Chapter 92

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
The problem of technique itself!

Like some other techniques, this technique has a certain success rate of casting. It can't be 100% successful every time.

And this technique can only control one monster at most.

If the latter casting soul control is successful, the previous one will be invalid immediately!

Therefore, only twice of Weisuo's four spellings were successful, and after the latter was successful, the heart eating insect egg in front of him became a dead egg.

It's no wonder that the method of controlling spirit is so simple, and there are not many restrictions on cultivation. However, it has not been widely spread on the Tianxuan land, and has not been sealed up by some animal controlling sects.

The monster cubs of level 4 or above cherish it very much. If they finally get one, who will take a skill that is not 100% successful to hit luck?

Even now Weisuo, if he gets a few more heart biting eggs, he will try his best to obtain other skills to control monsters.

It's just like hitting luck. It's too much.

According to Weisuo's original intention, he wanted to raise a five headed heart eater.

It would be easy to kill two or three monks like wendaoge if we could upgrade the five heads of heart biting insects to the level of elder heart biting insects.

But now Weisuo only controls one heart eater, and this one is the weakest among the five hatchlings. On the contrary, Han Weiwei controls the strongest one.

It didn't make vissault look very ugly.

Now, Weisuo has only two choices. One is to send this heart eating insect to Han Weiwei, and the other is to destroy the heart eating insect egg that Han Weiwei successfully performed soul control.

"Well, it's not my problem, is it?" At this time, Han Weiwei asked Wei Suo coldly.

Weisuo took a deep breath and made a decision in his heart. Then he looked at Han Weiwei and nodded, "I'm sorry, I really wronged you, not your problem."

"Yes?" Wei Suo such attitude, but let Han Weiwei Leng Leng.

"Well, even if it was I who robbed you of two stone tailed lizards, I should be able to give you a heart eating insect." Weisuo looked at Han Weiwei, "even if we are even like this, I don't want you to be a slave for a month. What do you think?"

"Heart eater! You say this is the egg of a heart eater? " Han Weiwei looks pale, but she also saw two heart biting insects at the auction, and she also knows what kind of monster the heart eating insects are.

"Not bad." Weisuo nodded. "You know that I gave the two heart biting insects to the Golden Jade Pavilion for auction. These heart eating insect eggs are obtained from the heart biting insect nest when we kill the heart eating insect. The heart eating insect is a real five level monster, and it can be invisible. If such a monster is used to deal with friars, it may even be better than some level 6 monsters."

Han Weiwei some stupefied asked: "why do you want to give this heart eating insect to me? Even if I do a mind control on this heart eater, you can't do it again. You can destroy the egg. "

"You've saved me a lot of spirit stones by buying mind control." Wei Suo looked at Han Weiwei and said: "and for me, only by improving my cultivation and strength as much as possible can I survive in Lingyue city. It's really meaningless to fight with you like this. And at the beginning, I did ambush there for a long time. For me at that time, several inferior spirit stones were extremely important. So I hope you can understand and stop fighting with me

Han Weiwei is a little stunned.

I don't know why. Before, she thought that Weisuo was a very hateful guy and wanted to beat him up every day. But now listening to Wei Suo's words to her, she suddenly felt that there were a lot of hateful people in Lingyue city. However, it was their right to do what others did, and it seemed that they had no right to interfere with others.

"Is this a bully? What good can I do if I beat him up and get angry? "

This idea can not help but emerge in Han Weiwei's mind.

"Just do what you do, and don't take me for granted. A lady like you in the treasure Pavilion doesn't have to worry about the spirit stone, but I can't stand such a toss and turn for a casual practice like me. " Weisseau went on. Just after seeing Han Weiwei make a mess of his spiritual orchard, he wanted to understand. Even if I had finished her, I felt happy for a moment, but she would always find some trouble for herself. It was really meaningless to fight with her like this.

Organizations like tie CE will be plotted against by others, let alone those who have no background. Maybe he will meet Lin Daoyi who eats black next time when he goes out next time. He will encounter a monster that is more powerful than the heart eating insect elder. If he wins the fight, what's the use of losing his life?

For a loose repair like him, the most important three points are strength, strength and strength.

"You mean I'm bullying people?" Hearing Wei Suo's words, Han Weiwei was angry and looked at Wei Suo with a white face. "If I really want to bully others, with the strength of my treasure Pavilion, you would have been arrested by me and beaten countless times. However, since you are all begging me, I can also promise your terms and even with you from now on, and I will not trouble you any more. And you heart eater, I will not take you for nothing. Didn't your two heart biting insects take a total of 7800 lower spirit stones? Four thousand at a head. I'll give you four thousand lower spirit stones. "Weisuo grinned bitterly. Without waiting for him to speak, Han Weiwei directly lost a spirit stone bag to him, and then took the heart eating insect egg and walked out towards the outside without looking back.

Seeing Han Weiwei's appearance, Wei Suo opened his mouth, and finally gave a bitter smile. Without saying anything, he watched Han Weiwei walk out of his heaven class residence.

After this misunderstanding, Weisuo didn't hate Han Weiwei.

Although she was a little more obstinate, she was more frank than most people. She was unreasonable, just a little childish, and seemed to be because of herself. If she had been willing to suffer some losses before and talked to her seriously, she might have reconciled with herself. With the same background, she did not have the arrogance of Li Hongling, the young master of Golden Eagle palace.

"It's just that you don't take spirit stone as spirit stone."

When opening Han Weiwei's spirit stone bag, Weisuo doesn't know whether he should sigh or laugh.

Han Weiwei threw it into his spirit stone bag. After a glance, there are at least 30 top-grade spirit stones, more than 100 middle-class spirit stones, and many inferior spirit stones. They look like at least 5000 lower quality spirit stones.

But when he put away the stone bag and focused his eyes on the eggs of the heart biting insects in his hands, a helpless wry smile appeared on Weisuo's face.

With the cooperation of the slave animal remnant, although it can still make this heart eating insect advanced, but if it is not congenital, it must be more expensive.

Moreover, there is only one of the five heart biting insects in the plan, which is also the most direct reason why Weisuo has to reexamine his own strength and let him feel the importance of improving his cultivation once again.

… ...


In the evening, in the quiet room of Weisuo's heavenly house, a large number of spiritual stones that most of the casual practitioners would be crazy to see were piled up in front of him and the old man in green robe. This is a complete inventory of all the spirit stones on his body.

Han Weiwei put it in his spirit stone bag, which is equivalent to more than 5200 lower grade spirit stones.

Shortly after the auction, Lin Feng of Jinyu Pavilion also sent his two heart eating insects and crape myrtle dragon tiger robes and other things, and the spirit stones from the auction were also sent over. In addition to Wei Suo's estimation, Lin Feng also handed over more than 6500 spirit stones, which were more than 1000 lower grade spirit stones than he expected.

In addition to his original nearly 30000 low-grade spirit stones, the total number of all kinds of spirit stones on Weisuo's body is 41953.

"Nine leaf red fruit, frozen top flower, Cordyceps sinensis, a three-level water demon Dan."

After ordering all the spirit stones on his body, Weisuo took out the remains of slave animals and read them.

What Weisuo is looking at now is several basic materials of the first Dan prescription "Peiyao liquid" recorded in the remains of slave animals.

This kind of cultivation of monsters can only pay attention to step by step. At the beginning, only the mildest prescription can be used. As the monster grows, it will gradually change into a more powerful pill.

After studying the formula of "Peiyao liquid", which was originally used to cultivate heart eating insects, Weisuo was somewhat depressed.

Although there are many spirit stones on him now, the heart biting insect is obviously a big consumer of spirit stones. The materials of the initial demon cultivation liquid alone add up to about 100 lower grade spirit stones. It is also clearly written on the remains of the slave beast that this dose of demon cultivation liquid can only be used for five days, and a hundred lower spirit stones can be used in five days. The consumption of heart eating insects is higher than that of a monk with four levels of Shenhai state.

"There were not so many ways to cultivate monsters about 12000 years ago. The remains of slave animals must be ancient books within this period of 12000 years. Why, do you still hope that the materials for cultivating heart biting insects are the same as the fireball Rune I told you, and don't spend any spirit stone?" The old man in green robe is now familiar with Weisuo. Just by looking at Weisuo's face, he can know what Weisuo is thinking about now. He despises him and says, "and he has cultivated a fierce monster, but he can help you kill the monster and earn the spirit stone. Do you still want to earn the spirit stone for you, but don't want to spend the spirit stone on it?"

"No matter how expensive it is, it has to be used. Anyway, a heart eater is better than a spirit tool." Wei Suo sighed and picked up the ghost pot, "let's go."

The green robed old man was slightly stunned, "go? Where are you going? "

"Buy some golden elixir, green beetle demon elixir, Huodi Longxue and the materials for cultivating demon liquid." Weisuo took a look at the old man in the green robe. "Didn't you make a condition for me to buy you a happy one?"

"Yes! Go to the night market! I want to buy, I want to buy! " The old man in green suddenly got excited. , the fastest update of the webnovel!