Chapter 101

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Rock symbol!"

"Green wood Rune!"

"Fireball symbol!"

"Yin Lei Fu!"

… ...

the red Friar's defense skill with peculiar rebound power is very unique. When other aura mask techniques are used, the light shield is outside other magic weapons. However, once his skill is put into practice, the golden black shield and white spirit swallowing shield which are almost split in two in front of him are all pushed out.

It seems that if he had enough Dharma shield, he could even cover the whole outside of the bubble like aura. In this way, the defense power of this aura mask must be greater, and it will not be easily broken.

However, in this way, it also gives Wei Suo and Han Weiwei a chance to attack his soul devouring shield which can destroy the magic weapon.

When they caught any talisman, they would smash it in the past. But in an instant, the monk in red reacted. When he took back his rare soul swallowing shield, many holes had been made on the small shield burning white phosphorous fire, and his aura was greatly lost.

"I don't believe that you have more protective weapons than I do when you are practicing in Shenhai state."

Seeing that the power of the fourth order ice cone Rune had passed away, the monk in red with a dark face reached out and shook out a magic weapon like a yellow handkerchief, which turned into a square yellow shield in front of him.

But this yellow shield is obviously not made of refined gold, jade or monster bones, but made of some extremely strong silk material.

"This is a defense shield made from the bamboo silk of millennial golden mulberry bamboo. There are more than half spirit weapons, but they won't damage the magic weapons. Cut them at will." It is estimated that the old man in green robe hasn't been to the fighting scene in 20000 years, and he is so excited.

"You don't have to use a big knife to cut your face." Wei Suo takes back all the talismans in Han Weiwei's hand, stops the attack, and inspires a blue light mask, and starts to defend wholeheartedly.

The old man in green robe was very excited. He was very happy when he inspired different talismans successively. But now Weisuo still felt some flesh ache unconsciously. After all, these are spirit stones that have been burned.

"Good!" Han Weiwei thinks that Liu sanpao's disguised broadsword is very easy to use. At the moment, she inspires Liu sanpao's big sword and cuts it on the golden mulberry bamboo shield.

The iron faced monk in red didn't look at the big sword inspired by Han Weiwei, because the material of the abnormal sword was not under his flying sword. He had no choice but to rely on Wei Suo and Han Weiwei. He had no choice but to kill Wei Suo first.

As for Han Weiwei, the friar in red still has a fantasy in his heart, thinking that killing Weisuo should still be able to catch him alive.

After all, Han Weiwei's gorgeous color, he is also very covetous, want to ruthlessly reclaim a few times to have fun again.

For a time, both sides are regardless of each other's attack magic weapon, desperately chop up each other.

"Click!" With a bang, the power of the friar of flying sword was quickly reflected. Although his attack power seemed to be better than that of the sword disguised by Weisuo, his attack speed was almost twice that of the dagger.

This is because a common magic weapon like Dagao will fly back to the monk's hand after it is directly excited, and then it will focus on the Zhenyuan excitation again. But his flying sword is a hard chop when it is blocked by the Dharma shield, and then it can be cut down again without stopping. What's more, it's just that the red Friar's accomplishments have not reached the level of mind, so they can't use the real sword control technique. Now they just use some kind of object technique to control the flying sword. Otherwise, the attack speed and power of the flying sword will be higher.

Almost only for a moment, with the explosion, the dark iron shield behind Weisuo was chopped and fell like a broken fan.

But at the same time, Weisuo crushed a pink bead in his hand.

A peach red cloud suddenly shrouded Weisuo and Han Weiwei around the area of 20-30 Zhang, can not see the specific location of the two people.

"Red cloud miasma magic bead!"

The red monk's face was ugly again. He controlled his flying sword and waited for Wei Suo and Han Weiwei's hand to judge the specific position of Wei Suo and Han Weiwei.

The rusty broadsword and a gourd with a bright white light immediately penetrated through the thick red cloud.

"Break your magic weapon first." The red Friar's eyes flashed, and the green flying sword immediately chopped at the white gourd.

In his opinion, after all, if the big knife can't be cut through, the white gourd should not be difficult to destroy. Moreover, the red cloud formed by the red cloud miasma beads can only last for half a column of incense, and he can spend it slowly until the red cloud disappears.

However, at the moment when his green flying sword was about to be cut on the white gourd, a black water suddenly erupted from the white gourd. The green flying sword suddenly lost its aura, and there were many holes in it.

The white gourd was then cut in half by the green flying sword, but the monk in red screamed like a ghost, "rotten corpse water!""Ha ha!" At the same time, in the thick red cloud package, the green robed old man's incomparably excited laughter rang again, "this guy is really unlucky, just hit the end of my shopping. There are so many things that he's dead. "

In the laughter of the old man in green robe, Weisuo carefully took out a blue and black bag, and a stream of Zhenyuan focused on it, and directly hit the green flying sword, which was greatly dim and slow down.

The blue and black bag turned into fly ash in an instant, and a large tent of dark blue and black phosphorous fire splashed out, completely covering the green flying sword.

"Zizi Zizi!"

A little bit of phosphorous fire the size of a firefly touched the flying sword, all adhering to the green flying sword, burning the flying sword.

"Phosphorous sand! You have so many evil weapons on you

With a scream from the friar in red, the aura on the green flying sword disappeared and fell like a piece of iron. Then he did not even look at the flying sword any more, then turned around and ran away crazily.

"Do you dare to fly away with my magic weapon?"

Wei Suo quietly offered a sacrifice to the white jade crane, which was ugly in appearance. At the same time, he asked Han Weiwei beside him.

"Of course, do you see any friars who dare not fly away from magic weapons?" Han Weiwei immediately followed Weisuo to stand on the white jade crane.

The white jade crane immediately rocked out of the thick red cloud.

The red Friar's cold sweat was rolling down, and he was no longer arrogant at all. His flying escape technique was not as good as Wei Suo's white jade crane. He was trying to escape. Suddenly, he found that there was someone on the left side in front of him. When he looked at it, his eyes were bulging.

Imperceptibly, Weisuo and Han Weiwei have already flew to his front, and are turning their heads to look at him coldly.

"Injustice has its head, debt has its owner. I just take people's spirit stone to relieve disasters. You and I don't have any festivals. Can we keep a line of life and give us a way to live?" Seeing that he could not escape, the monk in red begged for mercy.

"Brother, in fact, we have some problems." Weisuo said without expression, "do you remember that you asked for a ground fire furnace room before? At the beginning, you forcibly robbed the furnace room from my hands

"Are you the little monk?"

The friar in red looked at Weisuo and exclaimed in disbelief.

"Why, isn't it?" Weisuo raised his hand and shot out of his hand with a short, mixed gold spear, which hit the golden mulberry bamboo Dharma shield in front of the monk in red. "Today, you have made me lose a lot of magic weapons and talismans. If you can leave all the things on your body and get rid of liulingyue City, maybe I can still keep you alive."

"I'll give you all my spirit stone bags. There are four or five thousand spirit stones in them." The friar in red cried out. He was not a fool. He didn't want to hand everything over. As a result, Wei Suo killed him immediately.

"Weisuo, who is the man behind him? Is it his helper?" At this time, Han Weiwei's face turned white and yelled.

The monk in red suddenly burst into ecstasy and turned his head to see it. But as soon as he turned his head, Wei Suo and Han Weiwei took the opportunity to chop the Dharma shield in front of him with big knives and dark gold short spears. The golden mulberry bamboo Dharma shield was finally unable to bear it, and the silk split into pieces.

"Do you want to be shameless and cheat me at such times?" The monk in red howled bitterly, for the forest behind him was empty.

But at the moment of his howling, Weisuo's white jade crane had already cheated into his ten Zhang range. The two red bracelets turned into two red lights, which hit him on the chest and went straight through his back.


the friar in red fell heavily to the ground and convulsed for a moment, then he died.

The white jade crane also landed.

"Wow Han Weiwei has just stepped down from the white jade crane, and immediately she can't help but vomit to the side.

"No? Weisuo, you've got her on the farm? Be careful that her elder martial sister will take you to death! " The old man in green suddenly exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's your size." Wei Suo looked at Han Weiwei who vomited and vomited. He said speechlessly, "just now you can't see any friars who dare not fly to escape the magic weapon. Now it's just for a while. How can you throw up like this

"Blame me?" Han Weiwei just let the red Friar's face turn white just now, but it's not pretending to come out. She finally stopped vomiting. She also looked at Wei Suo's white jade crane in silence, "are you still a magic weapon for flying away? It's shaking like this. I've never seen such a magic weapon. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!