Chapter 76

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Weisuo stood on the "big roast duck". When it got bigger, the jade crane, which was originally white and fairy, looked even uglier. In many places, it looked like a burnt duck, but it was only a burnt spotted roast duck.

However, Wei Suo tried to keep focusing on Zhenyuan, but the jade crane immediately floated up and almost ran into the roof of the quiet room with Wei Suo.

Wei Suo was startled, but he almost fell on the ground. He managed to control the jade crane hanging in the air. After flying several times in the air, Weisuo saw the sweat on his forehead and put away the jade crane.

This thing should be controlled by focusing on the strength and direction of Zhenyuan. Weisuo estimated that it would take at least a few days to master it skillfully.

Moreover, the jade crane was burned by the Yin phosphorus bone fire. Besides, the appearance of the jade crane was very ugly. Some of the array above were more or less damaged. When it flew, it was not as stable as before, and it was slightly shaking.

But at least it's a real magic weapon.

Weisuo has just tried it out, and it doesn't need to consume much real yuan. Taking Wei Suo's current four times of Shenhai state, which is equivalent to the medium level skill of Xuan level, it is estimated that there is no problem in controlling this magic weapon to fly for two hours. According to the speed of the jade crane, two hours, a thousand hundred miles of road can fly at least.

Even if the friars of zhoutianjing can use the common flying escape technique, they can not support it for an hour.

Wei Suo had long wanted to fly into the sky and feel what it was like to fly up to the sky to feel what it was like. However, flying away magic weapon and nabao bag were rare, and the monks who got by chance usually had to keep them for their own use. Moreover, even if they appeared in the market, they were immediately robbed by powerful and backstage friars. Even if they had money, they would be free to repair like Wei Suo They can't be bought at all.

And now this jade crane is not a magic weapon that is easy to damage and slow to fly like tianyimen free paper kite. So although it was ugly, Weisuo still happily collected it.

After searching wendaoge's things, Weisuo went on to search the things of short fat Taoist.

The short fat Taoist didn't let Weisuo down. In the spirit stone bag of this guy, there were more than 4000 spirit stones of different colors.

In addition to the short spear mixed with gold, the short and fat Taoist priest also has a bronze pestle which seems to be standby and has a half spirit weapon. In addition to some small pieces, Weisuo also found two golden elixirs on him. It seems that the short and fat Taoist sometimes has a luxury and uses this kind of fast refining pill instead of the spirit stone to practice.

The purple robed Taoist priest and the short fat Taoist priest both have golden elixir on them. This reminds Wei Suo that there is also the young Taoist who has a real spirit tool in this group.

Almost at the moment of reaction, Weisuo immediately found the white gourd from the body of qinglaodao, because the real spirit tool Huang Guangbao umbrella has been completely destroyed, and this gourd is also very powerful. One gourd will make Nangong Yuqing and other five people at a loss.

But to his great disappointment, when he opened the white gourd, there was little water left in it, only a bottom.

In addition to more than 3000 low-grade spirit stones and some ordinary things, Weisuo could not find anything from the qinglao Dao. However, a heart protecting bronze mirror the size of a sea bowl that Wei Suo picked up in the tomb room finally attracted his attention.

This heart protecting bronze mirror blocked the attack of Nangong Yuqing's magic weapon at the critical time, and only let qinglao Dao be cut off one ear.

At present, there is a half foot long hole in the middle of the mirror. But when Weisuo picked up the mirror, he found that the aura on it was still not lost. It seemed that the damage was not serious.

Weisuo's most surprising scene appeared, when he tried to focus on the bronze mirror of Zhenyuan, he almost moved his mind. The bronze mirror had already come out of his hand and was suspended in front of him.

This bronze mirror specially used for defense is even faster than the two red bracelets of wendaoge!

This discovery made Weisuo immediately learn from the old way, and put this bronze mirror directly into his chest under his vestment.

A defense weapon with such a high speed can also save his life when he is attacked by people or monsters.

On the other three friars, Weisuo has taken out three half spirit level attack magic weapons, one silver seal with a lion's head in the upper half, a green wooden fish, and a Yellow Jade axe that has been given to Ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei.

After scraping out a pile of spirit stones from the three friars, Weisuo found two Dharma shields which were equivalent to xuangui shield.

One side is a heavy small dark iron shield, and the other side is a cloud piercing shield made from the skull of a cloud python.

After fighting Wen Daozhou, Weisuo now thinks that there are not too many sides of this kind of defense shield. Anyway, he has a knapsack to hold it.

In addition to some other ordinary things, Weisuo was surprised to find another volume of ancient books about the magic method called Earth God Zhenfa in these three people.This earth skill is actually a puppet technique. It is divided into five layers.

In the first layer, the triple friars of Shenhai realm can use it. As long as there are earth and stone, they can turn into a powerful earth puppet.

The second layer is Shenhai realm, which can be used by four monks and can be transformed into two earth puppets.

The third layer can only be used by friars who have the same level of strength and hardness as the unearthed puppets.

The fourth layer can only be used by friars with more than three levels of the surrounding environment. At that time, it can turn into a stone giant with a height of three or four feet.

And the last layer can only be used by monks above the level of mind. If it is used in ordinary places, it will only turn into a bigger and fiercer stone giant. If it is used in some special places, such as lava land, it can turn into a more powerful lava giant.

In addition, there are more than 8000 inferior spirit stones on the purple robed Taoist priest and more than 3000 inferior spirit stones on the horse face friar, more than 2000 on the black cloak, more than 2000 on the one eyed monk, 1500 on Liu San gun, more than 5000 on wendaoge, more than 4000 on the short fat Taoist, more than 3000 on the qinglao Taoist, and the last three monks Add up to more than 6000.

In the end, Weisuo was about to cry when the three kinds of spiritual stones, which were worth more than 33500, were dumped by Weisuo and piled together.

I have never seen so many spirit stones piled in front of me in my life.

Grandma, finally became a stone household of all souls. This time, even if we don't have so many half spirit tools that we can't get at ordinary times, the spirit stone is really thoroughly developed.

There are also five heart eating eggs.

The middle-aged friar dressed in the shape of a green shirt scribe in tie CE seems to know something about this heart biting insect. On the way back to Lingyue City, he told Wei Suo that the heart biting insect eggs should have just been born, and they would hatch automatically in about a month. So now Wei Suo puts all these five eggs in front of him, otherwise he would think of those heart biting insects The appearance of the insect, if suddenly directly hatched out a few invisible small heart eating insects, Weisuo absolutely scalp numb.

Now Weisuo has two slave bags in his hand. He doesn't need two. As long as he can control an adult heart eater like that one eyed monk, Weisuo will really waste his time without killing people and stealing goods.

With an invisible heart eating insect on his body, he said hello to people with a smile on his face, and secretly put a heart biting insect behind his back, which even Wei Suo thought was insidious, and he felt so cool that his palms were sweating.

"It's the same size as a native dog gives birth to puppies?"

After five eggs were placed on the silver silk blanket in front of Weisuo who was sitting on the ground, Weisuo saw that there were obvious differences in size. One of them was the largest, which was obviously a circle larger than the others. The eggs all looked so fierce. After hatching, he must be a fierce man, a little stronger than the others. One of the smallest is half as small as the largest. This makes Weisuo doubt whether it will die after hatching.

How to control and raise this thing after hatching?

After seeing these five eggs, Weisuo can't wait to open the remains of one eyed monk's slave animal.

As soon as he turned to the page about heart biting insects, he just glanced at it, and then he quickly turned to the front and turned the front. After that, Weisuo's face began to cry.

How to feed the heart eater is recorded in detail in this slave animal remnant. For example, if you want to feed a heart eater, you'd better give it what kind of monster's brain and what kind of miraculous medicine to feed it.

However, there is only one way to control all the demons recorded in this chapter, that is, sugar pill plus stick, which is to tame them by coercion and inducement. If you are obedient, you will give good food. If you don't, you will beat.

This makes Weisuo want to cry without tears.

Other monsters may be able to do this, but how can the heart eater be awed by this method? Don't you sprinkle a few hundred white powder on the body, and then train them like this?

What makes Weisuo want to cry without tears is that there is a warning in the remnant of the slave animal, saying that the slave animal is at risk, and the friar should be careful, and that he should remember not to forget to feed, or else the monster will be hungry and even the owner will eat it. Other monsters are nothing. If they train heart biting insects, one of them forgets. If they hold their own heads twice, they will not die completely. What's more, it's recorded that the Friar's brain is also one of the tonics to make it more advanced. Weisuo didn't want to become a tonic for his own things.

Obviously, this is a real remnant, because there is no need for the old man in green robe to remind him. Weisuo also knows that some schools of slave animals have the skills of controlling monsters with spirit sense. Only with that skill can we completely control the monsters. Not only is it more safe against the enemy, but also that the slave beast is 100% safe.

But in a month or so, where can we find a way to do such a technique? The sorrowful Weisuo racked his brains to think of , the fastest update of the webnovel!