Chapter 102

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Because just now and Han Weiwei's cooperation is quite tacit, only to make a wink, Han Weiwei is very clever and his own acting, coupled with his ugly white jade crane is really very bumpy, so now Wei Suo is not rigid to this beauty, casually asked, "what are you crazy about, such a big night to run to such a place?"

"Not because of you." Finally stopped vomiting Han Weiwei depressed said.

"Wow! Weisuo, you have a leg The old man in green cried out excitedly.

"How long are you?" Weisuo rolled his eyes. "What's my business?"

"It's not because you said that I bullied others, and I didn't use the spirit stone." Han Weiwei pursed her mouth and said, "it happened that I was in a bad mood and quarreled with a little bitch when I was shopping. The little bitch was also engaged in the business of seven hundred spirit stones. She was so short that she wanted to show her buttocks. They said that I was not the eldest lady of treasure Pavilion. They said that if I were not the eldest lady of treasure Pavilion, I would be nothing. I would not even earn the spirit stone for cultivation, let alone the spirit stone for shopping. I was angry, but I wanted to earn a pile of spirit stones and hit the little bitch's face immediately. So I couldn't help but come out and want to beat some monsters back. "

"You don't have to talk about seven hundred spirit stones. I just wanted to see what was going on, and I was yellowed the first time Weisuo also looked at Han Weiwei with great depression, "Ming Ming, when you joined hands with me, you were very smart. How could you be so stupid sometimes? Even if you want to prove yourself and earn spirit stone, don't come out on this big night. "

Han Weiwei pleaded a little aggrieved: "but I think I have a lot of good things and green bamboo sword. There should be no problem killing some monsters."

"No problem? You don't know much about the outside world. Many friars who are more than three or four times dare not spend the night outside After Weisuo said this sentence, he couldn't help asking, "what's the matter with you? According to your cultivation and magic weapon, how could you be chased by those five wolf headed bats

"How could I know that I was so unlucky that I met a two headed dog in a flash." Han Weiwei said with a bitter face, "that double headed dog is bigger than me. It stinks and dribbles all over the ground. I'm disgusted."

"Two headed dog? There are two headed dogs in the gray bone mountain? " Vissault's face changed, too.

I don't know if the beauty's luck is good or bad.

Two headed dog, this name sounds very common, but it's a powerful monster whose head can ignite fire and whose head can generate electricity. It ranks at the fifth level, which is not inferior to the heart eating insect elder.

In addition, the magic power of level 5 high-level monsters fluctuates strongly. It should be discovered by the fierce friars near Lingyue City, and have been encircled for a long time. In the sky, there are few monsters above level 5.

"Two ends." Han Weiwei pitifully added, "and then came a head."

"Both ends?" Weisuo almost choked on his saliva and said, "then how can you run away?"

"I have a third-order blink." Han Weiwei blinked her eyes and said, "it's just bad luck. After moving out in a blink, she just moved to the wolf head bat's nest and was chased out like this."

"Two headed dogs usually eat ranite. It seems that there should be a vein of ranite in the gray bone mountain." The voice of the old man in the green robe rang in Weisuo's ear. "This is useful news. Although the two headed dog is a little dirty, its flesh and blood are a great tonic for a monk. It can improve the monk's physique and is very useful for cultivation. It seems that we have to plan to kill these two headed dogs as soon as possible and stew them. You have to be nice to this little girl. Where did she meet these two headed dogs

"Yes." Han Weiwei thought of something at this time, and asked Wei Suo: "you don't mean that the person you just chased is extremely important to you? Who the hell is that man? "

At the mention of friar Chen, Wei Suo's face immediately became a little ugly. "That man was a good friend of my former parents. My parents went out with him ten years ago, but they never came back after they went out."

"So he..." Han Weiwei suddenly understood the seriousness of the matter, and her face turned a little pale.

"Forget it. It's the same thing that people usually try to find two double headed dogs to kill, but they can't find it at all. But now you run into one head. This is luck. I can't tell you clearly. " Looking at Han Weiwei want to apologize, Weisuo waved his hand, and then untied the black cloth bag that friar Chen threw to him.

"What does this guy mean?" The voice of the old man in the green robe was soon heard in weissell, who was a little ugly.

Like Weisuo's worst plan, there was no explanation of his parents from friar Chen. Even the black cloth with its contents was carefully read by Weisuo, but the most common black cloth did not have any handwriting or other hidden hints.

That is to say, what monk Chen said that there was an explanation in the black cloth bag was a complete lie.But the contents of this black cloth bag are also puzzling.

Huang Yuan Jing, that piece of Huang Yuan Jing that Wei Suo liked, was also awe inspiring in this black cloth bag. In addition to the Yellow essence, the black cloth bag also contains a spirit stone bag, a Dan bottle and a magic bead with extremely soft light blue luster.

Weisuo opened the spirit stone bag, which actually put 25 top-grade spirit stones.

Twenty five top-grade spirit stones are equivalent to 2500 lower grade spirit stones. And the next Dan bottle Weisuo opened, a strange smell of medicine sent out.

Han Weiwei a look at this pill also immediately big eyes, and this pill Weisuo has seen several times.

The pill in this bottle is actually a pill that only Jiya can refine in Lingyue city. After taking it, the monks below fennian can directly improve their accomplishments. However, the medicinal properties have great side effects on the spiritual sea and physical body of the monks. In the next five years, their accomplishments will be unable to advance inch by inch.

But that light blue magic bead, is a level six medium level monster blue water gecko after upgrading to form a magic bead. This kind of bead has a unique function of avoiding water. After entering rivers, lakes and seas, it can isolate water from two feet away. With such a water avoidance bead, you can enter some waters that you can't enter at ordinary times to hunt and kill water monsters.

The internal alchemy of water monster is generally soft, which is more suitable for refining high-level pills.

This kind of bead is much more difficult than a real spirit tool, and its value is definitely higher when it is put in a big auction. At least 120000 lower spirit stone value.

These things, of course, did not leave any explanation about weissou's parents.

But the value of these things is so high that friars surnamed Chen not only left the Huang Yuan Jing that Wei Suo definitely wanted, but also left a spirit stone bag. What's the meaning of this?

Weisuo looked at these valuable things and thought, is it because he felt guilty and left these things to compensate Weisuo?

In the past, Wei Suo would have jumped up with joy if he could take a thousand inferior spirit stones for nothing, but now he is as gloomy as the mountain forest in the dark night, and he is not half excited.

"What now? Shall we look for that man again? " Han Weiwei's heart is also more difficult than Weisuo imagined. Because Wei Suo doesn't know, Han Weiwei's parents are no longer there, so she may understand Weisuo's feelings more than others. In particular, a matter after a long time of investigation, finally appeared some eyebrows, but suddenly disappeared in front of my eyes.

"Where to find it? At this time, we can't find any Valley standing still. Besides, I don't want to run into a two headed dog or a thunder owl Wei Suo shook his head and went to the body of the friar in red, "first deal with this matter. Didn't this guy say that the guy who wanted to kill me might come and pick up the goods? If you don't want to cause any trouble, you can go back to Lingyue city now. "

"I'll see who's going to kill you." Han Weiwei shook her head and went to Weisuo's side.

Weisuo did not say much, and carefully searched the monk in red.

To his disappointment, although the monk in red had a black treasure bag, there was no extra attack magic weapon in the body of the friar in red who had a powerful flying sword.

What's more, when the friar in red just fought with him, all the defensive shields were used up, so he didn't even have a magic weapon in his pocket. In addition to a few ordinary talismans, there were only two Dan bottles and a spirit stone bag.

In the two bottles, one contains more than ten ordinary breathing pills, and the other contains ten golden elixirs. It seems that the monk in red usually practices with golden elixir.

The spirit stone bag didn't look plump. Seeing such a search result, the old man in green robe comforted Weisuo, "it doesn't matter. Although his flying sword is damaged, this kind of flying sword can still be tempered again. The flying sword body alone can be worth seven or eight thousand spirit stones."

But as soon as the red Friar's spirit stone bag was opened, the old man in green robe and Weisuo got excited unconsciously.

In the red Friar's spirit stone bag, almost all of them are top-grade spirit stones. There are more than 70 pieces in total! It's more valuable than the 5000 or 6000 spirit stones mentioned by the monk in red.

In addition to these spirit stones, his spirit stone bag also contained a small jade slips.

"Thunder sword formula!"

What is recorded on this jade slip is actually a rare sword formula. Weisuo didn't take a close look. After collecting the jade slips, Weisuo flew to the place where he had just killed five wolf headed bats. , the fastest update of the webnovel!