Chapter 91

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Five heart-eating eggs of different sizes were carefully placed on a soft silver blanket by Weisuo.

This door control spirit skill is exactly the same as what he asked before. All the monks in the four levels of Shenhai realm are enough to perform.

What's more, to Weisuo's delight, the more clearly recorded the door control, the more small the monster, the easier to control.

Because the smaller the monster is, the weaker the spirit sense will be.

To put it simply, the principle of mind control is to plant a unique talisman in the spirit consciousness of monsters. This talisman can make the monk's consciousness control the monster.

If the spirit of the monster itself is very strong, it is very likely that it will not be planted at all.

If you want to use this technique to control demons of level 4 or above, you must use this technique shortly after the monster is born, otherwise this technique will have no effect. However, for some monsters who are born with powerful psionic consciousness, this kind of psychic gating is invalid.

The heart eater is not one of the species specifically mentioned.

In addition, there is a special note on this door's psionic skills. It is better for some spawning monsters to cast their mind control skills directly before they hatch. Because at this time, the spirit consciousness of the unformed monster was more weak, and there was almost no sense of resistance. After the demon beast hatched, it was controlled by the friars who performed the spirit control skill.

Isn't this just a custom-made one for the five heart eating eggs of weisseau?

Weisuo excitedly studied the psychic gating again.

The casting of this psionic gate is not complicated. It seems that it can only cast green water blade at most. Wei Suo can be sure that he does not need to practice, can easily display this technique.

After closing his eyes and carefully recalling the technique in his mind, Wei Suo's mind moved, and he practiced the method according to this technique.

As the purple real yuan burst out in Weisuo's fingertips, a glimmer of green light also emerged out of thin air, forming a green light spot the size of a rice grain on Weisuo's fingertips.

In this green light spot, it seems that there are many tiny and extremely runes shining, which really looks like a small talisman.

Weisuo's face showed a happy look again. He didn't dare to look at it. He directly used his hand. He saw that the green light spot about the size of a rice grain flew out of his hand and hit one of the heart eating eggs.

Under the flash of green light, this green light spot directly disappeared in the heart eating insect egg.

Weisseau felt at once.

Because according to the spirit control skill, after the spell is successfully cast, the monk can feel the existence of the talisman he planted and the situation of the monster beast controlled by the talisman.

But, what makes Weisuo's face change suddenly is that he failed this time!

He felt the existence of the talisman, but he also immediately felt that the vitality of the unformed heart eater in this heart eater's egg suddenly and rapidly disappeared.

Just a moment later, Weisuo felt that the vitality in this heart eating egg was completely cut off and turned into a dead egg! The talisman he planted was also dissipated at the moment when the egg of the heart eating insect became a dead egg.

How could it be!

Weisuo is very sure that there is no problem in his casting process.

In this case, there is only one possibility, that is, there is something wrong with the technique itself!

"is it that Han Weiwei has secretly modified this technique?" At the thought of this, Weisuo's face suddenly became more ugly.

Even the jade slips and the eggs of heart biting insects on the silver silk carpet were not collected at all, so Weisuo swept out directly towards the outside.

"Han Weiwei!"

As soon as he saw the scene outside, Weisuo let out a fierce roar.

The whole outside orchard is in a mess at the moment, and many fruit trees are even directly broken to the ground. In particular, the grapes and purple lotus apple plants, as if they had been hit by hail, were miserable.


When Weisuo let out a fierce roar, Han Weiwei was holding a big pebble. Weisuo roared together, and saw that the pebble bigger than her face directly hit the ground, which was a fruit tree with red mold fruit. "Crack", this small red berry tree must not survive.

Although the spiritual orchard was originally equipped with the heaven level residence, if it was maliciously damaged, the monks who lived in it must also make certain compensation.

"I'm sorry. I'm scared again." Han Weiwei smiles.

"That's what your slaves did?" Weisuo looked at the disordered lingguo orchard and said coldly.

Han Weiwei said innocently: "I've been carrying pebbles, but sometimes my hand slipped and fell down. Sometimes I can't move half of it. Sometimes I just focus on my hands. As a result, I accidentally bump into these trees

"That's fine with you, but I didn't expect you to be so mean." Wei Suo coldly looked at Han Weiwei and said, "you will change the spirit control skill to me, let me display the spirit control skill failure."Han Weiwei Leng a Leng, "change soul control?"? What do you mean

"What do you mean?" Weisuo sneered: "I can't make mistakes in casting such a simple skill? I used to think you were a little tough, a little unreasonable, plus a little poor knowledge, poor technology, but I didn't expect you to be so insidious. "

Han Weiwei's face changed. "Do you mean I'll give it to you after I deliberately modify the technique?"

Weisuo looked at Han Weiwei, said nothing, just sneered.

"I said why you want this psychic gate so much, because there are some monsters to control." Han Weiwei also sneered, "but I've seen that skill. There are certain restrictions on it. Monsters above level 4 must be able to cast successfully after hatching. Do you blame me for missing out on this

"Is it?" Weisuo sneered, "I this monster is too young to be young, you may as well follow me to have a look."

"An egg born monster, just a young egg?" With Wei Suo a sweep into the quiet room, a see on the ground that five heart biting insect eggs, Han Weiwei immediately stunned.

Weisuo looked at her coldly. "What else do you have to say?"

"The technique I gave you is absolutely impossible to have any problem." Han Weiwei clenched her teeth and said, "what kind of monster's egg are you?"

"I don't think it's necessary to tell you what kind of monster's egg it is?" Weisuo sneered: "what I can tell you for sure is that this is the egg of level 5 monster, which is definitely in line with the casting conditions of this door control spirit."

"What are you doing?"

What makes Weisuo change color suddenly with a sneer is that he sees Han Weiwei stomp her feet fiercely, and a green light spot appears on her hand. Then, while he is shouting, Han Weiwei has penetrated the green light spot into one of the heart biting insect eggs.

What's more, what makes Weisuo's heart even turn to kill is that Han Weiwei's green light spot infiltrates into it, which is obviously the largest of the five heart biting insect eggs. When you look at the egg, it is the most powerful and the one with the best congenital conditions.

"Well? What kind of monster are you? Why are you so ugly, like an octopus However, Han Weiwei's surprised voice almost at the same time.

Did Han Weiwei succeed in this soul control?

The ugly man took a deep breath and picked up the biggest heart eating worm egg and the dead egg he had just failed to cast.

Obviously, even without any technique, Weisuo could feel that there was a strange vitality on the biggest heart eating egg. It seemed that something was moving inside and would soon come out. But the dead egg was obviously dead, quite different.

"I'm using the mind control technique you said, but it's still successful? How do you say there's something wrong with psychics Han Weiwei's eyes flashed, looking at Wei Suo Zhi asked.

as like as two peas, "can you swear that you are using the same control technique as this jade Jane?"

Han Weiwei also nodded a little annoyed, "of course I can swear!"

"Well, I'll do it again in front of your eyes." Wei Suo had decided that if he failed to cast again according to this door control skill, he would surely make treasure Pavilion pay a certain price in time, because this only shows that Han Weiwei used the real soul control technique, and the one on the jade slips was changed by her.

is as like as two peas. Just a little green light spot has been turned out on the finger of Wei Su, and then has entered one of the eggs.

"Did you succeed?"

To his surprise, Weisuo clearly felt his connection with the talisman and the heart eater in the egg of the heart eater. He could even feel what the heart eater inside had become.

"What? Did you succeed? " Seeing his stunned appearance, Han Weiwei, who saw the clue, sneered, "is it your own casting problem? But you have wronged me? "

What's going on?

himself is as like as two peas last time. How can he succeed this time, but failed last time?

Weisuo temporarily ignored Han Weiwei, who was sneering. After a moment's hesitation, he applied his soul control technique to the smallest heart eating insect egg again.

To his great surprise, Weisuo succeeded in controlling his mind again!

He could clearly feel that this heart eater was as thin as malnutrition, much worse than that one. Obviously, it's not because of the congenital problems of the heart eating eggs.

The incomprehensible Weisuo took a deep breath and once again cast his soul control on the last heart eating egg.

But what made his face change suddenly was that his soul control skill failed again this time!

After planting the spirit control rune, the heart eating insect egg quickly becomes a dead egg, and the first one is successful in casting. The heart eating insect egg without any problems suddenly loses its vitality and becomes a dead egg.

However, there is no problem with Han Weiwei's heart biting egg and her own smallest heart biting egg.All of a sudden, the ugly faced Weisuo suddenly figured out why. , the fastest update of the webnovel!