Chapter 119

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Zihuhua, Wei Suo and manager Tian, who didn't make any statement in Jinyu Pavilion, left and inquired carefully about the detailed use of this elixir.

Originally, after getting a piece of peach God jade from the shop assistant in Jiuding studio, Wei Suo was moved, but he could not make up his mind to go to mitiangu to try his luck.

Because although mitiangu has many advantages, in addition to many kinds of rare miracles in the legend, it may also get many things dropped by the monks falling in it. However, as the abbot Tian admonished, mitiangu is very dangerous for any monk.

The area of Mitian Valley is very large, thousands of miles around. There are even several mountains in the valley, and there are valleys in it.

In many places, there is a unique kind of Aurora, which is almost transparent. Even the shield of aura can not stop it. Once it is irradiated, the body is rotten, and the death is very miserable.

Moreover, because they can't get in at ordinary times, after the five colored poisonous miasma once every ten years is gone, many monsters around will also feel the breath of miraculous medicine inside, so the density of the monsters inside will be several times higher than that of the mountains outside the sky.

Some high-level demons with high spiritual sense even wait outside like monks, waiting for the decadal multicolored miasma to disappear and mitiangu to be seen again.

There are hundreds of monks who die every time they fight with all kinds of monsters.

However, for the friars who enter Mitian Valley, the most dangerous thing is not all kinds of high-level monsters.

Because after all, the real goal of high-level monsters is the elixir they want. If there is no need, they don't want to fight with friars. Even if the friars in zhoutianjing and fenmindang are killed by them, the value of their corpses is not as high as that of an ordinary beast. It is estimated that in their eyes, it is not as delicious as the wild animals they like to eat. So if you see high-level monsters and run like crazy, these high-level monsters may not be chasing after them.

But it is different for some monks who want to kill people and steal goods.

Outside the sky, there are many things that kill people and steal goods. Like the young friars just killed by Wei Suo and others, even if the experts in the clan know it, they can't catch up with the starting place outside the sky soon.

Only within the range of thousands of miles of regular activities can a large clan have such a powerful impact.

In places like mitiangu, where many friars and monsters swarm in, even if you kill an elite disciple of a well-known sect, then you will throw them to the places where the gods are extremely corrupt and destroy the traces. It is difficult to find out the large number of sects.

So for friars, the most dangerous thing is that many friars go with the news of killing people and stealing goods and making a fortune.

If purple fox flower can only relieve the negative effect of he Xu Dan, Wei Suo may not decide to go to mitiangu to try his luck.

But now that he has thoroughly understood the efficacy of purple fox flower, Weisuo is completely moved and ready to go back to prepare something safer for him to enter Mitian valley with the old man in green robe.

The biggest effect of purple fox flower is to dispel all kinds of miscellaneous medicinal power in the body of friars.

For example, the friars who advanced to zhoutianjing would later rely on the elixir and elixir refined by various demon pills.

In the process of refining these demon pills into pills, although alchemists have refined as much as possible the ingredients that are unfavorable to friars, there will still be very few adverse ingredients left in them.

After these unfavorable ingredients remain in the monk's body, some of them can also be discharged by using the skills in the process of cultivation. However, some unfavorable ingredients will be integrated into the flesh and blood, and can not be separated at all.

The accumulation of these unfavorable elements will damage the life and cultivation of monks.

Especially when breaking through the golden elixir, the purer Zhenyuan is, the higher the success rate is.

And purple fox flower is to the greatest extent to eliminate these residues in the monk's body.

Even if a monk in fennian period gets purple fox flower and fails to refine the golden elixir, the effect of purple fox flower can also increase the longevity of friars in Fen Nian state by 20 years.

Moreover, the purple fox flower also has a strong effect of eliminating drug resistance.

One kind of elixir is often used for cultivation. For example, if Weisuo has been practicing with jinlingdan all the time, the longer the time, the worse the absorption of jinlingdan. This is the resistance that monks encounter.

For this problem, you can choose to use other demon Dan refining pills to solve. But the more refined different pills, the more adverse effects accumulated in the body.

What's more, for Weisuo, the most important thing is that he wants to upgrade the level of his skills by mending the sky pill.

He didn't want to be able to solve the problem with 100 tonic pills, but then it would be 200, 300, or even more.

In addition, because of the old man in green robe, it is very possible for Wei Suo to achieve the golden elixir, so the purple fox flower is also what Wei Suozhi must get.

Even if there is only one purple fox flower, and Han Weiwei equally, two people are sure to be of great benefit.……

Spirit stone!

And the spirit stone!

Now, even if Wei Suo sells a nabao bag in his hand, his spirit stone can't last for a few days. If he takes a chance in Mitian Valley, he may still earn some spirit stones.

Once again, Wei Suo, who felt that he was very poor, went back to his heaven level residence.

However, as soon as he entered the quiet room, the scene he saw in front of him made Wei Suo surprise.

Heart eating insects.

He didn't remember that he had let his heart eating insects soak in the liquid of Huangyuan essence.

But now he saw at a glance that the huangyuanjing liquid in the jade basin had been obviously shallow for a period of time, while the congenital thin heart eater in the jade basin was obviously larger.

Under the instruction of Weisuo's thought, the heart eating insect larva, which was half dead and half alive, actually got up from the Huangyuan essence liquid.

It's growing too fast, isn't it?

It's not Wei Suo's illusion. This heart eating larva now looks a little smaller than Han Weiwei's.

So fast growth rate, let Weisuo can't help but open flowers. Immediately let the heart eating insect continue to go back to the Huangyuan essence liquid to soak.

After letting the heart eating insect continue to soak, Weisuo took out the ghost jar again, and told the old man in green robe carefully what happened during the day.

Because the current sect is quite different from that ten or twenty thousand years ago, the old man in green robe can not judge which sect's elite disciple this monk is from his skills and tools, as well as his unique prohibition and tracking techniques.

And hear the news of purple fox flower, green robe old man is also very moved.

Twenty thousand years ago, purple fox flower was extremely rare, and there was also a nickname called Xi Sui Ning Zhen Hua, which was extremely valuable. It could increase the success rate of friars' ning Dan by 50%, and even was one of the main materials of the prescription of Hunyuan Zengshou pill, which could directly increase 100 years of life.

Because it's a coincidence that the old man with green robe had a sharp master. That is to say, when he was fighting for a purple fox flower at the time of the fifth division period, he could not fight with the other party and was severely damaged and killed.

Because of the peach God jade in hand, for this miraculous medicine, the old man in green robe also very much agreed with Wei Suo to try his luck in mitiangu.

Moreover, according to the staff member of zhaofenger last time, it was said that in one and a half months, that is, 15 days later, the multicolored miasma in mitiangu would disappear.

But Wei Suo learned from shopkeeper Tian that many forces have accurately judged that the exact time for the complete disappearance of multicolored miasma is 23 days later.

Fifteen days later, at most, the multicolored miasma in the periphery disappeared. In many places, there were still such extremely poisonous and irresistible miasma.

Weisuo doubted that it was a good idea. The shop assistant estimated that it was a few days early. If he didn't check, he might not be able to walk out after he went in.

If the time for Mitian Valley to reappear the sky is 23 days later, the invisible robe and spirit level shield that naviso is now refining to murongchen and the uncle Ouyang of Tian shopkeeper have already been refined.

With these two things, the safety factor of entering Mitian Valley is greatly increased.

Of course, if we want to say that it is 100% safe, it is absolutely impossible. After all, the last time Weisuo entered the valley of ten thousand snakes, he met a one horned viper. This time he killed two headed dogs, which was safe and almost killed by the powerful monk who came after him.

In the following days, Weisuo not only continued to refine the golden elixir on hand, but also began to prepare some auxiliary materials for stewing "dog meat".

Although the meat of double headed dog has greatly improved the constitution of friars, which is equivalent to improving the talents of some monks, there are still many ingredients in the meat that are unfavorable to the monks. Therefore, some auxiliary materials must be added to the meat.

Three days later, the ten kinds of miscellaneous excipients Weisuo were all ready, and the heart eating insect larvae also absorbed all the Huangyuan essence liquid in the jade pot.

To Wei Suo's surprise, this heart eating insect larva is growing very well. After three days, it has almost doubled, which is a circle larger than Han Weiwei's heart eating insect.

While Weisuo took out the double headed dog and the prepared Pei demon liquid to observe the effect of Peiyao liquid on heart biting insects, while cooking the meat of the two headed dog, Weisuo suddenly felt the strong desire of the heart eating insect.

This time, Weisuo directly took the Peiyao liquid to the room where the magic power was tested, and then let the heart eating insects stay in the room.

I'm kidding. Although Weisuo knows that the double headed dog, a five level high-level monster, also has a great effect on the growth of heart eating insects, Weisuo himself still needs to eat the meat of this two headed dog. If the heart eater eats the brain first, Weisuo will not be disgusted to death.

Even after eating all the dog meat and letting the heart eater suck his brains, Weisuo felt disgusted.It's such a problem to raise a heart eater. However, considering that it will become a good helper for home travel and killing people and goods in the future, Weisuo doesn't dislike it. After all, only a few kinds of monster's meat, such as double headed dog, are useful to the monster. It's impossible for him to cook "dog meat hot pot" in the future. , the fastest update of the webnovel!