic blade rushed down, it only made several cracks in the bronze light screen, but failed to break the bronze light curtain.

Weisuo's Zhenyuan was almost at the bottom after two Yinmei blades were fired. He could no longer excite the Yin charm blade. He stretched out his hand to fight for the remaining Zhenyuan. He excited the six flying fireflies and squeezed the Yin phosphorous bone sword at the bottom of the box in his hand. If the old purple Robe flying blade can't break the bronze light screen, we can use the Yin phosphorus bone sword at the bottom of the box Pay this freak.


At last, the bronze curtain was pierced by six flying fireflies. Just as whiskers barely opened his eyes to see Weisuo's true position, six flying fireflies rushed into his chest, and then went out from behind his chest.

It's almost impossible to survive when the blade is passed through the chest.

But the bearded monk stood still, as if nothing had happened.

"Your sister A cold sweat Weisuo stiff for a moment, but also can't help but and beard called such a sentence.

It's so abnormal. The whiskers are bulging now. They are dead and can't die any more, but they are standing so stiff. It's no wonder that Weisuo can't help calling your sister just like him, because if you didn't feel that the beard had been yelling at your sister all the time just now, but now he has been cut six times, it seems that it's a bit wrong. If Wei Suo has just run out of real yuan, he has already used up the most powerful Yin phosphorus bone sword on hand.

"What kind of knife is this? It's a freak's knife." Weisuo wiped a cold sweat and pulled out the big knife which was inserted in the mountain wall.

But before Weisuo went to pick up the clothes with the abnormal beard who claimed to be Liu sanpao, the voice of the old man in green robe suddenly sounded in Weisuo's ears with great urgency, "no, many people, and there are people in front and behind!"

"Isn't it?"

Weisuo's face turned white. The place where he was located happened to be a small tomb room between two aisles. It seemed to be a place for burying maid servants. It was only dozens of meters in size, and there was no other exit.

Just now, his beard rushed out of a corridor, and his attention was still on the Yellow veiled woman. He could still hide and not be found. If there were people around at both ends, he would definitely be found in any corner of the tomb.

What's more, the voice of the old man in green robe is so frightening. It is said that there are many people saying that there will never be one or two people around the two ends.

Weisuo is a cold sweat at the same time, fierce a bite of teeth, from the nabao bag took out a ragged, bloodstained clothes.

The robe of the one eyed friar who was officially killed by him at the bridgehead he came to. Originally, the robe of the one eyed friar had the function of changing color and concealing, but it was broken and broken by the Yin wind skeleton sent out by Weisuo Yin enchantment blade, and it has lost its effect.

As soon as he took out the tattered robe, Weisuo immediately put it on his body, and then kicked on the still standing beard. Just as the body of the beard fell down, he lay motionless on the back of the beard and let the body of the beard press on his body.

His height was almost the same as that of the one eyed monk, but when he was lying on the ground, he was almost the same as the body of the one eyed monk.Weisuo had almost just pretended to be dead. Five friars were snatched out of the corridor just now by the girl in yellow dress and beard.

At first, Weisuo met in the market in the north of the city, and then saw the corpse of the old purple robed Taoist priest by the water pool.

"Liu sanpao! Han Yingyan

Seeing the corpses of Liu sanpao and Wei Suo pretending to be among the stones in the middle of the tomb, the five friars suddenly changed their faces, holding one or two magic weapons in their hands.

At the same time, a sound came from the corridor behind Weisuo, and the five friars also appeared.

They are Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu, who were entangled by a pile of rotting corpses.

"Huang Yiyi!"

At the same time, seeing the five monks on the opposite side, they were all shocked. At the same time, Nangong Yuqing and others saw the body of the naked girl, and they immediately exclaimed.

"Who are you?" Just from the obvious hostility in the eyes of a group of friars in grey clothes, Nangong Yuqing already knew that the other side was an enemy but not a friend. The waxy faced Zhou Tianjing young monk of tiece's five people suddenly flashed a cold light in his eyes and said coldly.

"Who are we?" Next to the grey friar of zhoutianjing, a thin old man with a flashing green fluorescent robe and a pale green face, snorted, "we are the people who come to end you."

Iron CE this side stature is very short black robe friar a sharp sneer, "rely on you a few, I'm afraid not enough?"

"Is it?" "Yes, your Liu Baiyu just said so," said the skinny old man, whose face was pale green by his robes

"What!" As soon as the thin old man's words were uttered, the five friars of Nangong Yuqing suddenly changed their faces.

Liu Baiyu is the leader of the other team of tiece, and he is also a friar of zhoutianjing.


As soon as his complexion changed, Nangong Yuqing's face was waxy yellow, and the young monk immediately vomited out this word full of murderous spirit.

With the word "he", the hemp clad man among the five of them rowed his hands, but a thunder shield of the size of two door panels emerged, almost protecting the front of the five people.

A crescent shaped blade shot out of the hands of the young friars whose face was sallow. It flickered in the air and turned into dozens of crescent like white lights. It was impossible to see which one was true or which was false.

Nangong Yuqing directly took out a pile of fireball runes given to her by Wei Suo, and inspired a fireball rune. At the same time, she pinched her magic weapon fragments with amazing power in her hand.

Liu Wu also offered a fire red steel ring. When he turned over his head, he spun countless lines of fire, enveloping all the other five's circumference.

At the same time, the very short black monk shook his hand and turned into two yellow fog full of earthy smell, like two yellow dragons rolling in front of the five people. At the same time, a yellow yellow mask also came out from him, covering Nangong Yuqing and others. When dealing with the Carrion Beetle, it was only the man in hemp clothes who was responsible for defending. But now, facing the five fierce monks of the other side, the black monk seemed to be concentrating on defending.

Nangong Yuqing's side of the five people at the same time, and there is also a zhoutianjing friar, the prestige is extremely amazing.


But the gaunt old man, whose face was pale and green, was not satisfied. He reached out and offered a large yellow umbrella inlaid with many green gemstones and many red flame patterns.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Nangong Yuqing sent out all the magic weapons and magic attacks, which were blocked by the yellow umbrella!


When the Friar's face was waxy yellow, the old man's eyes narrowed, and he reached out a little, offering a white gourd.

As soon as the mouth of the gourd opened, it actually spewed out countless drops of black water. As soon as the black water splashed on the magic weapon offered by Liu Wu and the Yellow faced monk, he immediately made a Zizi sound and burst out a stream of white eyes.

"No, this is carrion water! Can destroy magic tools

The waxy faced friar of zhoutianjing exclaimed, and quickly took back the crescent like cutlass that he had sacrificed. He saw that the crescent shaped cutlass had been pitted and dimly glowing. His moonflower wheel is also a half spirit weapon, and when cast, it can turn out dozens of lights and shadows, which makes the opponent can't tell which one is true. Its power is far more than that of a half spirit weapon. However, it was almost destroyed by the other party when it was exposed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!