Chapter 75

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Little sister, brother Wei, what kind of things did he give us

Ye Xiao is turning his head and saying to ye Guwei, who is closest to Qingfengling, where there are several transmission arrays.

Because ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei also happened to pass through this place's teleportation array, so after this incident, they also separated with Weisuo directly.

After the usual hug before the break-up, Wei Suo just put two pieces of communication jade Fu and a black leather bag to ye Guwei. If they want to ask him for help in Lingyue City, they just need to use this communication jade Fu to find him. Wei Suo also said that the communication jade Rune was too poor, and that he would have to change to at least a thousand mile transmission stone level in the future. And this time, they used up a spirit fog bead and an invisible rune. He gave the black leather bag to them, so they must accept it.

At first, ye Xiaozheng did not accept her life or death. Later, Wei Suo directly grabbed ye Guwei's hand and looked at her Bai Shengsheng's hand. He said that if he didn't accept it, he would not be his friend. Then he sent the array and left.

"If you look at that poor girl, you'll learn how to pick up girls. I'm sure the things you send out won't be good."

Ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei are looking at the transmission array where Wei Suo disappears. However, a monk named tianyimen, who is responsible for guarding this place, is looking at the black leather bag of Weisuo in ye Guwei's hands with great disdain.

In his opinion, Weisuo, who was dressed in a gray rag, looked like a poor man with low-level casual repair. He was shameless. When he came to Lingyue City, he would have to look for him. Even if he wanted to soak up this quiet beauty and the toad wanted to eat swan meat, he should at least show some sincerity. Look at the black leather bag in the hands of that beauty It's shriveled. Even if it contains spirit stones, it can't hold many.

When the disciples of Tianyi sect despised Wei Suo so much, ye Guwei also opened the black leather bag curiously and poured out the contents to see what Wei Suo gave to himself and ye Xiaozheng.


Ye Guwei poured out the things inside, but the eyes of this tianyimen disciple suddenly bulged like a toad who had been trampled on.

Spirit stone, as the disciple of tianyimen expected, there were only 20 spirit stones in the shrunken spirit stone bag.

But these 20 spirit stones are all crystal clear, milky white top-grade spirit stones!

A top-grade spirit stone is worth a hundred low-grade spirit stones. Twenty top-grade spirit stones are enough 2000 lower grade spirit stones!

There are 2000 inferior spirit stones. The disciple of Mingtian sect didn't know how many days he had to guard the array here to earn.

Ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei were also shocked. The value of the beast bag Wei Suo qiangsai gave them was too high for them.

In addition to the 20 lower level spirit stones, there are 20 or 30 pieces of fireball runes, a gold foil Taoist book, and a small Topaz axe about a foot long.

The Zhenyuan skill recorded in the golden foil road book is called Jinye Liudan Jue, which is an advanced skill of xuanjie level. There are two small axes in ancient Chinese on the handle. It is a semi spirit level magic tool that can be used repeatedly.

Even if ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei don't use these two things, if they are sold at auction, they will be worth more than 2000 lower grade spirit stones.

"Who the hell is that guy? Is that too abnormal?"

When ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei are shocked to put these things away, they accidentally see the tianyimen disciple with the yellow light axe, and their eyes are suddenly dull again.


Wei Suo had already returned to Lingyue city when he felt that Wei Suo was abnormal.

Wei Suo doesn't want to be involved in tie CE's affairs. For him, the higher his accomplishments are, the more secure his life will be. The most important thing is to practice more Mendian pills to upgrade his own skills and enhance his strength. And the most exciting thing for Weisuo is that he still has a lot of good things waiting for him to count.

So Wei Suo didn't go to Jinyu Pavilion first. Instead, he went straight to his residence in the north of the city. By the way, he went down to the biggest notice board in the north of the city and gave him five low-grade spirit stones to repair.

It may also be the reason why he came from this extremely poor low-level scattered cultivation. Although Weisuo is still like a miser, he is reluctant to spend a low-grade spirit stone, but he has some sympathy for this kind of low-level free cultivation and tries not to greedy for these five spirit stones.

As soon as he got back to his house, he ran into the quiet room covered with silvergrass blankets and took out all the contents of the black nabao bag.

"This big knife of this pervert is really good."

Weisuo first of all put a pile of things, Liu sanpao that conspicuous big knife took up, can not help but look up. This big sword can attack and defend one another, defend the spirit level and attack the half spirit level. At least it can be regarded as a spirit weapon. What Wei Suo appreciated most was that, like some magic weapons, the array should be embedded in the interior, without any talismans on the outside. It looked like an ordinary broadsword.It's very easy to make the opponent despise the big sword in this way, but the power of the sword will frighten the opponent to death at that time. It's very good for Weisuo, who doesn't care about beauty but only works, and the more insidious the better. Moreover, the magic array is embedded in it. It seems that the amazing defense power of the sword comes from the pure gold material of the sword itself. Judging from the fact that a single blow of Yin magic blade only leaves a shallow scratch on the big knife, this kind of broadsword will not be damaged even if it resists dozens or even hundreds of blows from a spirit weapon.

"Damn it, this poor man, there's nothing good but this big knife?"

Wei sosuoye first searched Liu sanpao's things, and found a spirit stone bag from Liu sanpao's body, which contained nearly 1500 spirit stones of inferior quality. Originally, there are many spirit stones, but for the friars in front of them, this spirit stone has made Wei Suo feel that Liu sanpao is a little poor.

Besides these spirit stones, there are only some common talismans and Huiqi pills left on Liu San's artillery, as well as a small flat bell full of copper, green and blue.

After putting the blue bell of the real Yuan Dynasty into it, Wei Suo was happy again. Because the blue light from the one foot Blue Bell formed a blue light mask outside him. Wei Suo can clearly remember that Liu sanpao's blue light shield at that time was barely able to resist the attack of his Yin magic blade. Next, Weisuo stimulated the flying firefly blade again, and then broke the blue light mask. As a result, the abnormal monk was killed.

After searching Liu sanpao's things, Weisuo searched wendaoge's things carefully. Even the two red bracelets that hit the heart eater's abdomen, he took them out of the stomach of the heart eater, regardless of his nausea.

Wendaoge is the leader of this group of people. His cultivation is the highest. What he has on his body is also a great surprise to Weisuo.

His beak like yellow artifact was made of pure gold. The aura on it had completely dissipated, and many holes appeared, which were completely damaged. However, the red Bracelet taken from the heart eater's stomach was intact.

This pair of red bracelets looks like the material of red coral, with red rose like fine patterns on it. From the color, it looks like a magic weapon of fire system. However, when you hold it in your hand, it feels like a strong moisture, which should be the magic weapon of water system vitality. From the point of view of the power that a single blow pierces the heart eating insect's abdomen, this pair of red bracelets is at least more than half spirit weapon's power.

Because there were so many things on hand, when studying the bracelets and not sure about their specific power, Weisuo even decided to go to Jinyu pavilion to redeem his things and buy a thousand refined silver by the way.

Thousand refined silver is a kind of refined gold which is specially used to test the level of magic weapon. It is extremely tough, but its texture is very soft. If the magic weapon is impacted, it will not damage the body of the magic weapon itself. However, we can see how powerful this magic weapon is by cutting into the depth of thousand refined silver.

Weisuo tried this pair of red bracelets on his hand. What made him a little stunned was that the red bracelets were not only exciting at an amazing speed, but also flew out of his hands as soon as he paid close attention to it. Moreover, the speed of shooting in the air was also very amazing, almost like a blink, obviously on the short gold spear of the stout Taoist priest. And these two pairs of bracelets are not a complete set, must be excited at the same time, can also be excited separately.

After a few more attempts, Weisuo found that the pair of red bracelets can only fly out about ten Zhang, and will fly back automatically.

The casting radius is no more than 10 Zhang, but the excitation speed and flight escape speed are extremely fast. This pair of magic weapons is obviously a pair of magic weapons specially used for close range stabbing.

No wonder that heart biting insect has already pierced the forehead of wendaoge, but before it has time to take a breath, it is suddenly knocked out by wendaoge.

Wendaoge doesn't have a treasure bag, but his spirit stone bag is really extraordinary. There are more than 50 top-grade spirit stones in it, equivalent to more than 5000 lower quality spirit stones. In addition, there is also a Dharma shield made from the skeleton of a monster. It seems that its power is no worse than that of xuangui shield. This can at least make up for the loss of both sides of Weisuo's xuangui shield being broken.

What surprised Weisuo most was that although the white jade crane, the magic weapon of wendaoge, was also burned by his Yin phosphorus bone sword, there were many dark spots and potholes on it. It didn't look like a jade crane, but it was like a roast duck, but the aura on it didn't lose much. After Wei Suo Zhenyuan put his attention into it, the "roast duck" grew up quickly and became one A big roast duck! , the fastest update of the webnovel!